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CGI-Quality said:
Aeolus451 said:

I think you missed my point. What are you supposed to call jews if I was going by those examples? Ya know, just be safe........*breaks out laughing fml

But you've missed mine. Context. Remember that key word. 

Just saying 'Jew' won't earn a Moderation, but something like 'stupid Jew', or, "I can't stand that Jew" would.  I'm sure I've said have said something like that already.

No different than using "nigger" in a topic of discussion (as to describe its meaning or what it was used for) vs actually calling someone the word.

I got you before but I had to poke fun at the examples of slurs. Typically, jew is something you tell people it's okay to refer jewish people as and kike as the opposite but you guys thought it was logical to list them both as examples as slurs. It got me to laugh good. 

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Aeolus451 said:
CGI-Quality said:

But you've missed mine. Context. Remember that key word. 

Just saying 'Jew' won't earn a Moderation, but something like 'stupid Jew', or, "I can't stand that Jew" would.  I'm sure I've said have said something like that already.

No different than using "nigger" in a topic of discussion (as to describe its meaning or what it was used for) vs actually calling someone the word.

I got you before but I had to poke fun at the examples of slurs. Typically, jew is something you tell people it's okay to refer jewish people as and kike as the opposite but you guys thought it was logical to list them both as examples as slurs. It got me to laugh good. 

If you want an example, my aunt and uncle refer to stingy/greedy people as Jews, in that case it's obviously being used as a slur.

VGPolyglot said:
TalonMan said:
...why does it seem like everyone is so damn sensitive these days? It's like when I used to play baseball as a kid - you'd slide into second base, maybe jam your finger or something, and the coach would invariably say, "You're good, kid! Just rub a little dirt in it and let's play ball!!!". Hell, even parents would swear that a little dirt and bacteria was good for their kids as it helps build up a solid immune system.

Now??? Good grief - people aren't even worried about just their own "feelings" getting hurt, they're fixated on the "feelings" of OTHER people, too!! Come on, guys! Can't we just rub a little dirt in it and talk about video games and sales numbers? The world is a tough place - I promise you, you won't die if somebody says a bad word to you!! It might even toughen you up a bit!!! ;)

The solution shouldn't be to have free reign calling people derogatory terms or slurs.

Bristow9091 said:

Yeah, being an Atheist will come under religious beliefs, Christians believe in one god, Atheists believe in no god... pretty close if you ask me, lol. But yeah don't worry, it also covers Atheists too. 

Not entirely accurate.
Many Atheists neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of any kind of Gods/God, rather they believe that the burden of proof hasn't been met to justify said beliefs.

Aeolus451 said:
At first, I thought people were being silly about this then I saw jew, redneck and jap then I changed my mind. Jew is not a slur in any context.

It really does come down to context and how those words are leveraged.
Any word can be leveraged as a slur/insult or a friendly greeting.

Often in the LGBT community, homophobic-slurs are leveraged as greetings, but if you had some random person walk up to you and say those exact same words... It would be extremely offensive and demeaning.

There is a time and place for everything.

TalonMan said:


There's a thing called "common sense" - and you would hope most people possess even a small amount of this.

You assume common sense is actually common, the stuff I deal with on a daily basis would absolutely, anecdotally say otherwise. Haha
Everything does in fact need to be spelled out, boundaries need to be set, because you will... Without fail... Have someone try and push past it all.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Bristow9091 said:
Pemalite said:

Not entirely accurate.
Many Atheists neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of any kind of Gods/God, rather they believe that the burden of proof hasn't been met to justify said beliefs.

Dear lord man, who's side are you on here? Can't we all just accept that insulting Atheists would come under insulting religious beliefs? :P

The Church of Atheism has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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Bristow9091 said:
CrazyGamer2017 said:

You mean Atheist

Also I am one and I do not "believe" in no God. There is a fundamental contradiction in considering the absence of God as a belief. My "religious" conclusions come from philosophical reflections, logic, common sense and knowledge. If a religious person actually showed me a God, physically appearing in front of me and scientifically measurable then I would conclude that a God exists. If I believed in no God, I would deny physical and scientific proof of the existence of such a God and in that case I would be just as illogical as a religious person can be.

So in common language and phrasing I could say I "believe" there is no God but I don't literally mean that I believe whereas religious people literally mean it when they say they believe in a God.

First part: I totally did NOT edit my post to the correct spelling :P (I always get my I's and E's the wrong way with certain words, despite knowing how to spell them, lol)

As for the rest, I use the word believe in the same way I use the word opinion, not as some religious word, lol :P Either way, it's pretty simple; When it comes to religion, or non-religion (Atheists), don't offend people and you'll be fine, lol. 

That's still wrong, though. Atheists can also be religious, since religion doesn't need a deity to be believed in.  

Just take Buddhism as an example of an atheistic religion. There are also theistic buddhists, but I don't wanna go way deeper into it than necessary.

Simply said: Atheists don't believe in any god or gods. Still can be religious. 


Last edited by Peh - on 05 June 2018

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3

Bristow9091 said:
Peh said:

That's still wrong, though. Atheists can also be religious, since religion doesn't need a deity to be believed in.  

Just take Buddhism as an example of an atheistic religion. There are also theistic buddhists, but I don't wanna go way deeper into it than necessary.

Simply said: Atheists don't believe in any god or gods. Still can be religious. 



Is there really any need to nitpick the smallest thing such as that, which has already been needlessly discussed anyway? 

If you still get it wrong, then yes. 

Intel Core i7 8700K | 32 GB DDR 4 PC 3200 | ROG STRIX Z370-F Gaming | RTX 3090 FE| Crappy Monitor| HTC Vive Pro :3

VGPolyglot said:
Aeolus451 said:

I got you before but I had to poke fun at the examples of slurs. Typically, jew is something you tell people it's okay to refer jewish people as and kike as the opposite but you guys thought it was logical to list them both as examples as slurs. It got me to laugh good. 

If you want an example, my aunt and uncle refer to stingy/greedy people as Jews, in that case it's obviously being used as a slur.

Keyword is "typically". Jew is not a good example of a religious slur because it's commonly used to describe them.

Can you add thread warnings to the rules aswell thank you.

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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