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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Innovation and Power in one

Sony is great when they are under pressure.
They tend to become lazy when they are successful though...

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

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Hardware innovation is not always bad: the stick reintroduced by the N64 controller is now a must-have controller feature in today's 3d gaming world.

Also, the gyro-aiming in Splatoon is now my go-to aiming means as opposed to using a stick. Couldn't be done without a gyroscope feature.

Goodnightmoon said:
pokoko said:

Pretty much.  Who really cares about trying to prove who is the most innovative?  What's the point?  A little ego stroking for something the fans had nothing to do with?  Nintendo revolutionized the standard controller and it has been improved upon many times since.  Sony revolutionized dual analog stick controls and they've been improved upon many times since.  Microsoft set the standard for online play and everyone followed.

What's important is where a product is right now.  

It also has to be noted that actual innovations are very rare and are not the same as "buy this because it's different" gimmicks.  Innovation leaves an indelible mark on an industry that spans generations.  The more a market matures, the less innovations there are to be discovered--except those that can only come about because of technological progression.  Anyone who really wants innovation should stop pretending that it will come about because "power" stops being important.

Well, then Wii clearly was innovative, not only sold 100m to a blue ocen but also created the concept than now is gonna be heavily used in VR for years :D Oh and also in Switch, an inminent succes :)

Good old Wii, someday it will remember as what it really was, a visionary console.

...People don't actually believe that Nitendo was the first to do gyroscopic controllers, do they? They have been used in stupidly expensive, highly complicated VR systems that predate the Wii by a decade.  If anything, Nintendo might have been inspired by them. Just check out Viruality for an idea of what I'm talking about.

OdinHades said:

Sony is great when they are under pressure.
They tend to become lazy when they are successful though...

They are the masters of taking advantage of others' mistakes.  They did it with Sega and Nintendo in the 90s.  They're doing it now with Microsoft.  The only missteps Sony made in the home console market were the price and archetecture of the PS3, and that was ultiately smaller than the mistakes of Nintendo and Sega.

potato_hamster said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Well, then Wii clearly was innovative, not only sold 100m to a blue ocen but also created the concept than now is gonna be heavily used in VR for years :D Oh and also in Switch, an inminent succes :)

Good old Wii, someday it will remember as what it really was, a visionary console.

...People don't actually believe that Nitendo was the first to do gyroscopic controllers, do they? They have been used in stupidly expensive, highly complicated VR systems that predate the Wii by a decade.  If anything, Nintendo might have been inspired by them. Just check out Viruality for an idea of what I'm talking about.

They succesfully introduce them into the industry and the other big 2 tried to do their own versions to emulate the success, now they are gonna be used in VR, Wii was clearly the pioner in the industry, an obscure and unpolished machine that nobody knew is not the cause of the motion control revolution, is the Wii.

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Goodnightmoon said:
potato_hamster said:

...People don't actually believe that Nitendo was the first to do gyroscopic controllers, do they? They have been used in stupidly expensive, highly complicated VR systems that predate the Wii by a decade.  If anything, Nintendo might have been inspired by them. Just check out Viruality for an idea of what I'm talking about.

They succesfully introduce them into the industry and the other big 2 tried to do their own versions to emulate the success, now they are gonna be used in VR, Wii was clearly the pioner in the industry, an obscure and unpolished machine that nobody knew is not the cause of the motion control revolution, is the Wii.

But again, motion controls were used in VR for over a decade before the Wii ever came out. Fuck, one of the systems literally came with sensors to clip on your pants to track leg movements. Therefore, using motion controls in VR cannot be attributed to Nintendo or the Wii. It predates them both. Wii or no wii, people would have continued to use motion controls in VR.

Yes absolutely




Is the reason why I've owned all PlayStation consoles.

h2ohno said:
o_O.Q said:


innovation refers to implementing changes that improve upon and add to an existing framework... meaning that the wii u by definition was not innovative as nintendo has thrown that game console concept in the bin now and the same applies to the wii also


there seems to be a lot of people that just do not understand what "innovation" actually means


iinovation is not simply changing things for the sake of changing them as people appear to believe

'Thrown the concept into the dustbin?'  So why were wiimotes still supported throughout the Wii U's life cycle and why are the joy cons evolved the Wii concept?  For that matter, the Switch is very much an evolution of the Wii U. It's what the Wii U should have been in the first place.

Innovation involves some level of change from what came before.  It can be good or bad.  Simply evolving a concept is not innovative, otherwise games good be called innovative just for having better graphics than before.  The lock-on targeting system in Ocarina of time was innovative because it was a new solution which solved a longstanding problem.  The Wii was iinovative because it introduced a new way to play, regardless of whether that way of playing is still being used , today, which it is.


"The Wii was iinovative because it introduced a new way to play, regardless of whether that way of playing is still being used"


no innovation refers to changes that remain in whatever context the word is being invoked in and no i  don't consider about 2% of games using it in a meaningful way as support


" Simply evolving a concept is not innovative"


well actually yes that is what innovation is by definition

Well Sony's real weakness and the worst one of the three by all metrics is they have no clue how to keep a proper balance sheet and have one of the worst company wide management out of the three... Don't get me wrong PS is a sound branch of Sony, but the whole is still badly rotten and a real threat long term...