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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ubisoft: For Honor isn't coming to Nintendo Switch

KLAMarine said:
Intrinsic said:

You are right... he lied, the PS4 had 6 games shy of 30 on launch day.

PS4 had 24 games available at launch. And another 17 within the launch window (1-6 months after launch.}

15 retail games at launch according to

Ohhhh I see..... new digital games don't count as games too. I forgot, my bad. Resogun, warframe, trine 2, DC universe online.... were all really good ga.... sorry meant things online though.

But yh, if we are only looking at "retail disc copy games.... then yeah. But if we look at the retail games released in the first year though.......

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Intrinsic said:
KLAMarine said:

15 retail games at launch according to

Ohhhh I see..... new digital games don't count as games too. I forgot, my bad. Resogun, warframe, trine 2, DC universe online.... were all really good ga.... sorry meant things online though.

But yh, if we are only looking at "retail disc copy games.... then yeah. But if we look at the retail games released in the first year though.......

The person that made the statement was talking about retail games so that is where the conversation gravitated.

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Ugh... Every time I see the name "For Honor" I am reminded of that dumb guy who presented it at it it's reveal at E3 2015(?). Who tried to do anything including distorting his voice to make it sound as cool and epic as possible, failing miserably while the game down with him. Game's forever just lame and cheesy to me now. Honestly probably the most cringeworthy and laughable presentation I had ever seen. Though some of the presenters during the Switch event are also up there...

RolStoppable said:
Great times ahead. Switch is not going to get AAA third party games, but will sell regardless. That's going to be infuriating to people.

This was your first post..... and the second post on this thread. You started that nonesense with the bolded part of your post. Why should it be infuriating to people that the NS is selling well? First "bait" you dropped in this thread.

Kerotan said:
RolStoppable said:
Great times ahead. Switch is not going to get AAA third party games, but will sell regardless. That's going to be infuriating to people.

It will be infuriating to those who buy it.  They'll need to buy a second console or pc. 

Unfortunately he bit your bait here and responded to you in kind. Remember you started this and pretty much set the negative tone of this thread.

RolStoppable said:
Intrinsic said:

Whats funny is that this is all really simple and clear for all to see, Nintendo has always appealed to a certain kinda gamer. Those that are ONLY interested in nintendo hardware games or those that have the NS as a secondary platform.

If that's the case, then why would anyone who buys Switch be infuriated?

Now this is you talking like you aren't the one that started all this to begn with. And whats even funnier is that you missed that the bolded part in my post? is actually a statement that applies to every single kinda gamer. Everyone has theirpreferences. For most that prefernce can be appeased by being on any one single platform. For some they may need to buy into two or more platforms. 

Whatever the case though, you started this, and you have a habit of doing this very thing whenever it comes to nintendo anything.

OdinHades said:
Intrinsic said:

smh....... honestly, you are beginning to sound like nintendo pays you. All you had to do was add in "some" and you post wouldn't have sounded so....... I don't ven know.

He's right though. No point in altering the truth. It can even be backed up by facts. Out of the top 10 of the best games of all times on metacritic, 5 titles are from Nintendo. The other 5 are basically Grand Theft Auto.

Only 3 Nintendo games in the top 10 of metacritic.
Zelda: Ocarina of time, Super Mario Galaxy and it's sequel, Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Basically the newest Nintendo title on that list is 7 years old.

If you move that to the top 20... You can technically add Perfect Dark? (Which is now owned by Microsoft and re-released on the Xbox 360 and Xbox one.) and Metroid Prime.

So Nintendo only has 5 titles in the top 20. Or 4, if you don't include Perfect Dark.
Otherwise... You need to keep scrolling untill you hit 22 which is Goldeneye, again not owned by Nintendo and has the same issues as Perfect Dark... So that brings us to Twilight Princess which makes 5 Nintendo games in Metacritics top 30.

With that in mind "Best games" are EXTREMELY subjective for instance I prefer RTS games over platformers like Mario... So give me Company of Heroes, StarCraft 2, Sacrifice, Battlezone 2, Total Annihilation over Mario any day.

In future though, if you are going to provide "facts" please provide a source or make sure it's actually factual to start with, otherwise you loose any and all credability.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Pemalite said:
OdinHades said:

He's right though. No point in altering the truth. It can even be backed up by facts. Out of the top 10 of the best games of all times on metacritic, 5 titles are from Nintendo. The other 5 are basically Grand Theft Auto.

Only 3 Nintendo games in the top 10 of metacritic.
Zelda: Ocarina of time, Super Mario Galaxy and it's sequel, Super Mario Galaxy 2.

Basically the newest Nintendo title on that list is 7 years old.

If you move that to the top 20... You can technically add Perfect Dark? (Which is now owned by Microsoft and re-released on the Xbox 360 and Xbox one.) and Metroid Prime.

So Nintendo only has 5 titles in the top 20. Or 4, if you don't include Perfect Dark.
Otherwise... You need to keep scrolling untill you hit 22 which is Goldeneye, again not owned by Nintendo and has the same issues as Perfect Dark... So that brings us to Twilight Princess which makes 5 Nintendo games in Metacritics top 30.

With that in mind "Best games" are EXTREMELY subjective for instance I prefer RTS games over platformers like Mario... So give me Company of Heroes, StarCraft 2, Sacrifice, Battlezone 2, Total Annihilation over Mario any day.

In future though, if you are going to provide "facts" please provide a source or make sure it's actually factual to start with, otherwise you loose any and all credability.

You're counting the same game multiple times (ports). For example, GTA V is listed no less than 4 times (and reviews were obviously bought, just like every GTA game). If you only count unique games, as you should, Nintendo has 5 games in the top ten, which is by far the most for any single company. 

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

Pemalite said:
OdinHades said:

He's right though. No point in altering the truth. It can even be backed up by facts. Out of the top 10 of the best games of all times on metacritic, 5 titles are from Nintendo. The other 5 are basically Grand Theft Auto.

Only 3 Nintendo games in the top 10 of metacritic.

Yeah, I kinda counted GTA 5 on PS3, 360, X1 and PS4 as one game, same with GTA 4 and stuff. At least to me, that's one game. But what the hell do I know.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

Can we just limit it to threads about which third party games are coming to switch? This site would be flooded by these kinds of thread if we make a thread for every game not coming to switch. lel

Ka-pi96 said:
Alkibiádēs said:

You're counting the same game multiple times (ports). For example, GTA V is listed no less than 4 times (and reviews were obviously bought, just like every GTA game). If you only count unique games, as you should, Nintendo has 5 games in the top ten, which is by far the most for any single company. 

Oh yeah, obviously. It's not like people can actually like GTA games or something...

There's a difference between liking something and 80+ individual reviewers all giving it a 10/10.

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

Alkibiádēs said:

You're counting the same game multiple times (ports). For example, GTA V is listed no less than 4 times (and reviews were obviously bought, just like every GTA game). If you only count unique games, as you should, Nintendo has 5 games in the top ten, which is by far the most for any single company. 

That's shifting the goal post.

But okay. Let's change it up.

1) Zelda.
2) Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2.
3) Grand Theft Auto 4.
4) Soul Caliber.
5) Super Mario Galaxy.
6) Super Mario Galaxy 2.
7) Grand Theft Autio 5.
8) Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3.
9) Perfect Dark.
10) Metroid Prime.

Still only 4 there. Perfect Dark is owned by Microsoft and is on the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. So I guess that's not counted as unique?

Let's shift it to the top 20?

11) Grand Theft Autio 3.
12) Halo: Combat Evolved.
13) NFL 2k1.
14) Half Life 2.
15) Bioshock.
16) Golden Eye 007.

Golden eye was made by Rare, now owned by Microsoft, the I.P doesn't belong to Nintendo. But can be included if you want. Otherwise...

17) Uncharted 2.
18) Resident Evil 4.
19) The Orange Box.
20) Batman Arkham City.
21) Tekken 3.
22) Mass Effect 2

And then finally... We come to Twilight princess at number 23.

So it's still far from a 50/50 Nintendo owned split. ;)

And who is to say Nintendo didn't pay for any of it's rankings? Regardless you are just confirming the point that... Metacritic is entirely useless and not representativie of personal taste. So congratulations in agreeing with me.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--