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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Now To Support PS4 (Called It)

topolino227 said:
I dont think PS Now will ever be a big deal even if you can play PS4 Exclusives now on your PC, but will they put 2-3 Year old Games like Killzone, Infamous, Order etc. on it or also newer Ones like Uncharted, Last Guardian, Horizon!?!? I dont know, we will have to see but even if, dont PC Gamers want their Games in 60 fps or more, better graphics, things like FOV Slider and also mouse + keyboard controls!?
And if im right you are not going to get this, you will be able to play the exact PS4 Version of the game with a controller and also you have to stream it which makes it even worse or some people because of bad internet wont even have the chance to do that.

I seriously doubt this will be successfull and they will make a good amount of money with it until they make REAL PC Versions, because PS Now is, that you are streaming a PS4 with X-Game to your PC and thats it. Not to mention its heavily overpriced and just streaming.

I still dont get PS Now, for me it looks like complete nonsense and how many people are really using PS Now, a few thousands of people MAYBE!?!? And in the future with PS4 Games and lets say also the newest ones right off the start i doubt this will be successfull, but hey im not leading a company like Sony and at the end i know nothing about it^^

I don't know about total numbers but i saw Red Dead Redemption had been reviewed over 20 thousand times so the number must be higher than that (at least at some point). 

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jason1637 said:
PS4 games on PC? Finally,. Cant wait to play UC4 when it comes to PC.

Well technically, you'll still be using a PS4, only that it's far away from your PC

It's good that you don't need superpowerful PC for this but it's bad that it is a streaming. And I doubt that it has acceptable latency as of now


Aura7541 said:
jason1637 said:
PS4 games on PC? Finally,. Cant wait to play UC4 when it comes to PC.

Well technically, you'll still be using a PS4, only that it's far away from your PC

tbh as long as the connection is fine and they add their exclusives to this ill pay for this for sure.

Oh boy, there will be 10 times more "Kill your consoles" tutorials on Youtube over again.

Just sayin! D:

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Service Wars are coming

Captain_Yuri said:
Interesting... I wonder if this means I can play dem ps4 exclusives on my PC now...

I presume so, which means all the Dark Souls fans on PC who want to play Bloodborne will and can. They should priotitise that and rake in the cash.

Hmm, pie.

KingofTrolls said:
Service Wars are coming

It was inevitable but if the two base services are going to be an indication of the future in my opinion downloads over streaming.
And obviously cross-ownership over owning things on one device.

But we don't know and its still far away, I love my PS4 and own all the cases physcally anyway and there is no indication the PS5 won't follow its older brothers path in physical support.

Anyway this year the Service Wars will start I guess, PSNow has been running for a while but it will be interesting to see how it competes with Gamepass, altough Gamepass has a lot less users to provide to concidering its not available on PC and PS4 has sold significantly more then XBox and continues to do so monthly.

I wonder if the PS4 streamed games will be running the PS4Pro version by the way, that would be a nice bonus! I am convident the gamepass service running on a Scorpio will use the resources available.

Twitter @CyberMalistix

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
Wow, this could mean that the PS5 could be a streaming service. I'm not a Sony fan but i don't want any of big three to go that route. I hope i'm wrong .

I wouldn't worry about that.  For one, these are most likely going to be 2-3 year old games, so nothing competing with the new, full priced retail releases. Two, as long as Sony is making millions on HW sales, they are going to keep making HW.  If sales for the top console drop below 40M, then we may have to worry about there not being anymore HW.  And finally, next gen is most likely going to be true 4K gaming, with possibly checkerboard rendering used by those who want to push the visuals even more.  Streaming at 720p, maybe 900p by then, is going to pale greatly in comparison, especially for those who have 4K TVs.  Hell, even 1080p screens will benefit from supersampling.

Well, I decided to cancel today after this news. I think it is a terrible decision by Sony to let PS4 exclusive titles leak out to non Sony platforms. Unfortunately Bravia and Xperia are not part of the Sony ecosystem, so even making it exclusive to those devices is still a blow to their brand.

PS Now could have been great if they would have brought all of their devices over to the PlayStation OS, but now it is going to devalue their hardware. Sony just always makes terrible decisions when they are in striking distance of going from market leader to total domination.

I can't support PS Now as it stands anymore, so my $240 a year will be going to Vita and PS4 games going forward.

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