xl-klaudkil said:
LipeJJ said:
Why is it obvious? Does it mean every new system should outsell the current best selling ones, even on their said peak years, just because they're new? I don't think so, it's not that obvious. Btw, I don't expect the Switch to win the whole year, I think that's basically impossible.
Switch is selling like hot cakes.
Horizon on a 60+ mill user base can't even outsell zelda or mario on a what? 3-3.5mill user base.
Noo signs of slowing down, ps4is definitely slowing down its just too damn expensive.(should be 200 by now)
I fully expect switch to outsell ps4 entire year ww.
PS4 is actually up YOY in the US so far. It should also see quite a few nice boosts with all the SW that's releasing this year, as well as a cut to $199 this holiday season.
And yes, Switch is selling really well. However, we are not even 2 full months away from its launch. We'll have to see where it settles in a month or so to determine if this will continue. I mean, what's going to happen if it stays $299 and then becomes obvious that it won't be getting many of the big titles this year? Nintendo is being smart and spacing out its 1st party titles, but I doubt they can 100% make up for 3rd party droughts. It may not matter, like it didn't with the Wii early on. But, then again, it might.