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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. February bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Bandorr said:
tbone51 said:

What if switch does have pokemon? Even if its a rhird version/same gen game, itll move hardware like crazy. We havent had a new pokemon game come out for HW in its first year.


That combined with SMO will be a tought fight imo

Zelda, Mario Kart 8d, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade, Mario 3d, AND pokemon? They would have very very little left for 2018. Unless they are going to pull an xbox and release those games every gear.


*Zelda + 3D Mario + Splat2 + FE Warriors + Arms are new.

*Pokemon (if real) will not be a new generation game and MK8D is just an upgrade/port.


I think XC2 will come out 2018 tbh. As for the line up i can see Pokemon (a new gen?) Pikmin/Kirby/2 new IP/Mario Party/Retro Studios Game/etc come out. I bet 2018 will be better, but it obviously wont have Zelda/3D Mario (yet itll have more games imo)



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#04 NiS Breath Of The Wild (same)
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The PS5 Exists. 

poklane said:
IF, and that's a huge if, Nintendo has an exclusive Pokémon game for the Switch this holiday the thing will fly off the shelves like crazy.

I could see that possible happening. Pokemon S/M was the best selling game during the holidays last year. 

tbone51 said:

What if switch does have pokemon? Even if its a rhird version/same gen game, itll move hardware like crazy. We havent had a new pokemon game come out for HW in its first year.

That combined with SMO will be a tought fight imo

I've noticed a lot of people saying Pokemon Stars will release on the Switch. Does it really seem possible considering Switch's userbase would be MUCH smaller than the 3DS? Pokemon Sun/Moon sold more than the Switch will sell this year so how does Nintendo/Game Freak justify cutting off the large sales of Stars for 3DS? If Stars even exists...

Bandorr said:

FE is coming to 3ds and Switch. So it seems possible Pokemon could come to both as well right?

Yeah I was thinking about that as well, this would be less of a reach than Pokemon just on Switch.

Around the Network
A_C_E said:
Bandorr said:

FE is coming to 3ds and Switch. So it seems possible Pokemon could come to both as well right?

Yeah I was thinking about that as well, this would be less of a reach than Pokemon just on Switch.

He is incorrect though, Fire Emblem Echoes is coming the the 3DS only, FE Warriors is getting a N3DS only version, but then the next Fire Emblem mainline entry is thus far looking like a Switch exclusive.  So if there were a Pokemon game on Switch, I actually expect it will be exclusive.  

And they would justify it the same whay they justify releasing Super Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 on just the Switch and not the Wii U.  The same way Sony justified releasing Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous Second Son on just the PS4 and not the PS3.  You gotta start somewhere and a Pokemon game would get its sales.  First ever true HD Pokemon game?  It would get its sales.  Not all in the few months that comprise the Holidays but it would leg it out to it's big numbers, easily.

Bandorr said:
Nuvendil said:

He is incorrect though, Fire Emblem Echoes is coming the the 3DS only, FE Warriors is getting a N3DS only version, but then the next Fire Emblem mainline entry is thus far looking like a Switch exclusive.  So if there were a Pokemon game on Switch, I actually expect it will be exclusive.  

You can't say "N3ds only version" when it is also coming to the switch. Only doesn't work when there is two options.

I will change my statement to "FE warrior is coming to N3DS and switch".

That still means it is coming to two separate devices. Thus showing that Pokemon - can also be on two devices.

Specially since pokemon isn't even 1/10th as power hungry as a warriors game, thus can easily just be on regular 3ds.

I meant that the version is not a 3DS version, it is only for the N3DS.  You cannot play it on the 3DS, 3DS XL, or 2DS - that is, the vast majority of 3DS units on the market.  

And my point was that they are pretty clearly setting up a roadway to phasing out 3DS support.  We have a full FE game in spring on both the Switch and the full 3DS line, then a FE spinoff in the fall that will only be on a subset of the 3DS line, and then an FE game that skips the 3DS all together.  I highly doubt the 3DS will get a version of the first Switch Pokemon game.  Not because it "couldn't", it just won't.  Because they are going to want to make use of its selling power to push the Switch.  Just like all platform holders do.  The only reason FE Warriors is getting a N3DS version is likely  1) Koei-Tecmo probably really wanted it, 2) they are trying to make the 3DS transition smoother so as not to make the larger 3DS installbase not feel coerced into upgrading, and most importantly 3) FE has nowhere NEAR the hardware moving power of Pokemon.  

Nuvendil said:

And they would justify it the same whay they justify releasing Super Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 on just the Switch and not the Wii U.  The same way Sony justified releasing Killzone Shadowfall and Infamous Second Son on just the PS4 and not the PS3.  You gotta start somewhere and a Pokemon game would get its sales.  First ever true HD Pokemon game?  It would get its sales.  Not all in the few months that comprise the Holidays but it would leg it out to it's big numbers, easily.

Wouldn't it make more sense to say that Super Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 aren't on the Wii U because the Wii U is discontinued along with the fact these games weren't announced for the Wii U in the first place. Killzone SF and Infamous SS would have sold more on PS4 than PS3 considering PS3 was on its way out as you could see from the HUGE drop in software sales. It just made sense. Sun/Moon sold 14 million on 3DS, I'm sure Nintendo would rather put traditionally successful console games on Switch rather than sacrifice sales of Pokemon. So far this is what it seems like Nintendo is doing which is good.

The Switch isn't as portable as the 3DS and also doesn't last as long as the 3DS. It would cost GameFreak/Nintendo less to produce Pokemon on 3DS than on Switch as well. Too many scenario's running against Pokemon on the Switch. Mainline Pokemon games that is.

Watch Nintendo announce Pokemon Stars for the Switch tomorrow.

tbone51 said:
Pionner said:

When deciding who will win the holidays, please remember the 3rd party bundles PS4 will have.

Destiny 2

I think the SW bundle from 2015 sold over 600K alone in November.

Not saying Switch or Scorpio don't have a chance. Sony is in the best position to win the holidays IMO. If not, those bundles guarantee the gap won't be big if either Switch or Scorpio wins.


What if switch does have pokemon? Even if its a rhird version/same gen game, itll move hardware like crazy. We havent had a new pokemon game come out for HW in its first year.


That combined with SMO will be a tought fight imo

But besides Pokemon Yellow, none of the 3rd/Combo Pokemon games in a series has done anywhere close to the numbers as the first two.  Don't get me wrong, the numbers are nothing to scoff at, but it's not like it's going to guarantee a holiday win.  Especially if the same exact game is available on a ~$150 cheaper piece of HW fans probably already own.  If it was two new entries into the series, sure, but not this.

thismeintiel said:
tbone51 said:

What if switch does have pokemon? Even if its a rhird version/same gen game, itll move hardware like crazy. We havent had a new pokemon game come out for HW in its first year.


That combined with SMO will be a tought fight imo

But besides Pokemon Yellow, none of the 3rd/Combo Pokemon games in a series has done anywhere close to the numbers as the first two.  Don't get me wrong, the numbers are nothing to scoff at, but it's not like it's going to guarantee a holiday win.  Especially if the same exact game is available on a ~$150 cheaper piece of HW fans probably already own.  If it was two new entries into the series, sure, but not this.

A  250 gt sports bundel would do miracles  in the eu.

Usa don't  know cod?