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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can we agree Nintendo should go third party, now?

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Shaddup, you Pony! 676 36.13%
Switch > PC/PS4/XBO 376 20.10%
I can buy them all, anyway 99 5.29%
Nintendon't need more 29 1.55%
Keep only doing handhelds 81 4.33%
Maybe one more gen... 78 4.17%
Sounds good! 277 14.80%
I have always wanted it... 90 4.81%
Don't care about Nintendo 125 6.68%
Sonic > Mario 40 2.14%
ArchangelMadzz said:
zorg1000 said:

I dont agree with that, looking at a franchises history is more relevant than just its most recent entry. Regardless, going by your method, none of those games had notable growth.

Both of the Sonic Racing games and LBP Karting got good reviews (not as good as MK) and none of them sold that well. My point is, if there was demand for AAA 2D platformers or arcade style racers on PS/XB than you would see developers making these type of games on those platforms but there isnt strong demand so they dont get made.

It doesnt have to be Wii levels. It could be 3DS level sales, 60-70 million hardware with multiple 10+ million sellers and dozens of multimillion selling games. I dont think you realize that most Nintendo IP didnt see large growth by being on Wii. The only 20+ million selling franchises were the Wii Series, Mario Kart & 2D Mario, everything else was under 13 million. Simply taking away the Wii Series puts 1st party sales not much ahead of 3DS 1st party sales.

Yes and practically all of these games have a downward trend. Comparing the sales to a franchise at the peak of its exclusive history to when they went multiplatform is ridiculous. You compare the most recent entry which is a snapshot of the IP's interest. ALL of the games you demonstrated had good growth or an extra million in sales from the other console justifies a port from a financial standpoint. It doesn't cost $60 million to port and ship an extra version. Especially as games are a lot more expensive elsewhere in the world (yaya for $80 games in the UK) Or the series was dying and sold less on the original console as well. 

LBP Karting got a 73 meta, both sonics got 77 and 82 a far far far cry from the 94 Mario Kart 8 on switch is getting. Mario Kart wii 'only' got an 82 but because mario kart is a massive franchise with decades of history it stil sold 35 million units. 28 million more than MK 8. Did those 28 million people die or were grandmas and people that only play mobile? No. Most of these people play PS4's and XBox and steam and had wii as a second console, they'd still buy it if they were interested in the Hardware. And even then you're sitll comparing apples to oranges. Project Cars not doing amazing on PS4 doesn't mean there isn't a market for sim racers, everyone's waiting for/wants to buy GT7. Titanfall doing poorly on PS4 Doesn't mean people don't want to play shooters COD still sells millions. And if you say COD is massive and doesn't count, Mario Kart is arguably bigger. 

60-70 million would be amazing for Nintendo and would definitely mean they don't have to go 3rd party I agree. 

How were they all on a downward trend? FF was fluctuating, MGS pretty stable, Crash pretty stable, Spyro last 2 entries sold the same, Tekken pretty stable. None of them saw a large increase from the last entry. The biggest increase was FFXII to FFXIII at 1.5 million (25% increase) a far cry from your previous statement that Nintendo franchises would double or triple in sales on PS/XB/PC.

So basically you're saying people will buy a Switch as a 2nd console to play Mario Kart & co. like they did with Wii back in the day because its desirable hardware? Gotcha, we agree on that.

Its far more likely that Switch sells closer to 3DS than it does to Wii U so the whole argument about benefitting from going 3rd party becomes a moot point.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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zorg1000 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

Yes and practically all of these games have a downward trend. Comparing the sales to a franchise at the peak of its exclusive history to when they went multiplatform is ridiculous. You compare the most recent entry which is a snapshot of the IP's interest. ALL of the games you demonstrated had good growth or an extra million in sales from the other console justifies a port from a financial standpoint. It doesn't cost $60 million to port and ship an extra version. Especially as games are a lot more expensive elsewhere in the world (yaya for $80 games in the UK) Or the series was dying and sold less on the original console as well. 

LBP Karting got a 73 meta, both sonics got 77 and 82 a far far far cry from the 94 Mario Kart 8 on switch is getting. Mario Kart wii 'only' got an 82 but because mario kart is a massive franchise with decades of history it stil sold 35 million units. 28 million more than MK 8. Did those 28 million people die or were grandmas and people that only play mobile? No. Most of these people play PS4's and XBox and steam and had wii as a second console, they'd still buy it if they were interested in the Hardware. And even then you're sitll comparing apples to oranges. Project Cars not doing amazing on PS4 doesn't mean there isn't a market for sim racers, everyone's waiting for/wants to buy GT7. Titanfall doing poorly on PS4 Doesn't mean people don't want to play shooters COD still sells millions. And if you say COD is massive and doesn't count, Mario Kart is arguably bigger. 

60-70 million would be amazing for Nintendo and would definitely mean they don't have to go 3rd party I agree. 

How were they all on a downward trend? FF was fluctuating, MGS pretty stable, Crash pretty stable, Spyro last 2 entries sold the same, Tekken pretty stable. None of them saw a large increase from the last entry. The biggest increase was FFXII to FFXIII at 1.5 million (25% increase) a far cry from your previous statement that Nintendo franchises would double or triple in sales on PS/XB/PC.

So basically you're saying people will buy a Switch as a 2nd console to play Mario Kart & co. like they did with Wii back in the day because its desirable hardware? Gotcha, we agree on that.

Its far more likely that Switch sells closer to 3DS than it does to Wii U so the whole argument about benefitting from going 3rd party becomes a moot point.

If a game released on console A and only console A and sells 10 million. And next time sells on Console A, B and C and sells 9/10 million. It's down to the strength of the IP. Nintendo's IP's aren't weak, unless you disagree?.

That's because Xbox fans have never been known to be interested in final fantasy. We know a large quantity of gamers are interested in Nintendo titles.

That's what I hope happens for them yes. But that is no garantee and we have no idea how well it would do. If switch doesn't do well then it means all interest in Nintendo hardware has died and they're strangling their IP's sale potential by them being exclusive to small user bases. That is my entire point. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

Anyone who thinks Nintendo going third party would be good for them is dead wrong. If Nintendo ever goes third party which it won't for at least 15-20 more years at the very least, if ever, the company would be facing its own death. They would either have to move on to a better business or die off as a company. Nintendo makes great exclusives because they have their own hardware to work with. The Nintendo magic works with both software and hardware combined. Take one away and you are left with a company that is a shell of it's former self. The game quality would decrease, the innovation would stop and Nintendo would have to be in a pretty low morale to decide to go third party. Nintendo software needs Nintendo hardware to work. On top of that the industry needs Nintendo to keep making hardware. Without them the PS15 would look just like the PS4 except more powerful. The controller would be pretty much the same and so would the play style. Same for Xbox. On top of that Nintendo has taken a loss, what like once in a century? While even with small profits in every other year of their worst selling consoles life means they are still making more cash, even at a steady pace. Nintendo is so stable financially it could take losses for years on ene dworhoit it affecting them that much. But now with the switch getting ready to sell more than half of the Wii U's lifetime sales by December this year and the 3ds still selling relatively well Nintendo is all set to start making Nintendo like profits once again.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

ArchangelMadzz said:
zorg1000 said:

How were they all on a downward trend? FF was fluctuating, MGS pretty stable, Crash pretty stable, Spyro last 2 entries sold the same, Tekken pretty stable. None of them saw a large increase from the last entry. The biggest increase was FFXII to FFXIII at 1.5 million (25% increase) a far cry from your previous statement that Nintendo franchises would double or triple in sales on PS/XB/PC.

So basically you're saying people will buy a Switch as a 2nd console to play Mario Kart & co. like they did with Wii back in the day because its desirable hardware? Gotcha, we agree on that.

Its far more likely that Switch sells closer to 3DS than it does to Wii U so the whole argument about benefitting from going 3rd party becomes a moot point.

If a game released on console A and only console A and sells 10 million. And next time sells on Console A, B and C and sells 9/10 million. It's down to the strength of the IP. Nintendo's IP's aren't weak, unless you disagree?.

That's because Xbox fans have never been known to be interested in final fantasy. We know a large quantity of gamers are interested in Nintendo titles.

That's what I hope happens for them yes. But that is no garantee and we have no idea how well it would do. If switch doesn't do well then it means all interest in Nintendo hardware has died and they're strangling their IP's sale potential by them being exclusive to small user bases. That is my entire point. 

No, i don't think Nintendo IP are weak however i do not believe they would double or triple in sales on PS/XB. I believe some franchises would see a nice boost, Zelda could see a few extra million sales as could Smash Bros and a few other of their more "hardcore franchises" but what about their other games?

Would Kirby sell significantly better? What about Fossil Fighters? Paper Mario? Rhythm Heaven? Fire Emblem? Captain Toad? Style Savvy? Nintendogs? Yoshi? Art Academy? Pushmo? Luigi's Mansion? Mario Golf/Tennis? Tomodachi Life? Chibi Robo? Pikmin?

A while back someone form Sony talked about how only like 4/10 games they publish make a profit but they continue to make these games because it helps to create a more diverse library which makes the platform more attractive. Now lets say its similar for Nintendo and many of their franchises either dont make a profit, just break even or make a small profit. If Nintendo goes 3rd party would these games that make them little to no money still be made? or would they double down on their big money makers?

Alot of Nintendo IP arent actually developed by Nintendo, they outsource alot of projects to smaller studios. Monster Games, Next Level Games, Good-Feel, Chunsoft, Skip LTD, Arzest, Bandai Namco, Koei Tecmo, Headstrong, Grezzo, Q-Games, Ambrella, Syn Sophia, Alpha Dream, Camelot, etc. are all studios that Nintendo has employed to work on their IP in just the last few years. Will Nintendo continue to do so if they dont have a platform to support?

Nintendo also helps publish/localize 3rd party games on a regular basis. Bayonetta 2, Dragon Quest VII/VIII, Devil's Third, Fatal Frame, Fantasy Life, Bravely Default, Yokai Watch, Monster Hunter, Wonderful 101, Inazuma Eleven, Professor Layton are all franchises that Nintendo has published in at least one region in the last few years. Will Nintendo continue to help out 3rd parties like this if they dont have a platform to support?

Also, a big argument for Nintendo going 3rd party has been being able to play all games on a single console, well what if Sony/Microsoft start money hatting? You know they are both going to want as much of the Nintendo fanbase as they can get. Whether thats paying for full exclusives, timed exclusives or exclusive DLC, its likely to happen. Fire Emblem exclusive to PS, Metroid exclusive to XB. Nathan Drake, Sackboy, Ratchet & Clank exclusive to the PS version of Smash. Master Chief, Banjo-Kazooie, Conker exclusive to XB version of Smash. Zelda timed exclusive for XB. Now instead or owning just a Switch to get the full support of Nintendo, i now have to get a PS & an XB and i cant play on the go.

If Nintendo becomes a 3rd party than it is very possible that alot of their smaller franchises will be neglected, their output will be lower from less outsourcing, certain 3rd party games may not exist or at least not make it overseas, people may have to buy 2 consoles to get full Nintendo support and there is no longer a portable option.

So even if Nintendo's big hitters see a nice increase in sales and Nintendo is making nice profits there is a big possibility that it won't be beneficial for the current Nintendo fanbase.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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I love how the OP was convinced that people was disappointed with the Switch and now is selling like hotcakes xD

Goodnightmoon said:
I love how the OP was convinced that people was disappointed with the Switch and now is selling like hotcakes xD

Yeah, it's quite the irony.

"Can we agree that Nintendo should go third party?"

"No, we can't. In fact, there's less agreement about that than there's been in years."

Here we see a not-to-rare "Crow Eating Thread Backfire."

Seriously though, Nintendo will be the First party that survives the longest. Sony and Microsoft are running straight into PC territory, and Nintendo straight up sidestepped that evolutionary dead end.

Gaming content for gamers, by gamers. It's just common sense.

I will be original
I will be different
I will not make threads with zero knowledge about gaming industry.

I give you that switch will not be the wii.
It looks like a 35-45 million console

BraLoD said:
J.Wynne said:
Here we see a not-to-rare "Crow Eating Thread Backfire."

Seriously though, Nintendo will be the First party that survives the longest. Sony and Microsoft are running straight into PC territory, and Nintendo straight up sidestepped that evolutionary dead end.

I don't understand, where is the crow to be eaten here?

Did I ever make any prediction or statement to be proven false on the OP to begin with?

I'm being called a troll , insulted, hated, and target of so much nonsense...

People are answering as if they read "Nintendo is broken", "Switch will fail", "Nintendo will HAVE to go third party" when there isn't a single of that in the OP, which is a perfectly fine piece of question even if you are in fully disagreement with it.

Honestly, I'm over being polite and unnecessarily explanatory because people can't read even after at least two dozen of thoughtful answers to try to help people understand what they are even talking about.

Either read what you are posting about or go fuck yourself, that goes for everyone.

Maybe this will end up being a bannable line, but it's beyond the time for it to be posted.

Maybe before you get snippy with others, you should reread what you posted. You were trying to use a perceived lukewarm response to the Switch reveal as fuel for a "Nintendo should go third party" thread, which now looks laughable as the system is setting up to be bigger than the Wii, at a much higher pricepoint.

Gaming content for gamers, by gamers. It's just common sense.