jason1637 said:
http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/post.php?id=8216623 The poster claimed PS4 was leading in sales based on the position which CGzi agreed. Yes the PS4S UC4 bundle is the best selling bundle on Amazon but saying PS4 is leading is putting weight into the position because hes they are assuming that the PS4 gaps is large to the nearest XB1 bundle. That seems like putting wieght into the positions. The problem i had was that they were saying its a fact. Yes saying the UC4 PS4 is the best selling on Amazon is a FACT but saying PS4 is winning is putting weight in the position and passing it on as a fact was the problem i saw. |
But he can say that PS4 is the decisive front runner in terms of positions on Amazon and state it as fact and have the opinion that PS4 is leading in sales on Amazon.