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RolStoppable said:
JRPGfan said:

This happends every time someone makes a "what generation is this" thread.
Someone goes its the next in the line, and thats what it means.
Console generations has come to mean more than that.
And even then, you could argue what the actual meaning of generation is, when applied to console generations.
The Switch main competition is the PS4 & XB1, thus it belongs to the same generation of consoles as them.

Generations have only come to mean more than before because a lot of people were butthurt because of the Wii's success, so they were looking for ways to disregard the console. Regardless, repeating the same nonsense over and over again did not change the definition of generations.

Switch will have more time on the market against the PS4 and XB1 successors, so the typical definition of generations makes it a ninth gen system.

I think Wii u that need to blame not Wii.  Ps4 will sell for miminum another 5 to 6 years from now, like PS2 was. so it stil have more time on market.