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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Jim Sterling’s site under attack after Zelda: BotW review

It's stupid but understandable, to be honest. I'm pretty sure this guy knew his review would ignite some sort of reaction, in the hope that it would get a lot of clicks to his site. And sure, you can say that not everybody likes open world games, or thinks that the zelda games are for 6-year-olds. But a professional reviewer should be able to rate a game objectively and place himself in the shoes of people who do actually care about the genre. Personally, I never played any Zelda game as it's just not my thing, but from seeing gameplay clips of BOTW, I can at least understand what the fuzz is all about.

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goopy20 said:
It's stupid but understandable, to be honest. I'm pretty sure this guy knew his review would ignite some sort of reaction, in the hope that it would get a lot of clicks to his site. And sure, you can say that not everybody likes open world games, or thinks that the zelda games are for 6-year-olds. But a professional reviewer should be able to rate a game objectively and place himself in the shoes of people who do actually care about the genre. Personally, I never played any Zelda game as it's just not my thing, but from seeing gameplay clips of BOTW, I can at least understand what the fuzz is all about.

I see alot of accusations of click baiting. As no one probably says it directly, i will. If you say that, you are part of the problem. 

The jimquisition is highly sucessful. Jim does not need extra clicks when his shows get 400k weekly views. Lots of people, be it Zelda fans, No man's sky fans or shitty indie developers who don't want criticism seem to be unable to leave him be. It's just one review. Get over it. He does not give scores because of him hating on Nintendo or someone else. This is a person who was just in a law suit because some dipshit developer couldn't take criticism and he showed him lenience when he could have outright destroyed his life. 

You don't know Jim and these click bait accusations just go to prove that. He doesn't need them. He has douchebad indies always making a show for him. His review is totally honest. Sorry if you can't take the criticism, but what he says is totally legitimate.

Nem said:

I see alot of accusations of click baiting. As no one probably says it directly, i will. If you say that, you are part of the problem. 

The jimquisition is highly sucessful. Jim does not need extra clicks when his shows get 400k weekly views. Lots of people, be it Zelda fans, No man's sky fans or shitty indie developers who don't want criticism seem to be unable to leave him be. It's just one review. Get over it. He does not give scores because of him hating on Nintendo or someone else. This is a person who was just in a law suit because some dipshit developer couldn't take criticism and he showed him lenience when he could have outright destroyed his life. 

You don't know Jim and these click bait accusations just go to prove that. He doesn't need them. He has douchebad indies always making a show for him. His review is totally honest. Sorry if you can't take the criticism, but what he says is totally legitimate.

400,000 views a week is not a lot. Some media vehicles do up to a hundred times better than that and are very much concerned on how much money they are going to win with advertising.  In the past, the media earned a lot more from subscription rather than advertising, so quality was actually their main concern. When you earn it all with advertising, only one thing matters - clicks, and nothing attracts clicks better than misguided headlines and deliberately stocking a strong reaction from your target audience. I'm not saying it is good or bad, right or wrong - only that is how most of the media works today,  placing notoriety above quality.

I'm not sure, and I'm unable to properly estimate, the proper standard deviation for the scores of the Zelda game in question - but it is very likely that, on a normal distribution curve, reviews on the 60-70 range for a game rated 98 shouldn't really appear until it gets hundreds of different reviews. It's a thumb rule of proper statistics. Now, I don't know what goes on on Jim Sterling's head (and neither do you) but it is reasonable to suggest his review was entirely fair and concerned with quality alone, for there is evidence that it is so.

And it's not by making a strawman of other people's arguments that you will be able to effectively defend his choice, mind you.






he has got what he was looking for... attention!


sc94597 said:
potato_hamster said:

So when you don't like a game as much as Jim, the score is unjustified, and when you Jim doesn't like a game as much as you, it's also unjustified.

Okay. Have you considered that perhaps Jim decided to give Hyrule Warriors a 95 despite it's flaws the same way many reviewers have decided to give Breath of the Wild 100 scores despite it's flaws? It seems to me that your biggest problem with Jim is that his reasoning for what games do and do not deserve "free passes" are different than yours.

Perhaps you should take the time to learn that opinions are subjective, and your opinion isn't inherently better than anyone else's, including Jim Sterling's.

The conversation was about outliers and metacritic scores. Don't try to deflect now (like you have done countless times in this thread.) You made a point about consistency and I countered it with an example. Address that rather than deflecting to a different discussion entirely. 

Jim is being consistent, just not in a way you like. He is consistently giving his personal opinion and rating. You know it is possible that Jim genuinely does like Hyrule Warriors on the 3DS more than he does Breath of the Wild, right. I know you personally can't imagine it because that isn't your perference, but again, it appears you have trouble learing that your opinions are subjective, and your opinion isn't inherently better than anyone else's.

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MTZehvor said:
zero129 said:

Funny enough the only people here who i see agree with the flaws that jim seems to have of BOTW are mostly Sony gamers and people who didnt play the game. I wonder why that is??.

I seriously doubt that's the case, but if it somehow was up until this point, I own a Wii U and an XBO, have played BotW through to the end, and I would wholeheartedly agree with the majority of his complaints. Particularly weapons durability and stamina. It's not that stamina itself is a flawed mechanic, it's just how little stamina Link starts out with.

Early on, I just tapped the run button. Using short bursts, I could run a  pretty long distance before it ever ran out. 

MTZehvor said:
Dyllyo said:

And if you follow Jim at all, you know he already dislikes Zelda and Nintendo. So his review was biased before he even started playing it.

9.5 for Hyrule Warriors

8.5 for Sun/Moon

9 for Super Mario Maker

8 for Splatoon

Yeah that's some real strong dislike for both Zelda and Nintendo as a whole.

That's how we get ya! I dislike Sony so I'll say nice things about them. Then, when I've earned the community's trust, I strike! It's worth saying LBP3 is decent as long as I get to trash Uncharted 4. It's all about the long con.


Just kidding. But seriously, how long are these attacks going to go on? It's not like he's going to change his score.

Nem said:
goopy20 said:
It's stupid but understandable, to be honest. I'm pretty sure this guy knew his review would ignite some sort of reaction, in the hope that it would get a lot of clicks to his site. And sure, you can say that not everybody likes open world games, or thinks that the zelda games are for 6-year-olds. But a professional reviewer should be able to rate a game objectively and place himself in the shoes of people who do actually care about the genre. Personally, I never played any Zelda game as it's just not my thing, but from seeing gameplay clips of BOTW, I can at least understand what the fuzz is all about.

I see alot of accusations of click baiting. As no one probably says it directly, i will. If you say that, you are part of the problem. 

The jimquisition is highly sucessful. Jim does not need extra clicks when his shows get 400k weekly views. Lots of people, be it Zelda fans, No man's sky fans or shitty indie developers who don't want criticism seem to be unable to leave him be. It's just one review. Get over it. He does not give scores because of him hating on Nintendo or someone else. This is a person who was just in a law suit because some dipshit developer couldn't take criticism and he showed him lenience when he could have outright destroyed his life. 

You don't know Jim and these click bait accusations just go to prove that. He doesn't need them. He has douchebad indies always making a show for him. His review is totally honest. Sorry if you can't take the criticism, but what he says is totally legitimate.

I don't care about Zelda and if he likes it or not, I'm saying that he knew it would trigger a response when he decided to give a game that is getting 10s across the board a mediocre 7.  It's naive to think that he didn't do it on purpose, and you know what... it's kinda working out for him as I'm sure it got his site a lot of attention (even if it is negative). I do get his complaints but the things that were frustrating to him, like getting stuck on a mountain because it started raining, is exactly what most people will think is pretty awesome and unique about the game. 

haxxiy said:
Nem said:

I see alot of accusations of click baiting. As no one probably says it directly, i will. If you say that, you are part of the problem. 

The jimquisition is highly sucessful. Jim does not need extra clicks when his shows get 400k weekly views. Lots of people, be it Zelda fans, No man's sky fans or shitty indie developers who don't want criticism seem to be unable to leave him be. It's just one review. Get over it. He does not give scores because of him hating on Nintendo or someone else. This is a person who was just in a law suit because some dipshit developer couldn't take criticism and he showed him lenience when he could have outright destroyed his life. 

You don't know Jim and these click bait accusations just go to prove that. He doesn't need them. He has douchebad indies always making a show for him. His review is totally honest. Sorry if you can't take the criticism, but what he says is totally legitimate.

400,000 views a week is not a lot. Some media vehicles do up to a hundred times better than that and are very much concerned on how much money they are going to win with advertising.  In the past, the media earned a lot more from subscription rather than advertising, so quality was actually their main concern. When you earn it all with advertising, only one thing matters - clicks, and nothing attracts clicks better than misguided headlines and deliberately stocking a strong reaction from your target audience. I'm not saying it is good or bad, right or wrong - only that is how most of the media works today,  placing notoriety above quality.

I'm not sure, and I'm unable to properly estimate, the proper standard deviation for the scores of the Zelda game in question - but it is very likely that, on a normal distribution curve, reviews on the 60-70 range for a game rated 98 shouldn't really appear until it gets hundreds of different reviews. It's a thumb rule of proper statistics. Now, I don't know what goes on on Jim Sterling's head (and neither do you) but it is reasonable to suggest his review was entirely fair and concerned with quality alone, for there is evidence that it is so.

And it's not by making a strawman of other people's arguments that you will be able to effectively defend his choice, mind you.

He doesnt need adverisement. He is supported on patreon.

Nem said:
haxxiy said:

400,000 views a week is not a lot. Some media vehicles do up to a hundred times better than that and are very much concerned on how much money they are going to win with advertising.  In the past, the media earned a lot more from subscription rather than advertising, so quality was actually their main concern. When you earn it all with advertising, only one thing matters - clicks, and nothing attracts clicks better than misguided headlines and deliberately stocking a strong reaction from your target audience. I'm not saying it is good or bad, right or wrong - only that is how most of the media works today,  placing notoriety above quality.

I'm not sure, and I'm unable to properly estimate, the proper standard deviation for the scores of the Zelda game in question - but it is very likely that, on a normal distribution curve, reviews on the 60-70 range for a game rated 98 shouldn't really appear until it gets hundreds of different reviews. It's a thumb rule of proper statistics. Now, I don't know what goes on on Jim Sterling's head (and neither do you) but it is reasonable to suggest his review was entirely fair and concerned with quality alone, for there is evidence that it is so.

And it's not by making a strawman of other people's arguments that you will be able to effectively defend his choice, mind you.

He doesnt need adverisement. He is supported on patreon.

He doesn't get YouTube revenue?