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Ka-pi96 said:
JNK? Who even is that?

Also, has anyone else noticed that the user search function seems to be kind of broken at the moment, at least for older users?

Banned users don't show up anymore, you have to select 'banned'.

kirby007 said:

ben ik bij dat dat hier niet op de radio gedraaid wor

Die Nederlandse hip-hop is niet echt veel beter. :/



Ka-pi96 said:
Flilix said:

Banned users don't show up anymore, you have to select 'banned'.

Well that's dumb. What about if I don't know whether the user I'm searching for is banned or not?

I don't like it either. You'll have to search twice.

RolStoppable said:
vivster said:
Looks like they finally found habam's alt. JNK seems about right.

I wonder if he would have paid up.

The mods should unban him under the condition he pay up 

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Around the Network

Even Errorist was done with Habam. That's saying something. I wonder how mods found out that he was an alt.

CGI-Quality said:
OTBWY said:
Even Errorist was done with Habam. That's saying something. I wonder how mods found out that he was an alt.


Aka IP tracking.

CGI-Quality said:
OTBWY said:

Aka IP tracking.

Other ways of knowing, we have.

I don't think the IP tracking is a secret though?

Ka-pi96 said:
Azuren said:

The mods should unban him under the condition he pay up 

Anybody that speaks German want to translate what he had to pay up for?

Rol: "Oh, really?"

Habam: "Of course, I'd love to (bet). Let's bet for €1000?"

RolStoppable said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Anybody that speaks German want to translate what he had to pay up for?

If you made the effort to read the thread that the post is from on, you could figure it out on your own. In October I told habam that he is JNK/gamemaster87, he said that I am wrong, I asked "Really?" in German and he said that we can bet €1000 that he isn't JNK. I responded by saying that it's pointless to bet, because someone as dishonorable as him wouldn't pay anyway.

Gamemaster and JNK are the same person?