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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Digital Foundry: Scorpio Spec leak - "might suggest console isn't the "true" 4k console as MS claimed"

Honestly the power is not the interesting part, i am wondering how the vr will be, I am still betting that oculus and Todd howard will be theirto show that scorpio you can play Fallout 4/skyrim with VR. Well it is also what I am wishing for...Still it is all so far of.

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Snoopy said:
haxxiy said:

It doesn't work like that, otherwise graphics would get exponentially better since every new die shrink would mean graphics become twice as good, over and over. In reality it's sort of the opposite, for you need exponentially more computational power to get the appearance of graphics improving on a linear rate.

Unless you want to believe the 200 GFLOPS difference between the Dreamcast and the PS3 yielded the same perceived graphical benefis as the PS4 Pro GPU against the very same GPU theoretically clocked a mere 4% slower.

The graphics have improve pretty well because there is no way I can see games like Uncharted 4  running on last gen consoles.

I'm not sure how that relates to Haxxiy's point at all, that you should use proportional power difference rather than numerical.

sergiodaly said:
Can this be considered the same generation? Even if MS forces cross console development for future games, if the console does not have the same components, same memory scheme and more importantly, needs some kind of software emulation to play original xbox one games this is a new gen console IMO.

The Scorpio will play XBO games natively, the games are going to use the same disc. Not to mention there's no way the Scorpio would be powerful enough to software emulate an XBO game.

So ethomaz pointed this out on GAF.

Original message: "The most powerful console ever, with 6 teraflops of graphical processing power. The first and only console to enable true 4K gaming and hi-fidelity VR. Compatible with all your Xbox One games and accessories"

Current message: "The most powerful console ever, featuring 6 Teraflops of graphical processing power, true 4K gaming, and compatibility with Xbox One games and accessories."

Barkley said:
Snoopy said:

The graphics have improve pretty well because there is no way I can see games like Uncharted 4  running on last gen consoles.

I'm not sure how that relates to Haxxiy's point at all, that you should use proportional power difference rather than numerical.

How? It's like saying the difference between 100 and 50 is the same as 1 and 2 because of proportions. I'm saying games have proven time and time again even without the biggest upgrades in the world like xbox one and xbox 360 (1tf difference last I check) there is games that amazes me a lot on xbox one the way they look and perform.  Playing forza horizon 2 on 360 and xbox one was night and day (pun intended) differene on so many aspects. And according to what I've heard, one of the lead xbox heads stated xbox first party games can run 4k natively. If a game like Gears and Quantum Break can hit 4k, I believe 95% of multiplatform games should be able to hit 4k outside of a few like bf and star wars or games that won't get updated for whatever reason. This is an exciting time to be a gamer, because Microsoft is making it where there is no more generations. You can upgrade consoles when you feel like or when the time is right. Your games go with you.

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Snoopy said:
Barkley said:

I'm not sure how that relates to Haxxiy's point at all, that you should use proportional power difference rather than numerical.

How? It's like saying the difference between 100 and 50 is the same as 1 and 2 because of proportions. I'm saying games have proven time and time again even without the biggest upgrades in the world like xbox one and xbox 360 (1tf difference last I check) there is games that amazes me a lot on xbox one the way they look and perform.  Playing forza horizon 2 on 360 and xbox one was night and day

So... you're agreeing with our point that you should use proportions or not?

Because your Forza Horizon comment completley agrees with us, while your sentence before the bolded disagrees.

Yes the difference between XBO and 360 might not be the "biggest upgrade" as you say, a numerical increase of 1TF, but Proportionally it is very big, (445% increase)

Because of the massive increase proportionally the difference is, Night and Day.


Using numerical you could say the difference between a 0.01TF machine and a 1TF machine is the same as the difference between a 1TF machine and a 2TF machine. Proportional power is a better measurement. One of those examples is twice as powerful, the other is ONE HUNDRED times more powerful.

Barkley said:
Snoopy said:

How? It's like saying the difference between 100 and 50 is the same as 1 and 2 because of proportions. I'm saying games have proven time and time again even without the biggest upgrades in the world like xbox one and xbox 360 (1tf difference last I check) there is games that amazes me a lot on xbox one the way they look and perform.  Playing forza horizon 2 on 360 and xbox one was night and day

So... you're agreeing with our point that you should use proportions or not?

Because your Forza Horizon comment completley agrees with us, while your sentence before the bolded disagrees.

Yes the difference between XBO and 360 might not be the "biggest upgrade" as you say, a numerical increase of 1TF, but Proportionally it is very big, (445% increase)

Because of the massive increase proportionally the difference is, Night and Day.

Everything can be proportional. However, the difference between xbox 360 and xbox one is 1tflops and look what it acheived. Now imagine what difference can be acheived between 6 tflops and 4 tlops. Or if we compare it to base xbox one 1.4tflops vs 6tflops. That is MASSIVE. 4k native should be a sure thing for most games going by microsoft heads about their first party games. Also, we should see some lock 60fps which is important for a lot of games.

Snoopy said:
Barkley said:

So... you're agreeing with our point that you should use proportions or not?

Because your Forza Horizon comment completley agrees with us, while your sentence before the bolded disagrees.

Yes the difference between XBO and 360 might not be the "biggest upgrade" as you say, a numerical increase of 1TF, but Proportionally it is very big, (445% increase)

Because of the massive increase proportionally the difference is, Night and Day.

Everything can be proportional. However, the difference between xbox 360 and xbox one is 1tflops and look what it acheived. Now imagine what difference can be acheived between 6 tflops and 4 tlops. Or if we compare it to base xbox one 1.4tflops vs 6tflops. That is MASSIVE.

Look at it this way...

Using numerical you could say the difference between a 0.01TF machine and a 1TF machine is the same as the difference between a 1TF machine and a 2TF machine.

Proportional power is a better measurement. the 1TF machine is ONE HUNDRED times more powerful than the 0.01TF machine, the 2TF machine is only double the power of the 1TF machine.

You're sort of contradicting yourself with points you think support your argument...


"The difference is only 1TFLOP and look what it Achieved!!!"

Yeah it achieved that because it was PROPORTIONALLY a lot stronger, if you're thinking numerically then you expect the jump from PS4 Pro to Scorpio to be larger than the 360 to XBO?

Clearly it favours the Scorpio but I don't think the difference between ps4 pro and Scorpio is going to be enough to mean people will flock to Scorpio who are more interested in ps4 games and its library. I plan to buy both a pro and Scorpio at some point but I don't really care about the differences that much between the xbox one and ps4 and suspect the same will be true of these 2 later consoles, I've really got them because of the games that aren't available on the other console. I've bought xbox one games despite ps4 versions performing a bit better just because the price was lower.

Both of these consoles are extremely capable and will deliver amazing graphics and gameplay experiences. I doubt you can go wrong with either. As consumers we benefit from both companies fighting for our cash and both delivering excellent products.

Snoopy said:
Barkley said:

So... you're agreeing with our point that you should use proportions or not?

Because your Forza Horizon comment completley agrees with us, while your sentence before the bolded disagrees.

Yes the difference between XBO and 360 might not be the "biggest upgrade" as you say, a numerical increase of 1TF, but Proportionally it is very big, (445% increase)

Because of the massive increase proportionally the difference is, Night and Day.

Everything can be proportional. However, the difference between xbox 360 and xbox one is 1tflops and look what it acheived. Now imagine what difference can be acheived between 6 tflops and 4 tlops. Or if we compare it to base xbox one 1.4tflops vs 6tflops. That is MASSIVE. 4k native should be a sure thing for most games going by microsoft heads about their first party games. Also, we should see some lock 60fps which is important for a lot of games.

Ignoring that using flops in this context is a bit silly, relativism is still king. If it wasn't, we'd consider the jump from the 360 to X1 as being several times larger than the jump between the Atari 2600 and the 360. In reality, that's not even a niche opinion.

It's not like we even need to discuss hypotheticals either. You tell us to image what can be achieved with 2tf compared to 1, yet with the Pro we already have an example of a jump of almost 3tf over the X1. The end result is certainly very nice, but it's hardly the generation-defining leap you appear to think 2tf will achieve.