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vivster said:
Imaginedvl said:

I don't think you get the point...

It is not about being disappointed or not it is about pre-ordering something based on made upunlikely expectations (referring to the power of the Switch being equivalent to the Xbox One or even the Play Station Four); and then being "shocked" and cancelling it because it is not :)

So yes, I really think that it is weird to base your pre-order on very unlikely speculations and even weirder to be that disapointed by it when it comes to be official. And as far as the Switch I would expect people to be hyped for it for the games and the modular hardware and portability... Not the power...

Now, not sure why you are talking about being "allowed" or not. Who is disallowing you to do anything here?
If you need a forum post to allow you or disallow you to do something, it may be a good time to stop using the Internet :)

You should really drop that condescending act when you're the one belittling people on their justified decisions based on your made up assumptions. No one said they expected the Switch to be on par with X1 except for fanboys and illiterates.

I expected the Switch to be about half as powerful as X1 and Nintendo still managed to undercut it by half. That is a shocker and reason enough to cancel a preorder. Of course I won't because my money has to go somewhere but at least I'm not going around making fun of people about how they want to spend their money.

Please don't start with your condescending act thing.

You are doing exactly that by coming out with your "disallowing" or "allowing" something just because we find something weird. It is as condescending to respond with that kind of response when CLEARLY nobody says anything like that and I certainly did not tell to anyone that they should be disallowed to do that...

Find it condescending if you want but I find it weird to pre-order something based on completly made out and random specs.
Sorry if this offends you in any way but that my point of view.