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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I hate to say this...If the Switch isn't powerful as Xbox One, I'm not buying. Let me explain

I dont think you will like the switch. You cant voice chat with your girl unless you both have a smart phone

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KLXVER said:
Lafiel said:

he was clear in his post that it's about the major 3rd party titles for him, your deliberately misleading quotation is bad style

Well to be fair the OP does also say that he would have bought the PS4 later if the WiiU was more powerful...

and that makes sense, as the longer he can wait to buy another console (due to strong support for the one he has) the cheaper he can aquire it

Lafiel said:
KLXVER said:

Well to be fair the OP does also say that he would have bought the PS4 later if the WiiU was more powerful...

and that makes sense, as the longer he can wait to buy another console (due to strong support for the one he has) the cheaper he can aquire it

So all Nintendo has to do is make a strong console and every third party comes running? I guess they dont have bad releations with third parties then. Nintendo just dont care much about them then I guess.

KLXVER said:
Its around WiiU level from the looks of it.

Well considering that the Switch runs Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in split screen all at 1080p 60fps that's not a remotely accurate statement! Chances are until they get really optimal at working with the Switch, Nvidia hardware and software API, we won't see the systems full potential just yet. 

The ported games really won't tell much about the Switch, it will be the games created from the ground up that will truly shine.

Even if wii U was powerfull enough, i dont think it would get mutiplataform western games. They stopped doing games for it because they dont sell at a nintendo system.
The major evidence is that PS360 received more third party games than wii U, even after PS4 and one release.
So, is not the power.
I really dont expect switch receive western third parties. Id get them on my xbox one. But im plenty satisfacted with with all 3ds+wii u+japanese games on a single device.

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Going by the specs and the modern architecture I actually think is about 3 times more powerful than WiiU ,but we'll need more time to see any big difference, anyways is clearly under XBO, which makes sense being an hybrid.

Fine dont buy it then.

Ck1x said:
KLXVER said:
Its around WiiU level from the looks of it.

Well considering that the Switch runs Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in split screen all at 1080p 60fps that's not a remotely accurate statement! Chances are until they get really optimal at working with the Switch, Nvidia hardware and software API, we won't see the systems full potential just yet. 

The ported games really won't tell much about the Switch, it will be the games created from the ground up that will truly shine.

Mario Kart 8 on WiiU was 60fps in split screen as well though.

As a poster on NeoGaf stated recently while it was nice for people to dream about a portable device being equally as powerful as the XbOne, technology just isn't feasibly there yet to make this happen. Even on a 16nm fabrication process the XbOne S still runs at 60 watts of power! So yeah it's not humanly or technologically possible and of course people wanted all of this for $250...

It's clearly behind a One. If you care that much about power, I think Switch is not for you.