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The slim bundle made fallout ps4 go out of stock

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Roronaa_chan said:
The slim bundle made fallout ps4 go out of stock

what bundle?

wow last time I checked the ps4 pro has dropped out of the top 100. Like I said in earlier posts, the reason it was selling was because of the hardcore ps4 fans upgrading. No one in their right mind will buy a console that speaks of superior graphics but then forces parity on fps games such as bf1. Also before the usual crowd come running out to come to the defence of the ps4, note that I believe the scorpio will also face the same fate as the pro. The age where console fans will not be taken for mugs is upon us. Trying to extort us for 399 (pro) and 499+ for scorpio but will downgrade online so there is parity, what a joke.

hope both sony and microsoft fall flat on their face with this mid-gen upgrade that offers nothing new.

Gribble doesn't seem to be online so ill post this.

5 hours since last update:

#02 PS4s UC4 Bundle (up 5)
#29 N3DS Mario Black (down 16)
#32 XB1s-500gb Minecraft Bundle (up 26)
#34 XB1s-500gb Battlefield Bundle (up 4)
#62 XB1s-1tb Battflield Bundle (down 22)
#66 N3DSXL Lime (down 21)

SOFTWARE (pre-orders only) Nothing at the moment

 1 in the top 100 / 0 in the  top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 1 in the top 10
 3 in the top 100 / 2 in the top 50 / 0 in the top 20 / 0 in the top 10

Wow! Soooo much Xbox Ones

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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Ps4 @ 2 woa!!
Also pro not in top 100 any more.:(


My youtube gaming page.

CGI-Quality said:
jason1637 said:

Yeah but lots of people were waiting for the Pro. But i see what you mean, when the xb1s and the ps4s are on even grounds the xb1 has come out on top.

That's not a trend, though. He's making an assumption based on two months of NPD totals. I say this every year, people impulse post around this time, only to find out later that things haven't really "changed" at all. 

Come Jan/Feb, we can better assess the situation.

Stay Calm, enjoy the sales numbers, wait for more info, seems like good advice to me, I would take it :P
Its ok to root for one or the other side, its ok to be excited and in the end whatever we write here won't change any outcome anyway, so... less impulse, more patience ^^

And lets be honest, it has been more exciting with the Pro and VR, how many times to we get double hardware in sutch a small period of time, we all want to know how it impacts the market, and next year with the switch and scorpio, its exciting to see the console market evolve.

Twitter @CyberMalistix

The real struggle of the Pro this week is that it has no bundles or deals to my knowledge. Black Friday week is the week where that sort of thing is crucial. People don't shop on black Friday as part of a tradition, they do it cause of the sales.

xl-klaudkil said:
Ps4 @ 2 woa!!
Also pro not in top 100 anymore.:(

It is weird that it's not in the top 100 and it's still in stock. Maybe it's because during black Friday people are looking for discounts and sales. Since the Pro is not on sale and the PS4s right now is $150 cheaper I assume that's what people are buying instead.

People talking about the Pro ignoring it's great performance on the yearly chart. Let's see where t is next week when all the deals have stopped.