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RavenXtra said:
VGPolyglot said:

Well, I'll ask then. Is it being kept private for a practical reason, or is it mainly for the sake of tradition?

It's there because it tries to bridge the gap between both sides. It shows a current ban out of transparency so the community can see why a ban has taken place and knows it wasn't because a moderator decided to just go HAM and abuse their power. It disappears and becomes hidden afterwards because someone's mistake shouldn't be a public tool for others to use against that user for the rest of their time on VGC, long after the infraction takes place. I would say it's entirely practical.

But the mods use prior ban history in deciding their next ban, so it helps provide better understanding for the users of why a ban was so harsh, for example. If bans were only determined in isolation that'd make sense, but since they're viewed as a group in consideration it makes less sense.

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RavenXtra said:
VGPolyglot said:

Well, I'll ask then. Is it being kept private for a practical reason, or is it mainly for the sake of tradition?

It's there because it tries to bridge the gap between both sides. It shows a current ban out of transparency so the community can see why a ban has taken place and knows it wasn't because a moderator decided to just go HAM and abuse their power. It disappears and becomes hidden afterwards because someone's mistake shouldn't be a public tool for others to use against that user for the rest of their time on VGC, long after the infraction takes place. I would say it's entirely practical.

I wondered that for some time. How would one use another person's mod history against them?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

VGPolyglot said:
RavenXtra said:

It's there because it tries to bridge the gap between both sides. It shows a current ban out of transparency so the community can see why a ban has taken place and knows it wasn't because a moderator decided to just go HAM and abuse their power. It disappears and becomes hidden afterwards because someone's mistake shouldn't be a public tool for others to use against that user for the rest of their time on VGC, long after the infraction takes place. I would say it's entirely practical.

But the mods use prior ban history in deciding their next ban, so it helps provide better understanding for the users of why a ban was so harsh, for example. If bans were only determined in isolation that'd make sense, but since they're viewed as a group in consideration it makes less sense.

Of course moderators would see the entire history for context, that's their purpose for existing. Users don't ban other users so there should be no reason for them to be able to weaponize a moderation history against people they disagree with or are unfriendly with.

RavenXtra said:
VGPolyglot said:

But the mods use prior ban history in deciding their next ban, so it helps provide better understanding for the users of why a ban was so harsh, for example. If bans were only determined in isolation that'd make sense, but since they're viewed as a group in consideration it makes less sense.

Of course moderators would see the entire history for context, that's their purpose for existing. Users don't ban other users so there should be no reason for them to be able to weaponize a moderation history against people they disagree with or are unfriendly with.

How would they use moderation history as a form of weaponization though? They already can do that by looking through people's post history.

Ryuu96 said:
Sounds like a thread which would be a convenient, easy to access place where users can see in full display what makes another user tick to then go on and use that for baiting, further backseat moderating and mocking of a users *past* mistakes, some users do change and they are entitled to that privacy, not to have it on full display to the entire community to hang it over their head for the rest of their time on VGC.

The negatives far outweigh the positives.

If that's the case, then shouldn't there be a statute of limitations where a person's moderation gets deleted after a certain period of time?

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vivster said:
RavenXtra said:

It's there because it tries to bridge the gap between both sides. It shows a current ban out of transparency so the community can see why a ban has taken place and knows it wasn't because a moderator decided to just go HAM and abuse their power. It disappears and becomes hidden afterwards because someone's mistake shouldn't be a public tool for others to use against that user for the rest of their time on VGC, long after the infraction takes place. I would say it's entirely practical.

I wondered that for some time. How would one use another person's mod history against them?

It could be used to try to undermine the person because any time they try to give an opinion, someone brings up a ban from months, years ago that may no longer be relevant to that person's opinions/feelings and says they shouldn't be listened to. Cliques and group-think would only make the issue worse.

RavenXtra said:
vivster said:

I wondered that for some time. How would one use another person's mod history against them?

It could be used to try to undermine the person because any time they try to give an opinion, someone brings up a ban from months, years ago that may no longer be relevant to that person's opinions/feelings and says they shouldn't be listened to. Cliques and group-think would only make the issue worse.

That sounds to me like a regular bait/troll/backseat moderating that's already forbidden under current rules.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
RavenXtra said:

It could be used to try to undermine the person because any time they try to give an opinion, someone brings up a ban from months, years ago that may no longer be relevant to that person's opinions/feelings and says they shouldn't be listened to. Cliques and group-think would only make the issue worse.

That sounds to me like a regular bait/troll/backseat moderating that's already forbidden under current rules.

Just because it's against the rules, doesn't mean it doesn't cause damage when its done. Making it easier for people to do wouldn't benefit the community.

Ryuu96 said:
VGPolyglot said:

How would they use moderation history as a form of weaponization though? They already can do that by looking through people's post history.

How many people do you actually think would shift through hundreds, if not thousands of posts? I'd guess very few.

Your suggestion makes it so much easier to do exactly that AND use it against users, right now it's incredibly tedious and I'm guessing that's why it doesn't happen.

It's already against forum rules to do that though, why don't we just go one step further than and make everyone's post history private so people can't dig through posts at all?

trasharmdsister12 said:

Thanks for the suggestion @VGPolyglot. We've actually considered this a few times in the past and we've always come to the conclusion that it's best to keep that information private. And the clear reasoning behind it is that we want users to be represented by what they are contributing to a discussion vs having their history muddy their contribution.

People can and do change their posting behaviors (some for the better and some for the worse), but giving everyone a tool allowing them to parade a user's history in the forums to dismiss their contribution instead of directly acknowledging points made does 3 things.

1) It ruins discussion for everyone
2) It will create more pointless fighting based on this history - some users already behave in such a manner and that number would only increase if everyone were equipped to easily do so. It is currently against the rules so it does get moderated but if everyone is equipped with the capability to easily sift through poor posting histories then...
3) It makes more work for the mods who already have a lot to deal with and takes focus away from other initiatives we like to work on to continue to improve the site's community

For some reason I didn't get a notification on it. Well, I am glad to hear that you guys have discussed it at least, I'm satisfied knowing that it was at least considered and the pros/cons were weighed, I had assumed from the previous posts that it was never brought up or even considered. However, knowing that you guys had it as an idea is enough to put me at ease.