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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why I like Playstation so much more than Xbox or Nintendo.


Do PS4 players have the most diverse tastes, overall?

Yes 162 57.65%
No 102 36.30%
See results 17 6.05%

Yep, been that way since PS1

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Goodnightmoon said:

A large group of people buy a Ps4 for Fifa and Cod, because that's the console their friends have to play those games, as simple as that.

Fixed that for you, even if you add the sales of Fifa 16 and BLOPS 3 together and assume there is zero overlap it doesn't make over half of ps4 sales.

Now let me make a gross generalization, The majority of people buy a Nintendo Console for Mario Kart, simple as that.

Captain_Yuri said:
I think that most gamers are biased against hentai gamers since no lists seem to ever include them

Whenever some xbox fan goes "that anime shit, that no one over 14 plays" it bugs me.

Theres alot of anime styled rpgs that are pretty good.

I just have to tell myself they dont know what their missing out on, if they cant get past the art style.


Veknoid_Outcast said:
I don't know. I think a lot of PS super-users prop up games from niche genres and developers for list wars, but the majority of PS4 owners buy 8-10 games, most of them Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Madden, FIFA, etc.

Im one of those weird ones that doesnt like (online multiplayer) shooters or sports games.... so yeah.

I mostly just play everything else, and Im sure theres plenty like me out there too.

Mainly Platformers and rpgs though :)

Barkley said:
Goodnightmoon said:

A large group of people buy a Ps4 for Fifa and Cod, because that's the console their friends have to play those games, as simple as that.

Fixed that for you, even if you add the sales of Fifa 16 and BLOPS 3 together and assume there is zero overlap it doesn't make over half of ps4 sales.

Now let me make a gross generalization, The majority of people buy a Nintendo Console for Mario Kart, simple as that.

Between Cod and Fifa there are almost 50 milion games sold on Ps4, is not just a large group, is the standar Ps4 player, the op is just being delusional and trying to feel superior because the console he bought, pretty pathetic stuff you only see on the intrnet.


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Seventizz said:
I can't see myself buying a ps4 this gen. Exclusives are poor to bad to broken. Online is sketchy. And their fans tend to make threads like this one - thinking they're sophisticated gamers, when actual dexterity and skill is what they lack. What type of hand/eye coordination does a turn based jrpg or movie game require? Not much

And why is that a problem? that sounds so damn elitist.... are you one of those types that only enjoys playing a game, if its a online multiplayer game where you can show case your score board has better K:D ratio than others?

Some people play games not to compete with others, but simply their own enjoyment of a game.

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I love how non ps fans like to only look at the top 10 to argue for lack of diversity. Sure, because everything out of the top 10 doesn't count. That's some weird logic right there, but not surprising at all.

Just because casual gamers buy shooters and sports doesn't mean there isn't a huge number of people who buy enough copies of other genres to make them successful.

Goodnightmoon said:

Between Cod and Fifa there are almost 50 milion games sold on Ps4, is not just a large group, is the standar Ps4 player, the op is just being delusional and trying to feel superior because the console he bought, pretty pathetic.

The fifa and CoD crowd buy those games annually, 50 million sold does not mean 50 million unique users. 

I prefer the PSone/PS2 line ups also prefer the PS one/PS2 ip's exclusives.

If you would check my psn games/trophies you will probably find I spend more time with ports and Ps2 classics than I do with PS4 new Ip's.

naruball said:
I love how non ps fans like to only look at the top 10 to argue for lack of diversity. Sure, because everything out of the top 10 doesn't count. That's some weird logic right there, but not surprising at all.

Just because casual gamers buy shooters and sports doesn't mean there isn't a huge number of people who buy enough copies of other genres to make them successful.

The only weird logic here is how anyone who chooses brand loyalty and sticks to one brand can be called diverse at all. I find it more logical people who are more likely to own all platforms are the ones who can be called diverse.

SegataSanshiro said:
naruball said:
I love how non ps fans like to only look at the top 10 to argue for lack of diversity. Sure, because everything out of the top 10 doesn't count. That's some weird logic right there, but not surprising at all.

Just because casual gamers buy shooters and sports doesn't mean there isn't a huge number of people who buy enough copies of other genres to make them successful.

The only weird logic here is how anyone who chooses brand loyalty and sticks to one brand can be called diverse at all. I find it more logical people who are more likely to own all platforms are the ones who can be called diverse.

Not necessarily. That's assuming that you have enough money and space for each console (and handhelds and a pc).

With the limited time that I have for gaming, I only get to game on a ps4 and psvita.

Just to give you an idea, in the last couple of months I played Just Dance 2016, Knack, Teraway, Infamous, Until Dawn, Journey, Spiderman (vita), Soul Sacrifice Delta, Singstar, Yu-Gi-oh! Legacy of the Duelist, Overlord Fellowship of Evil, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Gauntlet, Shadow of the Beast, Sound Shapes, Tales from the Borderlands, and Naruto Ninja Storm 4. I plan on buying Attack on Titan, FFXV and The Last Guardian soon.

Feels pretty diverse to me (not saying it's representative of the average ps4 owner, but how I don't need another console. I don't even use my pc despite the great number of games I have on it). Getting a wiiu or xb1 wouldn't have done much to diversify my catalogue, since I have plenty from each genre I like on ps4.