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sc94597 said:
potato_hamster said:

So when you don't like a game as much as Jim, the score is unjustified, and when you Jim doesn't like a game as much as you, it's also unjustified.

Okay. Have you considered that perhaps Jim decided to give Hyrule Warriors a 95 despite it's flaws the same way many reviewers have decided to give Breath of the Wild 100 scores despite it's flaws? It seems to me that your biggest problem with Jim is that his reasoning for what games do and do not deserve "free passes" are different than yours.

Perhaps you should take the time to learn that opinions are subjective, and your opinion isn't inherently better than anyone else's, including Jim Sterling's.

The conversation was about outliers and metacritic scores. Don't try to deflect now (like you have done countless times in this thread.) You made a point about consistency and I countered it with an example. Address that rather than deflecting to a different discussion entirely. 

Jim is being consistent, just not in a way you like. He is consistently giving his personal opinion and rating. You know it is possible that Jim genuinely does like Hyrule Warriors on the 3DS more than he does Breath of the Wild, right. I know you personally can't imagine it because that isn't your perference, but again, it appears you have trouble learing that your opinions are subjective, and your opinion isn't inherently better than anyone else's.