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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How powerful should ps5 and Xbox 4 be?

Real PS5 in ~2024

-3nm APU
-8 Core / 16 Thread CPU
-20 - 30TFLOP GPU
-128GB HBM3
-4TB m.2 NVMe SSD

Fake PS5 or PS4 Premium ~2020

-7nm APU
-PS4 CPU @ 3GHz
-PS4 GPU with 72CUs @ 1.2GHz ~12TFLOPs
-1TB m.2 NVMe SSD

Either we get a true generational leap in ~2024, or we get 4K PS4/XBO games in ~2020.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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I, for one, really think they should come up with something new. Something bold, daring rather than trying to match high-end PC specs. The future isn't just about power. It's about efficiency, it's about productivity, it's about molding into people's new lifestyles, consumation habits.

The conversation shouldn't always be about numbers. More storage. More power.

They should be as powerful as a $400 machine in 2020 can possibly be. And then 3 years later we should get an updated pro version.

I'll stick with PS5 since Scorpio makes things confusing on the Xbox Side.

Release date 2020
-14Teraflops GPU
-16-32GB HBM2
-Zen CPU

$499 entry price.

They should be at least 10 teraflops and have solid state storage, 8 cores with 16 threads, 32GB of RAM. Holding off till holiday 2020 should make that possible. That power will comfortably handle 4K and allow for more complex shaders and physics.

Sales prediction, PS4: 122 Million, Xbox one: 50 million, Switch: 105 million. 

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Louie said:
JRPGfan said:

Thats unreasonable... you expect them to sell you a 21 Teraflop console in 2020?

A Nvidia GTX 1080 is 9 Teraflops and costs like 500$+ atm.


Im not sure expecting more than 12 Teraflops in 2020 is reasonable for a console.

It ll be twice the power of the scorpio or more, and come 2-3years after it, but at a lower launch price than the xbox scorpio.

Thanks for the clarification! I'm not an expert when it comes to this stuff. 

What I do think is that customers will have a hard time justifying the purchase of a console that is only 2-3x as powerful as a PS4 Pro because the mass market won't see the difference in graphics. Sony and Microsoft sell their new consoles primarily based on additional power. What would be the selling feature of a PS5 that is only "marginally" more powerful than a PS4 Pro? If they can't put out a console that's a big leap I'd expect the generation to last longer actually. 

The issue is resolution. We really haven't seen what the PS4 Prop can do at 1080p and likely never will, unless its gets an exclusive title down the road. A 12Tereflop system could easily offer that next gen leap people expect but probably not if developers aim for a 4k or 2160p render. I think we will probably see developers move in direction similar as what is seen on PC where they offer different performance options, I'm personally hoping rendering at 1080p remains the default target in most games. Maybe I'll change my mind once I actually a game running at 4k.

$400 worth of power in 2020, much like the PS4 approach.

sc94597 said:

I think you are going to be disappointed just as people were with the basic PS4 and XBO. The upgrade will be mostly predictable: a mid-end GPU circa 2018 standards, a low to mid-end CPU circa 2018 standards, 16 GB of GDDR6 (maybe GDDR5 or HBM depending on what mid-end GPU's have at that time and whom the manufacturers make deals with: Nvidia or AMD), if we're lucky -- terabyte SSD's (should be affordable by then, and I don't predict games to bloat in size too much.)

That will leave room for a (or a few) PS4 Pro/XB Scorpio like upgrade(s) mid-generation.

Pretty much this. The next gen systems will be obvious in what they will go for in terms of ahrdware, along with it also having to be affordable to the general public, so I don't really expect them to bleed for the people and toss in very high end hw.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Louie said:
JRPGfan said:

Thats unreasonable... you expect them to sell you a 21 Teraflop console in 2020?

A Nvidia GTX 1080 is 9 Teraflops and costs like 500$+ atm.


Im not sure expecting more than 12 Teraflops in 2020 is reasonable for a console.

It ll be twice the power of the scorpio or more, and come 2-3years after it, but at a lower launch price than the xbox scorpio.

Thanks for the clarification! I'm not an expert when it comes to this stuff. 

What I do think is that customers will have a hard time justifying the purchase of a console that is only 2-3x as powerful as a PS4 Pro because the mass market won't see the difference in graphics. Sony and Microsoft sell their new consoles primarily based on additional power. What would be the selling feature of a PS5 that is only "marginally" more powerful than a PS4 Pro? If they can't put out a console that's a big leap I'd expect the generation to last longer actually. 

Thats just it.... 4.2 Teraflops is just about enough to do what you do at 1080p, at 4k instead, but the visuals stay the same.

With 12 teraflops you ll have enough power to do 4k (non checkerboardering) and still aim for much higher levels of graphics than we currently have.

At that level of performance, there should be a noticeable differnce in graphics, if developers make use of the consoles.

my personal prediction.. and i need to say now this is NOT what I'm saying i want..

The Xbox launching this year is.. Xbox Two. games will be fully backwards compatible both ways for a few years before the X2 starts getting its own exclusives

The Next Playstation is coming Christmas 2018/March 2019 it will be backwards compatible with PS4 but NOT the other way around. (Sony will get a lot of heat for it)

but thats what I'm thinking right now...

what i actually want is the end of Gens i think and just updated systems every 3 years like the Pro.. and say when the version 4 of the PS4 releases they knock off the Original PS4 for compatibility with new games. also... drop the 4 and call the dam thing just Playstation..

now that was really off topic but i don't know anything about small-flops, large-flops, Tera-flops

just flip-flops

2018 Hit List: Shadow of the Colossus, Detroit, Dreams, Spider-Man, God Of War, Days Gone, Medievil, Tomb Raider 3, RDR2