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Forums - Sales Discussion - Amazon U.S. November bestsellers and general Amazon-based discussion

Mike_L said:
X1Gates said:
The pro is not doing too hot. Sony should pack in cod infinite/modern warfare in with the pro for 349 to get it shifting.

Please do not regard this as neither an attack nor an attempt to drive Xbox fans away from the site. I'm trying to be constructive.

PS4 Pro just helped more than triple PS4 sales in the UK. Here's the link.
You think Pro needs to be bundled with both COD IW and COD MW for $349 in order to sell.

A bundle with PS4 Pro + COD IW + COD MW priced at $349 would of course do gangbusters but I doubt we'll even see this kind of bundle on black friday.
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just curious to know what you're basing it on that PS4 Pro had a weak launch.

For a console with so much hype and with people on vgchartz saying "oh the ps4 lost npd because of pro coming in November" I expected it to be around the top 3 on launch day but I believe it was around 10 (may be wrong). I only stated that they should consider packing in the cod game to get it shifting because when it comes to value of bundles the xbox s trumps the pro and slim. It was only a suggestion and my opinion which could be right or wrong. The initial sale increase in the uk may be down to the current ps4 owners upgrading just like the xbox s when it first launched. The success of the pro will be determined after the holidays when all the hardcores have upgraded. To keep the sales up sony should really consider packing in cod with pro because I'll buy it for 349 pound (I don't have the current cod and I want to upgrade from my current jet sounding ps4). Please note I forgot to place the £ sign in front of the 349 in my last comment (i live in the UK) so the original comment should have read ps4 pro+cod bundle for £349/$399. 

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Mike_L said:
X1Gates said:
The pro is not doing too hot. Sony should pack in cod infinite/modern warfare in with the pro for 349 to get it shifting.

Please do not regard this as neither an attack nor an attempt to drive Xbox fans away from the site. I'm trying to be constructive.

PS4 Pro just helped more than triple PS4 sales in the UK. Here's the link.
You think Pro needs to be bundled with both COD IW and COD MW for $349 in order to sell.

A bundle with PS4 Pro + COD IW + COD MW priced at $349 would of course do gangbusters but I doubt we'll even see this kind of deal on black friday.
You say PS4 Pro had a weak launch. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just curious to know what you're basing it on.


Tbf its new hardware, need numbers. Tripling sounds good on paper but its not always the case. Ps4 slim did like 50x as much as ps4 did in japan when it launched for example. That said need to see long term. PS4 should get Nov and have a nice gap in between but i dont think itll be as large/overkill as some think.

FFXV up in the top 5. Not bad, it still has awhile left. What are expectations for Sales FW in the US? (Nov npd)

Namiirei said:
Swordmasterman said:
Will the PS4 outsell the One by 300K+ this month ? What was the gap between the 2 in november 2015 ?

I will go with 500k.


And i think i'm pessimist here.

It seems possible, I don't had the numbers from last year. Even the Xbox One S was enough to push the Xbox One by 100k in a slow month, launch month .

tbone51 said:
FFXV up in the top 5. Not bad, it still has awhile left. What are expectations for Sales FW in the US? (Nov npd)

November NPD ends on 26 November, Final Fantasy is 29 November.

It will be December NPD only.

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Ryng_Tolu said:
tbone51 said:
FFXV up in the top 5. Not bad, it still has awhile left. What are expectations for Sales FW in the US? (Nov npd)

November NPD ends on 26 November, Final Fantasy is 29 November.

It will be December NPD only.

It will move a lot on December's NPD. I hope that they won't take 4-6 years to port the game for the PC like they did with Final Fantasy XIII.

Swordmasterman said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

November NPD ends on 26 November, Final Fantasy is 29 November.

It will be December NPD only.

It will move a lot on December's NPD. I hope that they won't take 4-6 years to port the game for the PC like they did with Final Fantasy XIII.


In 4-6 years ff15 will be forgotten and hopefully we even already played ff7 remake xd

Swordmasterman said:
Ryng_Tolu said:

November NPD ends on 26 November, Final Fantasy is 29 November.

It will be December NPD only.

It will move a lot on December's NPD. I hope that they won't take 4-6 years to port the game for the PC like they did with Final Fantasy XIII.


but what is alot!?!? 100k?500?2mil? :o. We need specifics lol. Anywayz so npd dec huh. Looks like i have to change my prediction. Should have a good month, no lower than 1mil (do we have numbers fpr previous entrys npd?)

X1Gates said:
Mike_L said:

Please do not regard this as neither an attack nor an attempt to drive Xbox fans away from the site. I'm trying to be constructive.

PS4 Pro just helped more than triple PS4 sales in the UK. Here's the link.
You think Pro needs to be bundled with both COD IW and COD MW for $349 in order to sell.

A bundle with PS4 Pro + COD IW + COD MW priced at $349 would of course do gangbusters but I doubt we'll even see this kind of bundle on black friday.
I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just curious to know what you're basing it on that PS4 Pro had a weak launch.

For a console with so much hype and with people on vgchartz saying "oh the ps4 lost npd because of pro coming in November" I expected it to be around the top 3 on launch day but I believe it was around 10 (may be wrong). I only stated that they should consider packing in the cod game to get it shifting because when it comes to value of bundles the xbox s trumps the pro and slim. It was only a suggestion and my opinion which could be right or wrong. The initial sale increase in the uk may be down to the current ps4 owners upgrading just like the xbox s when it first launched. The success of the pro will be determined after the holidays when all the hardcores have upgraded. To keep the sales up sony should really consider packing in cod with pro because I'll buy it for 349 pound (I don't have the current cod and I want to upgrade from my current jet sounding ps4). Please note I forgot to place the £ sign in front of the 349 in my last comment (i live in the UK) so the original comment should have read ps4 pro+cod bundle for £349/$399. 

You came back with well argued opinions. I appreciate that. Thanks man

Bold: Without further discussion this wouldn't have been clear in a thread discussing US sales numbers and this changes a lot. I can definitely see a black friday bundle with PS4 Pro + COD IW + COD MW priced at $399. Because I agree with you that nowadays many people hold up buying a new console till it's bundled with free games.

But at the same time that's also why I think it bodes pretty well for PS4 Pro that people did buy a lot of Pros at launch without any free games bundled. We don't know exactly how many but the NA launch exceeded Abdiel's expectations.

I think the Pro is doing fairly well personally. Pushing PS4 sales in general. I am interested to see how it does over all. It has been ahead of all other consoles on online stores for a while now. And MS is not playing with all the XB1 deals geesh! If I had not got that limited edition gears bundle then I would have definitely held out for some of these deals.

I mean there is literally no point in buying an XB1/s by itself when they ALWAYS have deals where you can get any game you want, or they throw in like 1-3 games here and there.....the stand alone has absolutely no value in my opinion when there has pretty much always been some sort of deal on an XB1/s.

This will be an interesting month!

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