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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Xbox One will outsell Switch 3 to 1 this year

switch will make at least 6-7 M. Xbox will sell more, most likely, but it will not make 2:1, let alone 3:1.

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It will sell more.. Sure 3 times the amount? Nope. The Ps4 won't even do that. This isn't another WiiU situation.

onionberry said:
Tmfwang said:

Where did the pro flop? Its outsold everywhere.

yeah I think I was on my period

O h

malistix1985 said:

Seems like a very unfair comment, the majority of sales will go to PS4 because its sold better but both consoles will sell better. Also keep in mind the Scorpio will most likely run the games coming at the end of the year better, which will be a big deal for people who buy that console and if those people own a ps4 (take me for excample) the xbox version becomes the smarter choice to pick up.

What are you on about? Everyone is picking up PS4s for console multiplatform games plain and simple, it even has the more appealing exclusives, that alone will impact X1 sales hard.

As far as Scorpio goes I have a feeling the situation is going to go from being a higher version of X1 to being their gen 9 platform knowing they can't catch PS4.

onionberry said:
I think the xbox one doesn't have any sexy content for this year and the switch and playstation will have better sales. Also, scorpio is going to flop harder than the ps4 pro. More power doesn't' mean shit when your content is not there.

While I do not think Xbox One will outsell Switch 3 to 1.

"Sexy content" is very subjective :) Other than Horizon Zero Dawn (which I love), there is nothing appealing for me on the Play Station Four while I'm looking forward for several games on the Xbox One and of course the Switch (Zelda and Mario). 


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Imaginedvl said:
onionberry said:
I think the xbox one doesn't have any sexy content for this year and the switch and playstation will have better sales. Also, scorpio is going to flop harder than the ps4 pro. More power doesn't' mean shit when your content is not there.

While I do not think Xbox One will outsell Switch 3 to 1.

"Sexy content" is very subjective :) Other than Horizon Zero Dawn (which I love), there is nothing appealing for me on the Play Station Four while I'm looking forward for several games on the Xbox One and of course the Switch (Zelda and Mario). 


Same here.  Can't wait for crack down 3.

pastro243 said:
I think that outselling the switch is possible, but 3 to 1? I wouldn't bet even ps4 to do it

Agreed.  This is he launch year for switch.  XB1 may edge it out.  But, unless there are serious supply issues, there is no way it will do 3:1.

Now's the part where someone tells you that all xbox one exclusives are released day and date on PC....  There is absolutely no reason to buy an xbox, period.  


Playstation will have another banner year (have you seen the recent lineup?  It's insane!)


I love my Switch, it's truly somehting different, and I feel its going to take off, surprising everyone.  Still, it may tank like the Wii U, but the xbox is still a lost cause.

Seriously doubt this.

I see XBO selling around 10m units this year if Scorpio does well, and maybe 10m - 12m units if the XBOs gets a price drop down to $200.

At the same time I see Switch doing around 8m units in its first year.

3:1 no

3:2 possibly

LOL, to the OP, just wait and see how Switch sales spike up exponentially when they release a Pokemon game.