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Forums - Sales Discussion - Titanfall 2 fails to beat Titanfall sales in UK

Titanfall 2 fails to beat Titanfall sales in UK

Launch sandwiched between Battlefield 1 and Call of Duty probably didn't help.

Titanfall 2 launch sales failed to match up to those of its predecessor in the UK.

Chart-Track, which tracks physical sales only, said Titanfall 2 didn't match the launch sales of the original game.

Titanfall came out on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC, although its physical sales on PC were negligible. Titanfall 2 launched on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, and again, physical sales were negligible.

Respawn's shooter entered the UK chart in 4th place - a disappointing launch for a game that has been critically acclaimed. Edwin was full of praise in Eurogamer's Titanfall 2 review. While digital sales were not included in the data, it's unlikely they made up the shortfall.

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Sandwitched between Battlefield I and CoD IW. Predictable result.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

It's a great game. Releasing it on the 28th is one of the dumbest decisions by a company this generation. 

As said before, all about timing. 2 EA shooters within a week of each other, odd even from EAs perspective. Maybe should have waited til early december just before Chrimbo, after people have got bored of BF1 and realised CoD:IW is crap.

Hmm, pie.

CGI-Quality said:
Eh, I'd say it has mostly to do with timing. From many accounts, it's a much improved sequel. I'm willing to put the blame squarely on that release period.

100% whats going on, battlefield and call of duty just destroyed the sales, really poor release date choice from EA.

Twitter @CyberMalistix

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Timing is really bad. I honestly didn't know the game released yet, I always though it was a 2017 title. Are they even promoting this game since I though it would release sometime in 2017??

Heard the game is awesome, but I have time for only 1 shooter.

A releasedate samwiched between BF1 and COD... what the hell man

People would be all over this if it came out a different time.

Whoever choose the release date,..... fire them.

Being right between BF1 and CoD as a shooter.... is just.... too stupid to be allowed, with that amount of money that goes into projects like this.

CGI-Quality said:
malistix1985 said:

100% whats going on, battlefield and call of duty just destroyed the sales, really poor release date choice from EA.

Indeed. It mirrors the ROTTR situation from last year.

yeah I think even in reviews, because both ROTTR and Titanfall 2 are getting very positive reviews, they might have been better of making it a 1 year- xbox one exclusive so they can get a boost in sales next year like ROTTR :P (joking ofcource)

Twitter @CyberMalistix

It bombed not surprised. The launch date is terrible and i heard the multiplayer is a bit worse than the first