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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Clarifying the 1.5TFLOPS of the SWITCH for those who just see the numbers.

......and my amiibo are coded with hexadecimal algorithms. Take that science!


Hey! They got SONY on my amiibo! Wait a minute. Two great gaming tastes that game great together!

Switch FC: SW-0398-8858-1969

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Nogamez said:
I'm split now..... do I buy day and hope it's better then Wii u or wait.... but the more who buy day one the more likely we are for third party. It sounds too weak to get third party now.........

It's very hard to say until we see an actual game running on it. We'll have to wait till January's briefing. Just on paper, my expectation is the Switch is to the WiiU what the Wii was to the Gamecube. 


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

It's sad that these kind of threads need to be made.

Thanks for doing it, viv.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

But, I need a graphics card for my PC that has 10TFlops!

Although the above statement is true (I hate frame drops) As long as everything operates as it should, I see no issue. Not everything can be played on a PC, and the Wii U just hit dreamcast status. Looking forward to the switch. We'll see how everything runs and operates. Honestly, today, I just use consoles for exclusives.

Really hope the switch doesn't fail.

vivster said:

Now the Switch's mystical number of 1.5TFLOPS refers to FP16. The FP32 performance is logically at 750GFLOPS. For comparison the PS4 sports 1.84TFLOPS in FP32.

I hope this clears up a few things. I'm not an expert in these things so if I got something completely wrong, someone please correct me.

That assumes the Parker chip in Switch is vanilla X2. But being a "custom" Tegra it could be more powerful. Or less powerful. I hope nVidia distinguishes it as something like "Tegra N" rather than "Tegra X1"/ "Tegra X2"

I don't think nVidia and Nintendo would both decide to use the exact same chip in cars in the Switch. A gaming device has more use of extra GPU than a car.

Different use-cases. Different products.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Around the Network
Nogamez said:
I'm split now..... do I buy day and hope it's better then Wii u or wait.... but the more who buy day one the more likely we are for third party. It sounds too weak to get third party now.........

If you're expecting/require Mass Effect Andromeda,  Final Fantasy XV and Red Dead Redemption wait (but also prepare for disappointment).


If you simply require a abundance of good games you should know by the end of January.

Solid-Stark said:
Not to mention the FLOPS don't compare. i.e. 1.3 TF XOne vs 1.3TF ARM wouldn't be "equal". XOne would still be more capable.

Do you mean Jaguar vs ARM Cortex-A57(rumor) or GCN 2.0 vs Pascal(still a rumor?)?

It doesn't really matter, Jaguars proccessors weren't known for being particulary decent at floating-point performance or anything else really.

Notes for fairness: 

- This article was written in 2013. (Jaguar is an old ass cpu architechture.)

- Quacomm Snapdragon is a custom design based of ARM Cortex-A15.

- All ARM cores featured here are 32-bit proccessors. 64-bit ARM was introduced in 2014.

- I cherry picked this chart because is the only one I seen that shows floating-point performance.

- Jaguar performed slightly better on certain tasks, like physics. (Against these old ass 32-bit ARM cores.)


That said, if you have any evidence that can back up your claim, kindly show it to me. I like learning new things.

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)

Solid-Stark said:
vivster said:

I think from all the specs that exist, FLOPS are the most descriptive for power comparison. Because they are a logical combination of the two most important factors in gaming graphics, cores and frequency. It's the best buzzword we have so far. Certainly better than MHz or bits or the worst one of all, RAM.

We should be happy that we're getting ever closer to real world performance.

But i'd say FLOPS give you a ballpark estimate, a rather large one. The best measure of real world performance are literal examples. We know what the Xone and PS4 can do, and until we have a Switch example it will be hard to draw accurate conclusions. Especially since we only have the FLOP number.

Another take on this FLOP topic is how many FLOPS were required for an ARM chip to compare to last gen consoles (230ish FLOPS). 500 or so? And even then it's with environmental assumptions. 

The problem is we do not have real world examples and probably won't get until it releases. So FLOPS is the closest we can get for guesstimates.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

fleischr said:
vivster said:

Now the Switch's mystical number of 1.5TFLOPS refers to FP16. The FP32 performance is logically at 750GFLOPS. For comparison the PS4 sports 1.84TFLOPS in FP32.

I hope this clears up a few things. I'm not an expert in these things so if I got something completely wrong, someone please correct me.

That assumes the Parker chip in Switch is vanilla X2. But being a "custom" Tegra it could be more powerful. Or less powerful. I hope nVidia distinguishes it as something like "Tegra N" rather than "Tegra X1"/ "Tegra X2"

I don't think nVidia and Nintendo would both decide to use the exact same chip in cars in the Switch. A gaming device has more use of extra GPU than a car.

Different use-cases. Different products.

I know Tegra is mostly used for cars with smartphones and tablets being more of a fringe case but that doesn't mean it's just made for it. The X2 (or P1) has the most powerful Tegra graphics yet. Honestly I would be surprised If Nintendo's device will have anything above the specifications beside a higher clock in dock mode.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I'm no expert on graphics or game programming, but I'm under the impression that there's quite a limited range of situations where half-precision FP numbers are usable. Any experts capable of shedding some light on this? How much of a boost does FP16 give over FP32 without too much noticeable degradation in image quality (or other areas) in a typical modern game?