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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

So let me get this straight. The Switch is as powerful as a 4 year old console, which was as powerful as a now 10 year old console (then 6 years old), and will be more expensive than $99?

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

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superchunk said:
This is certainly a surprise to me. To those I've been arguing with lately, yep I was wrong. I really expected it to be on par with a standard X1 and then up-ticked a bit but nothing crazy. This is a little saddening.

Never-the-less I'll still get one as it is still an awesome little machine with what will be excellent first party.

kudos showing class on this.

hope you'll enjoy the machine and Nintendo can make the best they can on it :)

Egelo said:
So in comparison tot he PS4 X1

Where does this thing stand ?

PS4      - 1842 gflops
XOne   - 1311 glfops
Switch -  392 glfops (docked) / 157 gflops (undocked)

So in terms of GPU perfomance, the Switch is over 4.6x less powerful docked, and over 11.7x less powerful when undocked vs the PS4. In comparison to the X1, it's over 3.3x less powerful docked, and 8.34x less powerful when undocked.

For further comparion, the xbox 360's graphical performance was 240 gflops, the PS3 was 228, and the Wii U was 176 gflops.

For me, it isn't a surprise at all. It's some sort of cheap tablet, so it can't be powerful anyway. It's gonna be good for Nintendo exclusives, but I bet 3rd parties will leave it in less than 3 years.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

FarleyMcFirefly said:
I love how people are taking everything they hear as "fact" just because it's from "so and so".

Jesus, just wait until the 12th people.

Ohh yes, because Nintendo are going to put system specs right in the press docket. Is developer kit documentation not a good enough source for you?

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BraLoD said:
Angelv577 said:
So third parties support is less likely now? I think so. If nintendo switch gets skyrim, I imagine it will run at 20fps most of the time. Don't see bethesda optimizing the game properly.

Don't even know how did you put those two words right next to each other in the same sentence.

True .  for my sake, let leave it as a typo.



Jranation said:

I was thinking of this too! 

I feel like the "easy to port" rumor is true. 

Yeah. I never expected the Switch to reach PS4 level of power (though that would be amazing and is surely possible, but it would be an expensive system, which Nintendo most likely wants to avoid) but I always felt like close to or a little bit under Xbox One level would be fine and reasonable considering this is a portable and home console.

All reports thus far have made it clear that while it won't be as powerful, it will still be easy to port to and run ports on, so the system SHOULD at least be powerful enough to get third party games from the PS4 and Xbox One, which Digital Foundry's report seems to contradict with if these specs they are reporting on are true, which would mean that Emily Rogers and even Nvidia themselves that made the hardware were either wrong on that maybe the Switch is really weak but still somehow able to get ports? I don't even know. This should all be cleared up once the January event arrives in a few weeks from now. 

It makes no sense for that to be the biggest list of developer support Nintendo has ever had, which the Wii U never even came close to in terms of support, if the Switch was truly just going to be significantly underpowered again, especially from developers like Bethesda who made it very clear they would only ever support the Switch if it was at least Xbox One level of power. Unless Nintendo worked out a deal with third parties or something. I expect the Switch to be weaker than both, hopefully close to the Xbox One, but not as weak as these specs are making it seem to be considering all the amount of developer support it has. 

potato_hamster said:
Egelo said:
So in comparison tot he PS4 X1

Where does this thing stand ?

PS4      - 1842 gflops
XOne   - 1311 glfops
Switch -  392 glfops (docked) / 157 gflops (undocked)

So in terms of GPU perfomance, the Switch is over 4.6x less powerful docked, and over 11.7x less powerful when undocked vs the PS4. In comparison to the X1, it's over 3.3x less powerful docked, and 8.34x less powerful when undocked.

For further comparion, the xbox 360's graphical performance was 240 gflops, the PS3 was 228, and the Wii U was 176 gflops.

oh wow WTF that is pathetic.

thisthing is never getting any big 3rd party games.  

Sure, some rumor sites guessed the Switch concept correct. But guess what? That was in between all the WRONG rumors the same sites were reporting. It wasnt a thing of education or even a thing of luck that these sites predicted the Switch, - it was them literally reposting every rumor they heard. So why believe them now???