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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

All we need now is a Pro PS site to come and ssy the gap was 700k. And of vourse have multiple sources.

100k, 300k. A win is a win. And if its true, thats still almost half of whst it took MS 4 months to accomolish shaved off in one month.

I think the NA focus is market. Obviously, its the only market left for contention or discussion hence why it's always discussed. but the goal posts keep moving. It's kinda funny in the grand scheme of things.

First, it's the only market that seems to matter, then it's forgotten that PS4 already has a lead of over 1M there, then discussions are based only on whatever Month of the year thats favorable to the XB1 in that one particular Market and lastly, the requirements for winning keeps changing. Now it's not really a Sony win unless it outsells the XB1 by X amount of consoles.

We talk about the 4 months MS won and the 260k+ gap the acquired during that time; let me correct that, the 260k+ gap they reduced in 2016. But how can anyone say that and not talk about Sony having won 7 months now out of the 12 in 2016 and most importantly, not mention the gap they already built this year alone.

Ah well, guess it's all about momentum. When it's looked that way, then XB1 is technically winning since they aren't losing as much or as badly as they have been losing.

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exclusive_console said:

Microsoft would have definitely had a jab on Sony if their slim had outsold PS4S I am sure. Hopefully we will get official numbers

1) People have several option on PS4 and can choose between a PS4 Slim or PS4 Pro so that will split sales between the two.

2) Funny how you mention hoping having official numbers when MS is ashamed to show their numbers.

Didn't the person who gave that 1.1mill - 1mil rumou already said he whas lying??

xl-klaudkil said:
Didn't the person who gave that 1.1mill - 1mil rumou already said he whas lying??

They where caught saying they didnt know about it (sales nrs in a podcast), shortly before they wrote the article.

After that, they got on reddit to defend the numbers they gave.

So they might be real afterall.

So this rumour is gaining more credibility so we should treat those as the numbers seriously until we know more. Otherwise we'll be arguing about rumour's credibility all the time.
So 1M and 1.1M is bad for BOTH companies. But more disappointing for Sony. I wasn't far off with my 0.9 and 1.2M prediction.
It's disappointing for Sony because Pro launched this month and it's disappointing for MS because this was the super s that was going to put them back on track, yet they just had the worst BF for Xbox One. That also puts XB1 selling worse than last year in a country they rely on around 60% of sales while PS4 has the rest of the world to fall back on.
With Sony announcing 50M and best Black Friday week ever, PlayStation is flourishing from being a global brand while Xbox is still more of an American centric brand.

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The dudes at WC are legit...if they say its 100% true then I'm pretty certain its true and to think some people were saying that playstation was going to sell 2m.

Not great for either company...but a million consoles sold is still a million consoles sold.

Do we think this gen has already peaked ? or could this years black Friday just be a blip? and they both bounce back next year?

MikeG85 said:
The dudes at WC are legit...if they say its 100% true then I'm pretty certain its true and to think some people were saying that playstation was going to sell 2m.

Not great for either company...but a million consoles sold is still a million consoles sold.

Do we think this gen has already peaked ? or could this years black Friday just be a blip? and they both bounce back next year?

For Sony they sold more Worldwide this year than last and I suspect they will sell about the same or more next year with a ruck of big exclusives coming. It's harder to tell with MS because they rely more on US but they sold less this year in the US and more than likely less than last year worldwide. 

What are the odds they aren't lying about having the numbers but only reporting the p4s sake versus the x1s sales. I've seen it happen even with people that have access to the data where they miss SKUs or add up things wrong.

The thing that is confusing me is why do we only have that source which provides the numbers? Can't other sources make fake numbers? Why is there only 1?

Pocky Lover Boy! 

I guess no numbers this month. A shame.