PS4 still hovering around 1 and 2. I never thought the slim would sell this much. It's initial launch wasn't that good.
Formerly ilovegirls69 :(
PS4 still hovering around 1 and 2. I never thought the slim would sell this much. It's initial launch wasn't that good.
Formerly ilovegirls69 :(
16 hours since last update:
#02 PS4s UC4 Bundle (down 1)
#07 N3DSXL Lime (down 2)
#10 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (same)
#41 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle + Card (down 12)
#42 XB1s-1tb Battflield Bundle (down 5)
#43 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (down 2)
#52 PS4 Pro (down 2)
#75 XB1s-1tb Gears Bundle (up 1)
#87 NES Classic (up 4)
SOFTWARE (pre-orders only)
Nothing at the moment
PS4: 2 in the top 100 / 1 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 1 in the top 5
XB1: 5 in the top 100 / 4 in the top 50 / 1 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10 / 0 in the top 5
The PS5 Exists.
Jranation said: Holy fuck! Look at them X1 Bundles! |
Do you really think so ?
Playstation_awaiter said: No MS pr about how they demolished BF? |
They probably wont know for sure until the 7th of dec? or so when the numbers are released.
Sadly for us, we wont know them until basically the new year.
However Im pretty sure whoever comes out on top, will give some PR about it.
Jranation said: Holy fuck! Look at them X1 Bundles! |
The question is if 3 bundles at 40-50 range + 1 bundle at 10 ish range, is better than 1 bundle at #1-2 spot.
Its probably close.
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
Do you really think so ? |
He's an Xbox fan so I'd assume so. wants xbox to beat PS but I just can't see it happening.
Ps4 has done one thing consistently this gen and that's winning.
Ps. I don't say he's an Xbox fan like it's a bad thing. just notice he's always cheering it on like I cheer for PlayStation.
Playstation_awaiter said: No MS pr about how they demolished BF? |
I think the last two years, Microsoft released its Black Friday PR on the Thursday after BF. Well today is Thursday and nothing, so far...
Today is far from over, so we should still keep an eye out for any PR. I know that a certain someone will quickly make a thread about it if MS makes a statement
Kerotan said: He's an Xbox fan so I'd assume so. wants xbox to beat PS but I just can't see it happening. Ps4 has done one thing consistently this gen and that's winning. Ps. I don't say he's an Xbox fan like it's a bad thing. just notice he's always cheering it on like I cheer for PlayStation. |
Even if you mean nothing bad by it, can we please stop labelling people like this because of views they hold?
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