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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If Switch doesn't get its own MK/Smash?

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How would feel if the teams moved onto other titles after the ports

Switch Cancelled. 19 24.68%
Meh, I'd have to see wor... 15 19.48%
I wouldn't mind. 37 48.05%
I don't even like Mario Kart/Smash Bros 6 7.79%

It would be a catastrophically bad business move. No one buys new hardware for old games and that's what this would be perceived as: dragging out an old game. If Nintendo wants to go the Overwatch route (Lord help us all), they need to do it with Mario Kart 9 and Smash 5 for the Switch, NOT try to drag out their old games that are old news by now. Especially since, as nice as those games look, there are noticeable compromises to visual fidelity for the sake of the Wii U, especially in Smash.

Also, if they wanted to do this, they should have made a traditional console with a hard drive.  As it stands, such a system would be ludicrous to try and do with 4 or 5 games as some are suggesting, it would just eat up the internal storage like mad.

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Wii U ports, or enhanced versions will not be enough for me to upgrade to Switch. Smash, MK8 and Splatoon are all fantastic enough on Wii U, same for BOTW. I need to see more of what's coming to Switch before I make up my mind. Potential 3D Mario launch title is a good start.

Veknoid_Outcast said:
teigaga said:

I think Nintendo can definitely afford to expand their developer base on top of this. 1 or 2 purchases and then the creation of a unique team handpicked team. They need another Rare in my opinion. 

I'd argue Retro and Next Level Games fill that Rare vacancy.

I would love to see Retro tackle more genres.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

To be completely honest, I find a new Smash Bros to be unnecessary at this point. The game's fighting system is great (at least for regular players, not sure about the "hardcore") it's got gorgeous graphics, its loaded with content and characters. I don't really see the point in making a brand new one, especially since the last one really isn't THAT old.

Port the Wii U version to the switch, add some new content, and I'll be happy. The only major addition I can even think of is an adventure mode, and we don't need a brand new game to implement that.

Same goes for Mario Kart 8. If Emily Rogers isn't exaggerating and they really did double the content, what would even be the point of making a new Mario Kart, when this one is already so gorgeous and so well received?

As long as these enhanced ports have a good deal or new content (current rumors say they do) and these teams go on create games in other franchises than im all for it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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Well it damn well should have it's own Smash AND Mario Kart.

I think that Mario Kart and Super Smash bros are different situations.

In the case of Mario Kart, I don't think anything less than Mario Kart 9 would be acceptable. Mario Kart is probably Nintendo's most reliable series of console games, consistently selling to at least one in three console owners. And simply put, ports of three year old games don't sell as well as brand new games would, even if the original was on a less popular console.

For one example, look at Resident Evil 4. It was originally a GameCube exclusive, but was ported to the PS2 less than a year latter before being ported to the Wii. Heck, a PS2 port was announced before the GameCube version was even released. Considering how the GameCube sold about an eighth as well as the PS2 and a fifth as well as the Wii, you'd think RE4 would sell relatively huge amounts on those consoles, especially since the GameCube was dying off years before the PS2 would. And the PS2 version had extras. But even the PS2 version only outsold the GameCube counterpart by about two to one. The same thing happened with Dreamcast games like Sonic Adventure to the GameCube.

Now, Mario Kart 9 doesn't have to be a revolutionary makeover of the series. After all, the gap in hardware capabilities and years between installments is smaller than usual. The graphics can be fairly similar to those of MK8, there can still be 12 racers at once, and so on. But it still needs new elements besides a few new characters and tracks. It could be something comparable to Double Dash's two racers per kart and character items, the Bikes and Tricks of Mario Kart Wii, or the gliding and antigravity of MK7 and MK8, etc.

My hopes are for more multiplayer options, both locally and online. Being able to play with 8 or 12 people locally using multiple Switches would be cool, and I fully expect online functionality to only increase after MK8. Being able to hold multiple items and switch between them could be a new gimmick that adds depth without being too complicated.

As for Super Smash Bros, I'm going to say something heretical. I think we can get a new game in the series without Masahiro Sakurai being in charge.

Hear me out.

Sakurai has repeatedly shown disinterest in making new SSB games. As far back as Melee, he was working under the assumption that he'd never make another entry again. And with SSB4, it was largely a collaboration with Bandai Namco's fighting game developers. If Nintendo wanted to start working on a new game, let's say in time for the 2019 holidays (a five year gap), one of Nintendo's studios (HAL Laboratory and Nintendo EPD both have series veterans) could collaborate with Bandai Namco.

Sakurai would supervise, but he would mostly be working on his new pet project. Maybe he'll revive another dormant franchise. Mole Mania Uprising?

It'll get it's own game.

I hope we get a new MK, as for Smash I don't want a new one, I like the metagame of this one Wii U/Melee are now bigger than ever, and they will growth even more so throwing a new smash would mean split the competitive scene even more.

Depends, if the ports are contentiously going to get updates, then I would be fine with that as well

If not, then we are almost guaranteed to get another Mario Kart and Smash

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