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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

bunchanumbers said:
Egelo said:
So in comparison tot he PS4 X1

Where does this thing stand ?

When its not plugged in its around Wii U level. When it is plugged in it isn't even half of Xbox One. Maybe a third of the power of the Xbox One.

Stop misleading. When it's docked its 1/3 of Xbox One. In portable mode it's 1/8.

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bunchanumbers said:
Werix357 said:

Are you a time traverler too? I saw the same things you describe when I traveled to 2027 ;)

Don't need to travel through time. You just need to look at history. Nintendo has done this several times now. The last year of a Nintendo console is a god forsaken wasteland. Nintendo has already shown that they will abandon hardware. Look at Wii U, N64, GCN. Hell even the last year of Wii was bad. 3 years from now we'll be looking at the last good year for Switch before it gets abandoned in 2020 while we wait for the next Nintendo console to come out in 2021 or 2022, or they abandon consoles altogether.

Yeah I think the majority of time it's because sales dry up, I think one of the inherit problems Nintendo has in targeting a young audience is they grow up and move on to something else. Nintendo could retain these people if they made games that alot of older people are interested in.

So because they got the concept right, they are going to be write about everything else? Come on guys. Sure, they are slightly0more reliable than your average site. But is that saying much? How hard is it to wait 24 days

FloatingWaffles said:
0D0 said:

In my opinion, this 3rd party picture means nothing. Support can mean just 1 game. Bethesda could just try the waters with Skyrim and then abandon the console. The same for the others.

Again, I pointed this out in my comment as well already, that I know that lists truly don't mean anything really until we actually see games from the developers on it, but think about it.

Bethesda wouldn't even give the Wii U the time of day given how underpowered it was. If the Switch was to be apparently significantly underpowered yet again, why would Bethesda NOW all of a sudden decide "Oh ok, nah we're fine with underpowered hardware", especially after they were QUOTED saying they would only ever even consider supporting the Switch if it was at least at Xbox One power level. It is quite a possibility that Nintendo may have worked things out with third parties for support, but i'm highly skeptical of that given Nintendo's track record with third parties in the past. 

The Wii U was a significantly underpowered system and look at the list of third party developers it got, and that was going off of the HUGE success of the Wii.

The above is nothing compared to the Switch list of developers. You didn't see developers like From Software, Bethesda, and a lot of others supporting it. So if the Switch is gonna be another Wii U in terms of hardware according to the Digital Foundry report, why would all of a sudden these said developers NOW change their mind and decide to support the Switch after not supporting the Wii U? It's possible they could have simply just had a change of heard, but who knows. It doesn't add up for the Switch developer support list to be that big though if it was just simply another significantly underpowered system. Not to mention that like I said already, the Wii U got some support simply because some developers wanted to be there in case it turned out to be another Wii situation but it didn't turn out that way. The Switch is coming out after the failure of the Wii U, but yet the list is significantly bigger than the Wii U list of developers is.

Like I said, I wouldn't be surprised to see the Switch be significantly underpowered like the Wii U was, but with the reports that people like Emily Rogers and even Nvidia themselves have said about the Switch being easy to port to and run third party games on and how hardware wouldn't be an issue, something doesn't make sense here. 

It might've been a business decision. Those companies must believe that Switch will sell well despite of its power. So they might try to put their old games on Switch to have a go.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

Jranation said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

Now that they have mobile pumping money if this fails nothing hapens.

It will be WiiU all over again. Release console, console sells bad, gets almost no multiplatform games cause its too weak and devs dont bother, gets a bunch of good first party titles until they get tired of poor sales and stop caring and just move on to the next weak console and cycle repeats until they hit that Wii goal they keep chasing.

Unlike the Wii U, the Switch will get a Main Series Pokemon game, Probably a new monster hunter, Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing. 

So did the game cube

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vivster said:
Imaginedvl said:

I don't think you get the point...

It is not about being disappointed or not it is about pre-ordering something based on made upunlikely expectations (referring to the power of the Switch being equivalent to the Xbox One or even the Play Station Four); and then being "shocked" and cancelling it because it is not :)

So yes, I really think that it is weird to base your pre-order on very unlikely speculations and even weirder to be that disapointed by it when it comes to be official. And as far as the Switch I would expect people to be hyped for it for the games and the modular hardware and portability... Not the power...

Now, not sure why you are talking about being "allowed" or not. Who is disallowing you to do anything here?
If you need a forum post to allow you or disallow you to do something, it may be a good time to stop using the Internet :)

You should really drop that condescending act when you're the one belittling people on their justified decisions based on your made up assumptions. No one said they expected the Switch to be on par with X1 except for fanboys and illiterates.

I expected the Switch to be about half as powerful as X1 and Nintendo still managed to undercut it by half. That is a shocker and reason enough to cancel a preorder. Of course I won't because my money has to go somewhere but at least I'm not going around making fun of people about how they want to spend their money.

Please don't start with your condescending act thing.

You are doing exactly that by coming out with your "disallowing" or "allowing" something just because we find something weird. It is as condescending to respond with that kind of response when CLEARLY nobody says anything like that and I certainly did not tell to anyone that they should be disallowed to do that...

Find it condescending if you want but I find it weird to pre-order something based on completly made out and random specs.
Sorry if this offends you in any way but that my point of view.

Well, I still see the likes of annual titles hitting NS such as madden, fifa, cod, etc. These are the money makers and something the devs put on anything possible. What we won't see are the larger one-off titles such as RDR2 or GTA6.

Granted, this is likely better for Nintendo. This will allow the sub-$250 price point and is definitely something Nintendo will create amazing titles of their own. ZeldaBotW looked fantastic and I expect the best Nintendo games yet to be created.

After all this is more powerful than WiiU even in portable mode (which is amazing on its own) and supports the latest and greatest of visual technologies.

vivster said:

So handheld mode around Wii U?

Can't wait for the secret sauce rumors claiming it's actually much faster because of magic.


As far as these specs go: My interest level remains about the same. Sure, it would have been nice if it had more juice, but whatever. I just started Toukiden on the VIta, and was really impressed with it's looks.

- "If you have the heart of a true winner, you can always get more pissed off than some other asshole."

Random_Matt said:
Pre-order cancelled, that's just shocking.

Right, this is just ridiculously shocking.

Finally we get some reliable info that actually says something. So it basically runs like a wiiu in portable mode and its a lot faster in docked. I dont think it will get easy ports from ps4/x1 with those specs from Western third parties but we will see.
I fully am expecting it to mainly be a Nintendo/Japanese dev machine


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850