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Forums - Sales Discussion - November 2016 NPD Thread! Hardware estimates in the OP!

jason1637 said:
Aura7541 said:

If you guys are curious about the percentage of WW sales the US encompass for both consoles, here are the calculations:

PS4 US sales (assuming that Windows Central numbers are true) = 15.93 million
PS4 WW sales = 50 million
PS4 US % = 31.86%

XBO US sales as of the end of 2015 = 11.12 million
XBO WW sales as of the end of 2015 = 19.1 million (based on EA's PS4 + XBO estimates)
XBO US % as of the end of 2015 = 58.22%

US numbers are based on this image Aquamarine provided and numbers from the archives.

That XB1 percentage is lower than i expected.

If the XBO managed to maintain that percentage, then WW sales will be around 24.6 million units. The XBO sold ~13.336 million in the US by the end of October and I'm pretending that Windows Central's 1 million figure is true for the sake of analysis. However, to assume that the US % has stayed the same is an iffy proposition.

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jason1637 said:

That XB1 percentage is lower than i expected.

Out of curiosity, what did you believe the XB1 global sales were before seeing this?

I was speaking of percentage. I would have thought the XB1 would have had 65% of sales in the US or something.

jason1637 said:

Out of curiosity, what did you believe the XB1 global sales were before seeing this?

I was speaking of percentage. I would have thought the XB1 would have had 65% of sales in the US or something.

I know, what did you expect the worldwide figure to be before you see the percentages. 

When do we get real numbers

maybe next month

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I guess we will be able to tell next week when vgchartz post next weekly hardware

jason1637 said:

Out of curiosity, what did you believe the XB1 global sales were before seeing this?

I was speaking of percentage. I would have thought the XB1 would have had 65% of sales in the US or something.

Oh dear lord, 65% in the US would mean WW sales = 22.06 million units. That would be really bad, lol.

Aura7541 said:
jason1637 said:

I was speaking of percentage. I would have thought the XB1 would have had 65% of sales in the US or something.

Oh dear lord, 65% in the US would mean WW sales = 22.06 million units. That would be really bad, lol.

That's the point I'm trying to make when I asked what he expected WW figures to be. I don't think he believes that XB1 is at 22M so it's strange to say the percentage was lower than he expected.

poklane said:

IF the numbers going around are true (100k difference) then that's extremely bad for Sony. That could actually indicate a shift to what's the popular console among buyers from PS4 to XB1. The 100k win would have been fine without the Pro launch, but with Pro launching? Awful.
Again, IF true.

It's bad for both.

MS as low as 1m in a country that accounts for 60% of its sales in November is atrocious, means they will be short of 2m for the month. They are already way down in UK

celador said:
poklane said:

IF the numbers going around are true (100k difference) then that's extremely bad for Sony. That could actually indicate a shift to what's the popular console among buyers from PS4 to XB1. The 100k win would have been fine without the Pro launch, but with Pro launching? Awful.
Again, IF true.

It's bad for both.

MS as low as 1m in a country that accounts for 60% of its sales in November is atrocious, means they will be short of 2m for the month. They are already way down in UK

Yeah, the US sales aren't good for either console. The PS4 is kinda excused since it's probably still up YOY worldwide. XBO, on the other hand, might've fallen behind the 360. The 360 shipped 28.5 million by the end of its 3rd full calendar year for indirect reference.