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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you think Nintendo will call Switch their 9th gen console?


Switch's console generation

8th gen 24 17.78%
9th gen 80 59.26%
None of the above. Switch... 31 22.96%
vivster said:
Why would they call it their 9th generation console when it's their 7th?

Because some schmuck on the internet said they have to use his definition.

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Also all these people saying that it's their "7th gen console because of the power" apparently are just pandering to the same tropes...

People answering "What will Nintendo call it?" with... WHAT NINTENDO CALLS IT
don't need a REASON, they have basic FACTS behind them, and there is NO argument to partake in
with navel gazing sophists who derive self worth from dictating their own definitions as the singular paradigm.

Well, it will have been just over 6 years since they made a new mobile platform since the 3DS and about 4.5 years since they released a new non-mobile platform (Wii U).

The switch is much more powerful than both of those 8th gen platforms and runs games designed very differently, so overall, I would at minimum call it Next Gen based on those observations.

And, most Consoles thus far have a new console releasing after 5 to 7 years on market, so this all seems quite business as usual.

What I am curious about is will track the Switch on the front page?

Or, Will vgchartz wait till PS5 and Xbox4 come out?

On Market terms If PS4 and Xbox One still selling then they will indirectly compete with PS4 and Xbox One , and we can call an 8th gen. Hell even PS4 pro and Scorpio still base on their original machine and still be called 8th gen.

9th Gen Handheld.

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RolStoppable said:
JRPGfan said:

This happends every time someone makes a "what generation is this" thread.
Someone goes its the next in the line, and thats what it means.
Console generations has come to mean more than that.
And even then, you could argue what the actual meaning of generation is, when applied to console generations.
The Switch main competition is the PS4 & XB1, thus it belongs to the same generation of consoles as them.

Generations have only come to mean more than before because a lot of people were butthurt because of the Wii's success, so they were looking for ways to disregard the console. Regardless, repeating the same nonsense over and over again did not change the definition of generations.

Switch will have more time on the market against the PS4 and XB1 successors, so the typical definition of generations makes it a ninth gen system.

I think Wii u that need to blame not Wii.  Ps4 will sell for miminum another 5 to 6 years from now, like PS2 was. so it stil have more time on market.

I think they don't care what you consider a gen. They care wether their product sells.

They definitely will if asked, though I don't recall them calling the Wii U 8th gen either :/

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AngryLittleAlchemist said:
Also all these people saying that it's their "7th gen console because of the power" 

Not because of power, because its the 7th generation in which Nintendo has released a console.

1. NES

2. SNES/Gameboy

3. Nintendo 64

4. Gamecube/GBA

5. Wii/DS

6. Wii U/3DS

7. Switch

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

I've never heard Nintendo refer to any of their systems in this manner to be honest. I don't think they care to be quite honest. Switch is their new/soon to be current system and that's basically all there is to it.