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Anyone who thinks Nintendo going third party would be good for them is dead wrong. If Nintendo ever goes third party which it won't for at least 15-20 more years at the very least, if ever, the company would be facing its own death. They would either have to move on to a better business or die off as a company. Nintendo makes great exclusives because they have their own hardware to work with. The Nintendo magic works with both software and hardware combined. Take one away and you are left with a company that is a shell of it's former self. The game quality would decrease, the innovation would stop and Nintendo would have to be in a pretty low morale to decide to go third party. Nintendo software needs Nintendo hardware to work. On top of that the industry needs Nintendo to keep making hardware. Without them the PS15 would look just like the PS4 except more powerful. The controller would be pretty much the same and so would the play style. Same for Xbox. On top of that Nintendo has taken a loss, what like once in a century? While even with small profits in every other year of their worst selling consoles life means they are still making more cash, even at a steady pace. Nintendo is so stable financially it could take losses for years on ene dworhoit it affecting them that much. But now with the switch getting ready to sell more than half of the Wii U's lifetime sales by December this year and the 3ds still selling relatively well Nintendo is all set to start making Nintendo like profits once again.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also