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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS4pro HDD vs SSD test up: DF tests & NXGamer. Final 5-40% perf improvement

Intrinsic said:
vivster said:
Gonna check out if the loading times for WoFF and FFXV are ok with the HDD. If not I'm gonna replace it with a 250GB SSD.

I've been consiering that too. Get a 256/512GB SSD and onky keep on the games i am currently playing . Shouldn't be too hard since this gen I have been all digital. But though thought of never having more than 3 games on at a time gives me nightmares hence why I'm leaning towards a 1TB.

Nah, less than 1 TB wouldn't work for me.

These few seconds less while loading a game/level/area wouldn't be worth the additional time and hassle for micromanaging (deciding which stuff to delete, deleting even a bunch of small games to make place for a big new one, reinstalling, redownloading and/or repatching games if I want to play them again...).

I'm settling for the 2B FireCuda SSHD for now, which arrived just in time today:

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KBG29 said:
Awesome, I've got a 4TB Evo 850 coming Friday to drop in the Pro. Should give me enough room for all the Retro and VR gaming I want to do for the next couple of years.

So... did your SSD arrive on time? Show us some pictures!

And how much space is available after installing it? (System Storage Management)

Have you already "filled it up" with your all your favorite games? What are your biggest games and how much space is still free? (You can sort the applications by size)

My 2TB-drive looks like this after reinstalling and patching most of my PS4 games:

If it saves very little loading time and is mostly on starting of the game there isn't much reason to pick a SSD

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Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

deskpro2k3 said:

pretty good stuff, but the question is this; Is a few extra hundred dollars worth it for cutting 3-5sec off from a loading?

I got a 1.5TB SSD in my PC, and a 2TB HDD ready for my PS4Pro. It's a tough question

I have a 2 TB SSHD in my PS4 Pro and it is a good bit faster than the regular PS4 (I have a 1 TB 7200 RPM HDD in my PS4) I think an SSD is a waste of money for a console but that is just me. For a gaming PC I would absolutely keep the SSD lol

Thercon_Jair said:
5400rpm drives have higher data density, so they can be smaller for the same capacity. 7200rpm drives basically only have faster access times, so random read is better, as the required sector to jump to will pass again faster.
In a console, when loading game assets 5400 to 7200 shouldn't make much of a difference, if any.

It makes a decent difference of around 10-15% on average according to comparison vidoes. On the PS4 Pro that difference would probably be larger but I have not seen any good comparision videos of a 5400 and 7200 Drive yet. I have a 2 TB SSHD (5400) in my PS4 Pro

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Conina said:
KBG29 said:
Awesome, I've got a 4TB Evo 850 coming Friday to drop in the Pro. Should give me enough room for all the Retro and VR gaming I want to do for the next couple of years.

So... did your SSD arrive on time? Show us some pictures!

And how much space is available after installing it? (System Storage Management)

Have you already "filled it up" with your all your favorite games? What are your biggest games and how much space is still free? (You can sort the applications by size)

My 2TB-drive looks like this after reinstalling and patching most of my PS4 games:

I put pictures up on the VGChart Community on PSN. I believe it is 3.58TB overall. I haven't been out to check how much is used. I had a lot qued for D/L before I went to bed last night. I will post more pics in the VGC community later today.

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Kevyn B Grams


Random_Matt said:
SSHD is the way to go.

It really really really... so much really, isn't though, it's a cheap way to include the words Solid State onto a harddrive but for a console it just isn't going to give you any real performance increases.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

great stuff, but im more hoping for a 4TB drive that fits the ps4, my ps4 is completely full and I have a 2TV drive from seagate in it... wish they just allowed external drives too, would be nice to never delete my stuff I replay old games all the time lol

Twitter @CyberMalistix

Ganoncrotch said:
Random_Matt said:
SSHD is the way to go.

It really really really... so much really, isn't though, it's a cheap way to include the words Solid State onto a harddrive but for a console it just isn't going to give you any real performance increases.

A lot of people just do not seem to understand that an SSHD is not going to make a ton of difference on a console. It will help but it is not going to do anywhere near as much as it does on a PC.


I have a 2 TB SSHD in my PS4 Pro but that is just because it cost like 10$ more to get the SSHD vs a regular HDD so you may as well. I would have preferred a 2 TB 7200 RPM drive but that really does not exist without paying a fortune.

deskpro2k3 said:

pretty good stuff, but the question is this; Is a few extra hundred dollars worth it for cutting 3-5sec off from a loading?

I got a 1.5TB SSD in my PC, and a 2TB HDD ready for my PS4Pro. It's a tough question

For huge open world games the latter and for pesky games with loads of loading the former...