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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Phil Spencer criticizes buying exclusive content/DLC

Leave it to Phil...


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I agree with everyone though. M$ needs to stop these foul tactics and just make their own games. Let other companies do what they want to do to sell their consoles in a brighter light. Stop being so butt hurt about losing and calling out other companies. Now, if Phil wants my forgiveness, I expect no more timed exclusives of games or DLC. Be a man of your own principles. I am capable of forgiveness. 😏


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
Jazz2K said:
TheGreatOther said:

Yes paying money to keep games off a console is bad.

The only exclusives I think should exist are the ones that are funded by a platform owner and wouldn't be made otherwise.

But the reason Phil is rightfully getting criticized is because he's the head of a company that started this trend last gen, and still partakes in to this day.

And him copaining about it now when MS simply can't afford to get the deals they were able to last gen due to PS4 being the console most publishers want to align their games with just comes off as sour grapes. And that's exactly what it is.

I'm sorry but history teaches us that MS didn't start that trend at all. Other companies have payed devs to keep games from appearing on other consoles.

Imo we all have a voice and instead of using it to make gaming better we use it to hate on each other. Phil is right and we all should make companies know that this needs to stop. Keeping Titanfall, Tomb Raider etc from Playstation frustrated Sony fans as much as keeping Street Fighter V, Destiny first year DLC etc pissed MS fans. He's right and gaming is not growing with these practices. I can't wait until gaming is a service and we just pay to play the games we want on whatever device we have.

Keeping nuclear weapons timed exclusive and out of enemy hands is a good thing. Do you want Iran crying foul on twitter about not getting equal opportunity with nukes? 😐 


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

Riiiiiight... Because the company he works for didn't start this practice.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

pbroy said:

Leave it to Phil...

lol how have I not seen this before

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DialgaMarine said:
Riiiiiight... Because the company he works for didn't start this practice.

All we need from good guy Phil is an apology now.  People forget he was part of the old regime too.  Wasn't he the guy on stage for the xbox reveal who was saying TV, TV,  TV?  Yet plenty want to do nothing but praise him.  


If MS were dominating like Sony this gen you'd see a different Phil.  I don't buy into his good guy image.  It's all a PR tactic. 

Kerotan said:
DialgaMarine said:
Riiiiiight... Because the company he works for didn't start this practice.

All we need from good guy Phil is an apology now.  People forget he was part of the old regime too.  Wasn't he the guy on stage for the xbox reveal who was saying TV, TV,  TV?  Yet plenty want to do nothing but praise him.  


If MS were dominating like Sony this gen you'd see a different Phil.  I don't buy into his good guy image.  It's all a PR tactic. 

Exactly. Guys like Phil, Major Nelson, and Greenberg will be talking about how they don't care about winning and sales, but soon as they win an NPD their tone flips completely. One shudders at the thought of what they'd act like if they were in Sony's position this gen.

GribbleGrunger said:
RolStoppable said:
Maybe this is a sign of things to come for the Xbox department. Their funds are getting cut by the higher-ups.

That's basically it, yes. He's taking the opportunity to create an early narrative to hopefully change the headlines from 'MS has no exclusive deals' to 'Those terrible folks at Sony with their anti consumer deals'. His tactics are transparent, hypocritical and petulant. Cutting the price didn't work. Lying in adverts didn't work. Promising a more powerful console in the future didn't work. It's throwing the toys out of the pram time.

It's frigin' stupid considering the XB1 is doing great and there ARE games coming for the system. Microsoft's obsession with 'winning at all costs' is embarrassing.


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Everything's Mattrick guys come on, Phil is perfect I PROMISE!E!E!E

This seems to be the exact thinking of some XBox fans.  They HAVE to believe it was all Mattrick's fault, even though he wasn't the only one making decisions or proposing things.  This was not a Matrrick problem, it was a MS problem.  And yes, Spencer was involved in a lot of decisions at Xbox before he became the head.  He was the freaking general manager of Microsoft Game Studios EMEA, then he became the general manager of Microsoft Studios and before he was completely put in charge of Xbox, he was MS Studio's corporate vice president.  If you think he was just some puppet who played no part in the screw up of the launch XBO, you are quite naive.  But, I guess some just need a scapegoat, taking the blame completely off of Spencer and MS.

Like I said before, this has more to do with Spencer being upset with MS not putting as much money into Xbox for exclusive content from 3rd parties.  Do people actually think if the XBO had 15M more units under its belt and MS was still pumping money in for COD marketing rights and DLC, Spencer would still be saying the same thing?  Hell no, he wouldn't.  And many Xbox fans would be here defending the policy.  Just like they did last gen.  Just like they don't care that FIFA had exclusive Xbox content.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

No? If that's the game you gotta play, then you gotta play it. Furthermore we have no idea what deals MS has actually made with him at the helm.

The bottom line is timed exclusive content is a part of the industry now. He works in that industry, so he'll have to deal with it. Doesn't mean he has to like it.

That is the textbook definition of hypocrisy. Phil Spencer is a person who acts in a way counter to his stated beliefs. 

Plus he's an industry leader. If he wants to effect change why not start in his own house. It's ridiculous that Spencer and Xbox (or anyone for that matter) get a free pass because "everyone is doing it."

I don't understand how this thread is still going.

Here are the facts. Xbox buys exclusive content from third parties to keep it away from the competition. Spencer tweeted decrying the practice. At best he's tone deaf and ineffective in steering Microsoft away from such practices. At worst he's a hypocrite who makes back-room deals and then moans about the competition doing the same thing.

I know there's a heated rivalry between Sony and Microsoft fans but you'd think we could all call a spade a spade every now and then, especially when the facts are so abundant and clear.

Considering Phil's lack of respect for exclusive marketing when Sony has had it this gen, finding ways to advertise it anyway and having to be told to stop, I think it's the latter.  Sony never tried that crap when Xbox was all about (and still is) exclusive advertising.  Xbox just isn't in the position where MS can justify pumping that much money into it for exclusive marketing/DLC.  At least not as much as it used to.