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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Developers Weigh In On The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild's Brilliance

BioShock's Ken Levine, Rez and Galak-Z's Jake Kazdal, The Walking Dead and Firewatch's Jake Rodkin, and Battleborn and ArenaNet's Aaron Linde share their thoughts on Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and what stands out from a developer's perspective.

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papa levine loves the game, negative arguments are invalid.

Great to hear they're enjoying the game! Can't wait to get home from work and get back on it myself.

Give credit where credit is due. Nice to see developers praise and enjoy other games, I would have figured the grueling experience of making games would have turned many cold and jadded.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Very interesting, but I think this also presents an issue, can Nintendo go back to not doing this with Zelda.


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I don't know the other dudes, but if Levine likes it then that's good enough for me.

Off-topic: wouldn't it be cool if someone polled a group of, say, 100 developers for their top ten games, and then published the list? It would be super interesting to see what games people deeply entrenched in the industry love the most.

So glass weapons soon in every game.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Acevil said:

Very interesting, but I think this also presents an issue, can Nintendo go back to not doing this with Zelda.


Why would they want to?

People who make games like games. Weird.

contestgamer said:
Acevil said:

Very interesting, but I think this also presents an issue, can Nintendo go back to not doing this with Zelda.


Why would they want to?

It is cost/time heavy venture to constantly make open world setting for game.