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Glad you got a kick out of my post Kber Yeah the in th US, they can go overboard with the statutory rape charges. I can't remember the exact case but I just remember how ridiculous it was. Basically the guy was 19, his girlfriend was 16 and she consented and he got sent to jail. I forgot how much time he got but it was several years. Now if he were my age (27), I could see it but jeez that guy got screwed.

BTW That picture is probably the worse one I have taken in years. I thought it was hilarious, so I figured I'd find a humorous way to share it with you all. I was tired and I was on my way to get my hair braided and I decided to capture Darc Requiem in all of his unbraided nappy afro glory

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Is it just me, or is there something inherently hilarious about a black guy complaining about statutory rape laws?

fishamaphone said:
Is it just me, or is there something inherently hilarious about a black guy complaining about statutory rape laws?
I'm not black I'm brown Well technically I'm more of a terra cotta to caramel hue.


looking more closely at your face... you got some Indian heritage? In your eyes and hair, I kinda see some India. That where your terra-cotta comes from?  Or am I just trying to read too deeply into your joke?

I'm farmer-tanned, myself.

fishamaphone said:
looking more closely at your face... you got some Indian heritage? In your eyes and hair, I kinda see some India. That where your terra-cotta comes from?  Or am I just trying to read too deeply into your joke?

I'm farmer-tanned, myself.
So...what do you farm? Hopefully it's what you have on your sig. Hook it up.


Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

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See, currently I don't farm. I think it's like a spiritual thing. See, when I was 2 and my family lived in Israel, my father had a flower farm. Grew up in the US with normal American-colored skin, and now that I'm living in Israel again, I'm getting the farmer's tan that I never got as a toddler. Like a vengeance or something.

fishamaphone said:
looking more closely at your face... you got some Indian heritage? In your eyes and hair, I kinda see some India. That where your terra-cotta comes from? Or am I just trying to read too deeply into your joke?

I'm farmer-tanned, myself.

My great grandmother was Native American. I probably have more European blood in me than Native American though given my complexion. Never bothered to look deeply into my family tree.

Lolita you really do look like your avatar, lol. Very cute pictures.

Darc Requiem said:
fishamaphone said:
looking more closely at your face... you got some Indian heritage? In your eyes and hair, I kinda see some India. That where your terra-cotta comes from? Or am I just trying to read too deeply into your joke?

I'm farmer-tanned, myself.

My great grandmother was Native American. I probably have more European blood in me than Native American though given my complexion. Never bothered to look deeply into my family tree.

 I actually meant the other kind of Indian, like "from the sub-continent of India."  :-p

But weird stuff happens to heritage.  It's surprising how mutli-cultural my campus is, when supposedly everyone's from the same tiny religion that supposedly isn't supposed to have inter-religious marriages.

fishamaphone said:
Darc Requiem said:
fishamaphone said:
looking more closely at your face... you got some Indian heritage? In your eyes and hair, I kinda see some India. That where your terra-cotta comes from? Or am I just trying to read too deeply into your joke?

I'm farmer-tanned, myself.

My great grandmother was Native American. I probably have more European blood in me than Native American though given my complexion. Never bothered to look deeply into my family tree.

I actually meant the other kind of Indian, like "from the sub-continent of India." :-p

But weird stuff happens to heritage. It's surprising how mutli-cultural my campus is, when supposedly everyone's from the same tiny religion that supposedly isn't supposed to have inter-religious marriages.

I knew you meant India but I was just giving you background on my heritage.