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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

tbone51 said:

Thank you op! 👌

Wonderful news here. Its stonger than the NES classic and can run the new DQXI game on a powerful system!

It's also on the 3DS....meaning it is nowhere near a demanding game lol

Preston Scott

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Werix357 said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Now that they have mobile pumping money if this fails nothing hapens.

It will be WiiU all over again. Release console, console sells bad, gets almost no multiplatform games cause its too weak and devs dont bother, gets a bunch of good first party titles until they get tired of poor sales and stop caring and just move on to the next weak console and cycle repeats until they hit that Wii goal they keep chasing.

Are you a time traverler too? I saw the same things you describe when I traveled to 2027 ;)

Don't need to travel through time. You just need to look at history. Nintendo has done this several times now. The last year of a Nintendo console is a god forsaken wasteland. Nintendo has already shown that they will abandon hardware. Look at Wii U, N64, GCN. Hell even the last year of Wii was bad. 3 years from now we'll be looking at the last good year for Switch before it gets abandoned in 2020 while we wait for the next Nintendo console to come out in 2021 or 2022, or they abandon consoles altogether.

Conina said:
SonytendoAmiibo said:
And the Wii U was said to be a 176 Gflop machine? Whats the problem with this. This is a portable system that is more powerful than Nintendo's last home console. Anyone thinking this thing was going to complete with current gen are fooling themselves. This machine at these specs will be an affordable, super reliable peice of kit that will probably last for decades of gaming use. The game are on cartridge and will also last for decades. The battery will last for long gaming sessions and quick charge for convenience. This is the ultimate Nintendo machine a Nintendo fan could ask for.

So you fooled yourself:

SonytendoAmiibo said:
But every game made for the Scorpio HAS to also work on the standard Xbox One. Same with every game made for the PS4 Pro, it HAS to also work on the standard PS4. So bringing the Pro and Scorpio into this discussion is mute point. Every game will have a standard version so that is where you look at the power difference. The gap between Switch and standard PS4 and standard Xbox One is small.

Every Switch game also HAS to work in handheld mode. So it is a small gap between 150 GF (Switch worst case scenario) and 1300 GF (Xbox One worst case scenario)?


Well, it seems now that the gap just went from small to BIG. There are other threads I have posted in saying how Nintendo likes to make systems just powerful enough to get some third-party games, but makes their systems too weak to get all third-party games so as not to have competition with their own software. It seems now the Switch may only get last gen ports with some small improvements. I was just caught up in the same hype train that so many others were and now reality rears its ugly underclocked head. But as a long time Nintendo fan this is nothing new. I will still buy the Switch and play the crap out of it and reminisce on what could have been a portable powerhouse of awesomeness. I will still get to enjoy some Nintendo fun.


Hey! They got SONY on my amiibo! Wait a minute. Two great gaming tastes that game great together!

Switch FC: SW-0398-8858-1969

lol... and all the people saying how this magically will be on par with the Xbox1 and PS4...

maybe now expectations will finally be realistic and the Nintendo fans will be the ones calling out bullshit whenever someone starts to overhype the Switch power

setsunatenshi said:
lol... and all the people saying how this magically will be on par with the Xbox1 and PS4...

maybe now expectations will finally be realistic and the Nintendo fans will be the ones calling out bullshit whenever someone starts to overhype the Switch power

Already did it.

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wowww, if this is all accurate, and its slower then the $99,- nvidia multimedia box, which isn't great at gaming at full speed, which is then faster then the nintendo machine, the difference with a xbox one would be enormous.

This is DEFFENITELY not a machine for me, its old technology, its slow, nintendo does it again, going for their own IP's own games and trying to sell a gimmick, with budget hardware.

I hope everything in this video isn't true and the machine is faster, this news is mind blowing
Love nintendo games, everybody who reads my posts knows im disappointed in their hardware, but if these specs are true its shocking, actually shocking. Worse then the WiiU specs where back when it was revealed.

Twitter @CyberMalistix

After the Xbox One I decided never ever buy a console on launch again in my life.
With the Nintendo Switch I will probably wait a year and see how it is doing, and how normal people like it.
Also, with PSVR, some cool guy, do not remember who, here in Vgchartz opened my eyes: I do not have money to spare so I will wait till the end of the next year (2017) to make my decidion on the PSVR.

All these rumours are hurting Nintendo and freelance "journalists" are making a living out of Switch leaks. I will wait to see the real thing in january´s presentation.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Random_Matt said:
Someone should d a prediction thread for what happens if this flops.

Now that they have mobile pumping money if this fails nothing hapens.

It will be WiiU all over again. Release console, console sells bad, gets almost no multiplatform games cause its too weak and devs dont bother, gets a bunch of good first party titles until they get tired of poor sales and stop caring and just move on to the next weak console and cycle repeats until they hit that Wii goal they keep chasing.

Unlike the Wii U, the Switch will get a Main Series Pokemon game, Probably a new monster hunter, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Guessing skyrim and other ports will be 360 versions.

Jranation said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Now that they have mobile pumping money if this fails nothing hapens.

It will be WiiU all over again. Release console, console sells bad, gets almost no multiplatform games cause its too weak and devs dont bother, gets a bunch of good first party titles until they get tired of poor sales and stop caring and just move on to the next weak console and cycle repeats until they hit that Wii goal they keep chasing.

Unlike the Wii U, the Switch will get a Main Series Pokemon game, Probably a new monster hunter, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing. 

With the time they had, and the power of the switch, they should have just kept the Wii U.