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Forums - Sony Discussion - ARK dev: PS4 Pro performance equal to $900 gaming PC

DonFerrari said:
Chazore said:

I'd be worried for the game not being optimized for any platform tbh. 

I find it pointless when the same is done for PC when it's not been patched proper either.


I'm not "attacking" the OP, I was pointing out like others already have done, on why the OP keeps making said threads. People complain on the Steam forums, where the devs actually talk to their userbase as well.

What you done is the very definition of attacking the OP.

Chazore said:

Simply not making a thread to get a rise out of people is a much better solution than telling others to "back fof if they don't like it". YOu know why things can cause a negtaive reaction from others, even yoruself and I know you are a human being who would argue against something that gave you a negative reaction, not everyone is a machine that goes "I'kll just back off, for eevryone's sake, including my own", really not everyone does that 100% of the time, thus the other solution is just as viable.

I'm not the only one pointing out where these kind of threads go, but hey it's easier at the end of the day to make those people out to be far worse than those actually causing negative reactions in the first place. That seems to be the general rule with a few on here.

The sore side?, what?.

If you think he is flaming or trolling report him and let the mods do their job. Attacking the OP and saying he is trolling is much more against the forum rules than anything you are saying he is doing.

And you don't need to be a machine. If you see a topic on which you know will take negative feelings from you, you just ignore it or report that is the mature thing to do not the robotic one. There are dozen of PC, Switch and Xbox thread that by the title I know I totally disagree and there were plenty of similarly debunked ones in the past, so I either look for another thread to post or enter that, report it and mention that it was already discussed in the recent past. And you may deny, but you are very frequent on Sony threads and usually being very negative (and again I refer to mod convo that in the forum it's more acceptable "irrational positivism" than "rational negativism" because one of them goes towards trolling and making the forum environment worse).

You are the main one, don't try to hide yourself on the coletivism.

Ending negative = in a sore note = in a sore side. My english may be bad, but I don't think that was impossible to understand.

walsufnir said:

Apparently not. An integer is not a float. Both take up the same amount of bits, though ( a 32-bit integer takes the same amount of "space" like a normal float, single precision: 32 bit).

I didn't say an integer is a float. What I said is that mathematically and rational number may be turned into an integer by simply moving the comma, not that computacionally they mean the same.

A real number is not a rational number is not a float is not an integer :) Completely different things and no, a "rational number" doesn't turn into an integer by moving the comma. You can cast it to, of course. But then you lose any meaning of a real number.

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Veknoid_Outcast said:

Can we place a moratorium on conversations like this?

Just because Sony made the PS4 Pro, Sony fans don't suddenly need to sing its praises and act like bleeding edge tech is important to them. You like the Sony ecosystem because of its games, not because it rivals a high-end PC experience (it doesn't, by the way).

If you really care about the fastest frame rates, highest resolution, and largest number of customization options, you'd invest in a powerful rig. But you don't. You like the games available on PS4, and wouldn't like them less if they ran at 720p and 30 fps.

Let's just be honest with ourselves.

Hear, hear.