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Forums - Politics Discussion - Live Updates for 2016 USA Election


Who are you voting for?

Hillary Clinton 167 27.93%
Donald Trump 185 30.94%
Gary Johnson 23 3.85%
Jill Stein 21 3.51%
Can't vote not old enough 11 1.84%
Can't vote out of country 191 31.94%
lionpetercarmoo said:

Made this thread so everybody can keep up to date with the Presidential Election as it happens tomorrow.

Not old enough to vote but if I could I would vote Hillary as Trump is an idiot.

Great things to look forward to:

Frequent US ISIS attacks

Rape up against young women, thanks to the awesome “presidential” role model


Middle class to pay more taxes make less while the upper % prosper

If you think Gov. was corrupt now wait for the next 4 years.

Trumps  7th Chapter 11 will be the US government.

Plenty more fab things

Good times ahead, Yay.

Moderated for spamming the same post in every thread. - Miguel_Zorro

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Ucouldntbemorewrong said:

Great things to look forward to:

1) Frequent US ISIS attacks

2) Rape up against young women, thanks to the awesome “presidential” role model


4) Middle class to pay more taxes make less while the upper % prosper

5) If you think Gov. was corrupt now wait for the next 4 years.

6) Trumps  7th Chapter 11 will be the US government.

Plenty more fab things

Good times ahead, Yay.

1) Not if he secures the border and limits Muslim immigration.

2) Do you really think the president's personal behavior will suddenly cause people to treat women worse? Frankly, we've outgrown that kind of childish thinking. Thanks to Bill Clinton.

3) Hillary is the one who wanted war with Russia. Trump has said over and over that he doesn't want the US to engage in any more pointless wars, like Iraq.

4) That's not what he says in his tax plan. Also, the upper % probably won't prosper as much as you think if Trump enacts a more protectionist trade policy and a more patriotic immigration policy.

5) Wall Street, globalist corporations, the media, the bureaucracy, the education system, and both political parties were all supporting Hillary and slandering Trump, and the Clinton foundation has received millions of dollars from foreign governments. If anything, Trump is going to be the least corrupt president in decades because he is firmly against the current one-party establishment.

6) The federal debt grew to $20 trillion under Obama. If we can survive that, then there is really no chance of the federal government going bankrupt.

StarDoor said:
Ucouldntbemorewrong said:

Great things to look forward to:

1) Frequent US ISIS attacks

2) Rape up against young women, thanks to the awesome “presidential” role model


4) Middle class to pay more taxes make less while the upper % prosper

5) If you think Gov. was corrupt now wait for the next 4 years.

6) Trumps  7th Chapter 11 will be the US government.

Plenty more fab things

Good times ahead, Yay.

1) Not if he secures the border and limits Muslim immigration.

2) Do you really think the president's personal behavior will suddenly cause people to treat women worse? Frankly, we've outgrown that kind of childish thinking. Thanks to Bill Clinton.

3) Hillary is the one who wanted war with Russia. Trump has said over and over that he doesn't want the US to engage in any more pointless wars, like Iraq.

4) That's not what he says in his tax plan. Also, the upper % probably won't prosper as much as you think if Trump enacts a more protectionist trade policy and a more patriotic immigration policy.

5) Wall Street, globalist corporations, the media, the bureaucracy, the education system, and both political parties were all supporting Hillary and slandering Trump, and the Clinton foundation has received millions of dollars from foreign governments. If anything, Trump is going to be the least corrupt president in decades because he is firmly against the current one-party establishment.

6) The federal debt grew to $20 trillion under Obama. If we can survive that, then there is really no chance of the federal government going bankrupt.

Dude posted this like in four threads.  He was reported for spamming.

RolStoppable said:
Slimebeast said:

Bitter much?

You know very well that the analysis of these newspapers and politicians didn't have anything to do with how the popular vote turned out.

All parliamentary democracies have systems where you can lose even if you got the majority popular vote, including Sweden and Finland.

I've never heard of such a thing in Austria and Germany. The majority in a popular vote equates a win, always.

In Spain it can happen. There were cases of parties without the 50% of the popular vote taking more than the 50% of the parliament. One person, one vote doesn't happen, I don't know about Germany or Austria tbh.

So I've been looking at the maps and while I kind of get how it works, I noticed that the electoral votes in Maine are distributed between candidates (Clinton 3, Trump 1) instead of everything to the winner. So what's that about?

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Trump's financial guy Steve Mnuchin is an ex-Clinton donor, ex-Goldman Sachs partner (like his father) and George Soros ex-employee, so congrats to the winners.

Slimebeast said:
Zkuq said:

We should probably wait for results of the popular vote first before talking about 'total pissing on democracy'. Last I checked, Clinton still has the lead in the popular vote, so if we're to make rush judgements, it seems like Trump winning is pissing on democracy instead. And that's why we should wait for the final results before pulling off some drama about 'total pissing on democracy'.

Bitter much?

You know very well that the analysis of these newspapers and politicians didn't have anything to do with how the popular vote turned out.

All parliamentary democracies have systems where you can lose even if you got the majority popular vote, including Sweden and Finland.

I'm not arguing about the result. I'm not even bitter, just a bit disappointed and worried, and quite amused. The result speak for themselves, and under the current system, Trump is clearly the winner without doubt. I didn't event say my opinion about the current system. All I pointed out was that your choice of words was very poor, because you're talking about pissing on democracy, when in fact the majority voted for Clinton. That's not a take on the system, I simply pointed out that it's not as black and white as you make it out be. If Trump ends up winning the popular vote in the end, I'm fine with it, and your comment is more justified, but I don't think the final results are in yet.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to point of how incorrect most analyses were. They were reasonable predictions, they were wrong, and they need to be improved or they'll lose some of their relevance (just like they should if they're not accurate enough).

And just for the record, I think the voting system is stupid. It's stupid in the US, it's stupid here in Finland, and if it's the same in Sweden, then it's stupid there as well. I don't even care about who would benefit from changing the system. The system has some basis in cases where regional representation should be somehow guaranteed (although I still think it's unjust), but there's pretty much no reason to have such a system for a presidential election. I also think election thresholds suck, and they're an extremely anti-democratic practice.

Will Trump close the tax loopholes that he and his buddies have been taking advantage of for years? If not, his trade deals are going to fall through and we won't have moved anywhere in terms of trade. Is he going to repeal NAFTA? Which allowed him to survive in the business world in the first place? He has to do what he says he was going to do.

Vote Totals for Two Major Party Candidates in Recent Elections

George W. Bush - 50,456,062
Albert Gore - 50,996,582

Total - 101,452,644

George W. Bush - 62,039,073
John Kerry - 59,027,478

Total - 121,066,551

Barack Obama - 69,456,897
John McCain - 59,934,814

Total - 129,391,711

Barack Obama - 65,446,032
Mitt Romney - 60,589,084

Total - 126,035,116

2016 (99% of votes counted)
Donald Trump - 59,218,283
Hillary Clinton - 59,405,663

Total - 118,623,946

RolStoppable said:
Slimebeast said:

Bitter much?

You know very well that the analysis of these newspapers and politicians didn't have anything to do with how the popular vote turned out.

All parliamentary democracies have systems where you can lose even if you got the majority popular vote, including Sweden and Finland.

I've never heard of such a thing in Austria and Germany. The majority in a popular vote equates a win, always.

Good for you, but here the popular vote gets translated into improportionate "district votes" and those in turn are based on history and whatnot and not  mathematically proportional (but more than historical factors they're designed to benefit the biggest parties).