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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If Nintendo Switch fails this will be Nintendo last console.

I dont think this will be Nintendo's last.


I do feel that Nintendo is pulling out all the stops for this. They're combining their handheld and home console together pooling in all their resources to this one console.

So I would say that the Switch is Nintendo's best effort of trying to make their biggest come-back.

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Well, Google is set with the Pixel phone to start pulling in Google based apps to only work on Google devices. Samsung is already preparing for this to happen. When this does a vacuum will be created in the mobile market and even a company like Nintendo could capitalize on this with their own mobile devices, especially in japan. The Switch is Nintendo's first of many mobile devices.


Hey! They got SONY on my amiibo! Wait a minute. Two great gaming tastes that game great together!

Switch FC: SW-0398-8858-1969

Why do we let total biased people make flame baiting threads like this.

All Nintendo need to do is to make good profit. Not being first in sales, nothing like that.
If I have a company and every single product I release turns a profit, I can stay in the market forever.
If I am number one in a particular market but I sell stuff at a loss, then I will go bankrupt as soon as my reserves end.
Nintendo has a good momentum to sell a good amount of Switches.
As long as they sell them at a profit and turn a profit in the software, they will never go bankrupt.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

SpokenTruth said:
Snoopy said:

I think this is it. If the Nintendo Switch fails, Nintendo will leave the console industry. I honestly think from a non bias prospective that Nintendo Switch will ultimatly end up failing. The switch is going to be 300 dollars while there is a chance the ps4/xbox one will be cheaper. If thats the case there will be little to no reason to buy the Nintendo Switch.

2 days ago you admited to being an Xbox fanboy.   You've also made a thread several weeks ago about not buying foreign products because of nationalism.  You've also claimed it would fail months before any information was known about it and you've not made a single positive comment regarding Nintendo in at least a year.

I think this disqualfies you from claiming an unbiasd opinion.

Never has your username been more appropriate :)

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The Switch is a tablet that will be able to play Pokemon, Mario Kart, Splatoon, Animal Crossing and probably Monster Hunter too, it should be able to sell close to 10 million units in Japan alone... with some effort it might reach 40 million units if you add the rest of the world. It won't be close to the DS or Wii, but I doubt that Nintendo will see its numbers as failure.

V-r0cK said:
I dont think this will be Nintendo's last.


I do feel that Nintendo is pulling out all the stops for this. They're combining their handheld and home console together pooling in all their resources to this one console.

So I would say that the Switch is Nintendo's best effort of trying to make their biggest come-back.

Lets see if their greed kills it.

Im really hopeing for a 249$ price point so they have a fantastic launch.

Nintendo user base has shrunk to just 13m users with the Wii U.

Now is the time to build the userbase.

They have plenty of money in the bank, now they need to not be greedy, and sell this console at break even or slight loss.

249$ price point now, could be a move that ends up makeing them more money down the line.

bunchanumbers said:
It will be a success. Should sell around 40m. But it will still be Nintendos last device outside of the SNES Mini and the N64 Mini. By then they will be a total mobile company.

You really dont know Nintendo, do you?

i hope ur right.

im so tired of those hypetrains.