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Just disappointing. Damn.

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I'm hoping the Cavs can win at least two games so that its slightly more entertaining then it was last year which was one of the most boring finals ever.

Warriors in 4. I predicted warriors in 5 last year and a few people here thought cavs could win and they were wrong. Anyone who think cavs have a chance are just delusional. This is basically the same as last year but minus kyrie.

Nuvendil said:

No what the NBA should do is reduce the salary cap by about 30%.  Force the talent to redistribute because the problem with this league is that talent constantly bunches up.

I don't think that's really true.  The only team packed with stars is Golden State.  

But, even if I'm wrong, its not the salary cap that the problem.  It is the ability for teams to buy their way around the salary cap by paying the "luxury tax". 

Jacking up so many bricks and air ball 3 point attempts cost the Rockets game 7.. Just drive the ball in and score closer to the basket for higher percentage shot. Players these days have lower scoring percentage and insist on hail Mary 3-point shots instead of easier shots closer to the basket. 1980/90s NBA >>>> Modern NBA

Last edited by Dark_Lord_2008 - on 29 May 2018

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VAMatt said:
Nuvendil said:

No what the NBA should do is reduce the salary cap by about 30%.  Force the talent to redistribute because the problem with this league is that talent constantly bunches up.

I don't think that's really true.  The only team packed with stars is Golden State.  

But, even if I'm wrong, its not the salary cap that the problem.  It is the ability for teams to buy their way around the salary cap by paying the "luxury tax". 

I was being somewhat reductive but my point was there needs to be much stricter caps in general for salary.  Golden State is the only one *right now* due to various moves, trades, etc.  But you can look back and ever since LeBron, moved to Miami, Big 3s and Big 4s (3.5s) grew in number and most importantly could be achieved without axing quality roleplayers.  

And even though right now there's only pne "super team", the league is still woefully imbalanced not in a conference respect but a general teams respect.  Even if you abolish conferences you would still have 4 teams or so stomping all over the rest.  You'll still habe a couple teams getting "free lunches" until the quarter or semifinal. Cause talent is unevenly distributed and in constant flux.

Live by the 3, die by the 3. Last nights game was so frustrating. I wanted rockets to win so bad because it would be a lot more interesting watching them against the cavs. Now this finals series might be the most one sided ever. Durant ruined it but I can't really blame him.

Pinkie_pie said:
Warriors in 4. I predicted warriors in 5 last year and a few people here thought cavs could win and they were wrong. Anyone who think cavs have a chance are just delusional. This is basically the same as last year but minus kyrie.

I hope that doesn't happen last years finals already where terrible but if we get a sweep it would be one of the worst finals ever and the worst final in the last ten years.

Dark_Lord_2008 said:
Jordan is 6-0 in NBA Finals. Lebron is 3-5 and more than likely heading towards 3-6. Losing an NBA Finals disqualifies a great player from being compared to the greatest of all time. Jordan is undefeated in NBA Finals and he remains the greatest.

Basketball is a team sport there is no GOAT you have to rank players by positions.  

Chris Hu said:
Pinkie_pie said:
Warriors in 4. I predicted warriors in 5 last year and a few people here thought cavs could win and they were wrong. Anyone who think cavs have a chance are just delusional. This is basically the same as last year but minus kyrie.

I hope that doesn't happen last years finals already where terrible but if we get a sweep it would be one of the worst finals ever and the worst final in the last ten years.

Hopefully even if it is a sweep it's an intense game to game experience.  The last Finals was bad because the only Cavs that seemed to give a crap about winning were Love, LeBron, and Irving.  The 2015 Cavs were ironically better than the 2017 Cavs specifically because yeah, they were depleted but they were possessed of an intense, unyielding determination.  If the Cavs can channel that kind of passion and will go to the paint when the 3 doesn't fall (I shouldn't have to state that like it's groundbreaking strategy but it seems common sense has stampeded out of these playoffs), they can make themselves a lot more of a threat.  The biggest area I feel they need to fight is rebounds.  Hustle, hustle, hustle.  The Cavs have the better rebounders so they need to use that.  Limit the Warrior's second chances and maximize their own.  

Odds are stacked against them but they can at least make it a fight if nothing else.

Last edited by Nuvendil - on 29 May 2018