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Forums - General Discussion - So pumped 4 upcoming PS4 AAA Console-Exclusive Games! So many ubah ones (list)

So pumped as well!! I've counted like 15-17 PS4 games I plan on buying in 2017 which is why I pushed back on getting the Switch. I need me these PS4 games!

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Didn't we just have a thread about this like two days ago. At least the OP on that one had a nice picture....

Edit: lol it was 2 days ago.">"><img src="

Hapuc12 said:
Nautilus said:

If you want to be tecnical then yeah sure, the game is tecnically exclusive to a platform until it releases on the other one.But there are two problems with this.The first one is that, at least here, it is labeled as exclusive to the PS4, with no limit to that exclusivity(as permanent exclusive I mean), and as such, it makes it wrong to state as so, since it will not remain exclusive for the foreseeable future.The second problem is that when you say something is exclsuive, it is implied that it is only releasing on that platform and on that alone, for a good while(read a good while as a few years), with obviously no other versions announced.

Its like twisting the law to your favor(in any country).It is tecnically correct, but its not only morally incorrect, but also not well seen by the general public.

Ahh so when is the game gonna be released to PC.

And aren't we talking about the info that is set in stone,they said the game is gonna be released sometime in 2017 For PC that does not mean anything to me,it's not about morality it's about the info that is known now in real time not when it will happen.

And again i don't mind if it's coming to other platforms it's not fanboying or anything like you say more people get to play the game.

It is that the game has been said to be released in March i think,for PS4 and it will release on that platform only since you can't play it anywhere else and that is exclusive in my eyes and when it comes to PC,Switch,Xbox it loses it's exclusivity since it's available on other platforms.

That is my understanding on Exclusivity just like this Mario game for IOS you can from my understanding get it only on Iphone now and not anywhere else and when it comes to Android it's not exclusive to Iphone/IOS devices. 

From the link I gave, it says early next year, so for all we know, it can release a week after the PS4 version, making it even more meaningless this "exclusivity".

As if we were to brand exclusivity as this, then many games were going to be exclusives to certain console many times along the years.Its not uncommon for a version of a certain game to release on a certain console 1 or 2 days before releasing on the others.So we should list every single time when this happens as "Hey, that game is exclusive to XBox/PS4/Switch!It may be exclusive for one day, but its still exclusive!Yay!".Its beyond silly and simply misleading.

And it dosent matter if thats your understanding of exclusivity or the OP thinks thats what exclusivity means.Its the general public view of what the word means and stand for that is important.Otherwise discussions would go nowhere, since they would alwazs ends up on "Thats my opinion, so Im right".No conclusions will ever be made and thus making discussions pointless.Its like metacritic scores.Sure its not a perfect system, but we use that because its the closest thing we got as a general concessus to a game being either good or bad.If in a discussion, one where to present the review that most befits him(this is in a discussion to argue if the game is good or not, not your personal opinion of wether you like the game or not), the oposite sides would always cvhoose the one that most benefits their narrative.It would go nowhere.

So yeah, Nier Automata, is not exclusive, simply because there is more than one version announ ced for it.If the Pc version ends up being cancelled, then it will become exclusive.Until then, it isnt.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

Actually on second thought, we already have this thread:

No need for something along the same lines