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RolStoppable said:
Great times ahead. Switch is not going to get AAA third party games, but will sell regardless. That's going to be infuriating to people.

This was your first post..... and the second post on this thread. You started that nonesense with the bolded part of your post. Why should it be infuriating to people that the NS is selling well? First "bait" you dropped in this thread.

Kerotan said:
RolStoppable said:
Great times ahead. Switch is not going to get AAA third party games, but will sell regardless. That's going to be infuriating to people.

It will be infuriating to those who buy it.  They'll need to buy a second console or pc. 

Unfortunately he bit your bait here and responded to you in kind. Remember you started this and pretty much set the negative tone of this thread.

RolStoppable said:
Intrinsic said:

Whats funny is that this is all really simple and clear for all to see, Nintendo has always appealed to a certain kinda gamer. Those that are ONLY interested in nintendo hardware games or those that have the NS as a secondary platform.

If that's the case, then why would anyone who buys Switch be infuriated?

Now this is you talking like you aren't the one that started all this to begn with. And whats even funnier is that you missed that the bolded part in my post? is actually a statement that applies to every single kinda gamer. Everyone has theirpreferences. For most that prefernce can be appeased by being on any one single platform. For some they may need to buy into two or more platforms. 

Whatever the case though, you started this, and you have a habit of doing this very thing whenever it comes to nintendo anything.