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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 76 - AGDQ

axumblade said:
Clyde32 said:

Would you like to address the points people have against you?

The moment Linkz accused you, you decided that instead of trying to defend yourself you would try to throw dirt onto him. I think that goes in line with his accusation of you being "too eager"

Honestly, my accusations towards truck was just me joking around. Even my comment to link was a joke because I didn't think anyone was taking me seriously  considering Trucks being anti-town has been a running joke since Mafia has been brought back. Sorry if that came off as anything more than that.

If I were really eager to have truck lynched, I would have voted for him.

That covers my allegations, but what about what Linkz, prof and hat are saying?

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Clyde32 said:
axumblade said:
Wait. Are you people actually voting for me?

Would you like to address the points people have against you?

The moment Linkz accused you, you decided that instead of trying to defend yourself you would try to throw dirt onto him. I think that goes in line with his accusation of you being "too eager"

Actually I would put that more in the subtle category. Similar to his post to swordfish in which he mentions Trucks said he was town last game when he was actually mafia. He's not outright calling either of us scum, but anyone reading those posts could get the idea that we are scummy.

The eagerness I would classify as his response to Trucks, in wanting a push for hat to roleclaim. 

Final-Fan said:
Vote miz for check-in posting and then silence. (I would just FoS, but this is a speed run!)

Good vote. Add Arm to the list of slowpokes.

TruckOSaurus said:

Why do you need the distinction, did you lie? Are you Mafia?





To answer your question: scum refers to anyone not aligned with the Town

I need to know before I start calling people it. Still learning the ropes. 

Fair enough but you didn't answer my question.

Signature goes here!

EBWOP: *questions?

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TruckOSaurus said:

I need to know before I start calling people it. Still learning the ropes. 

Fair enough but you didn't answer my question.

I'm pretty sure I answered the overall reason why you questioned me  

I wish I didn't vote so quick. I thought the first round would of been over by the time I slept, been and came back from work. 

TruckOSaurus said:

Fair enough but you didn't answer my question.

I'm pretty sure I answered the overall reason why you questioned me  

I wish I didn't vote so quick. I thought the first round would of been over by the time I slept, been and came back from work. 

You can always unvote and vote for someone else.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:

Fair enough but you didn't answer my question.

I'm pretty sure I answered the overall reason why you questioned me  

I wish I didn't vote so quick. I thought the first round would of been over by the time I slept, been and came back from work. 

I just wanted confirmation that you indeed didn't lie and aren't Mafia... which I didn't get still...

Signature goes here!

Hey y'all. I've been busy. plus it's Day1, so meh. Anyways, my Day1 stance is set in stone forever.

Vote: NoLynch
Vote: Time Limit

Anyone who was here last game knows why.

miz1q2w3e said:
Hey y'all. I've been busy. plus it's Day1, so meh. Anyways, my Day1 stance is set in stone forever.

Vote: NoLynch
Vote: Time Limit

Anyone who was here last game knows why.

While I do understand where you come from, do you still plan to participate in toDay's discussion still?

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