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Forums - Politics Discussion - FBI REOPENS Investigation into Hillary Clinton Emails

method114 said:
Soundwave said:
Trump is under a class action lawsuit for fraud for his Trump University, but that's been convienantly delayed until after the election.

For me the bottom line is this -- Hilary Clinton didn't hurt anyone with these emails. The Republicans have combed over them 5000 times desperately hoping for something -- anything -- and they found crap. There was nothing in those emails that harmed anyone. Whereas with Trump there are plenty of examples of him hurting people -- sexually assualting women, defrauding people at his university, and a litany of other issues.

She didn't follow protocol, but quite frankly 60+ year olds should not be in charge of things like email servers in the first place, the government should hire tech savvy people to handle that thing. I'm voting for someone based on their political experience, not their email server ability.

An email server protocol is not a reason to elect the most grossly inexperienced, temperamentally unsound president in the history of the US.

What are you talking about the FBI said she mishandled CLASSIFIED information and that the server was hacked several times. That means CLASSIFIED information has been leaked to god knows who. We don't know what the repecussions will be from that. Not to mention she is selling govrment seats for donations. If you have no issue with very important positions being handed out to the highest bidder then you are part of the problem.

Most likely there isn't shit in any of those emails. And there are zero repurcussions. 

Trump voters need something to badly pin on Hilary because they know even in the back of their head that their candidate is kind of an idiot, so they need some justification for the vote as in "well SHE HAD SOME EMAILS THAT WERE ON THE WRONG SERVER!", which they play up as being equivalent to all of Trump's (many, many) misgivings. 

Also when Trump "game's" the system it's "smart". Not paying taxes. Smart. Defrauding Trump University students. Smart. Hiring foreign workers. Smart. Visa violations for underage models. Smart. Grabbing pussy, hey he was a celebrity. 

Clinton getting paid for a speech that people are willing to pay her for? Bloody murder!

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Soundwave said:

Bottom line is anything from those emails harming anyone in the US? Yes or no?

Yes. That's why she deleted them. Odds are that what we'll find out is that she was illegally arming terrorists via the State Department without Congressional approval and in direct defiance of the Pentagon's desires. That would explain why there are so many gaps in her emails leading up to and after Benghazi and why there are 1000 emails between her and Petraeus missing. It also explains why air support wasn't sent to Benghazi because, with an ignorant populace and a complicit media, they were able to pass off a bunch of heavily armed jihadists as angry protesters. But there is no explaining away US jets getting shot down with US Stinger missiles.

Soundwave said:

Trump has an entire foreign government hacking emails on his behest (which is borderline treason, but hey lets give that a pass by the way), Wikileaks, and all that.

Ridiculous. "Mommy, there's Russians under my bed!" Russia doesn't work for Trump, nor vice versa. The DNC wasn't hacked by Russia. The NSA is the most likely culprit. Kim Dotcom is not Russia, either. He's just a self styled internet freedom fighter out to settle an old grudge against Clinton.

Soundwave said:

They haven't found one email that shows anything of any real importance. 

They will now! Hehehe. (In fact, the FBI already has. That's why they moved against her.)

Soundwave said:
badgenome said:

Dude, she deleted 33,000 of them the day after they were subpoenaed. This isn't about not following security protocols. This is about committing a crime to cover up an even bigger crime.

Bottom line is anything from those emails harming anyone in the US? Yes or no?

How can anyone know if they were deleted, lol.

Also, other people have gone to federal prison for less.

Soundwave said:
method114 said:

What are you talking about the FBI said she mishandled CLASSIFIED information and that the server was hacked several times. That means CLASSIFIED information has been leaked to god knows who. We don't know what the repecussions will be from that. Not to mention she is selling govrment seats for donations. If you have no issue with very important positions being handed out to the highest bidder then you are part of the problem.

Most likely there isn't shit in any of those emails. And there are zero repurcussions. 

Trump voters need something to badly pin on Hilary because they know even in the back of their head that their candidate is kind of an idiot, so they need some justification for the vote as in "well SHE HAD SOME EMAILS THAT WERE ON THE WRONG SERVER!", which they play up as being equivalent to all of Trump's (many, many) misgivings. 

Also when Trump "game's" the system it's "smart". Not paying taxes. Smart. Defrauding Trump University students. Smart. Hiring foreign workers. Smart. Visa violations for underage models. Smart. Grabbing pussy, hey he was a celebrity. 

Clinton getting paid for a speech that people are willing to pay her for? Bloody murder!

Yea they were just marked classifed for fun.

badgenome said:
Soundwave said:

Bottom line is anything from those emails harming anyone in the US? Yes or no?

Yes. That's why she deleted them. Odds are that what we'll find out is that she was illegally arming terrorists via the State Department without Congressional approval and in direct defiance of the Pentagon's desires. That would explain why there are so many gaps in her emails leading up to and after Benghazi and why there are 1000 emails between her and Petraeus missing. It also explains why air support wasn't sent to Benghazi because, with an ignorant populace and a complicit media, they were able to pass off a bunch of heavily armed jihadists as angry protesters. But there is no explaining away US jets getting shot down with US Stinger missiles.

Soundwave said:

Trump has an entire foreign government hacking emails on his behest (which is borderline treason, but hey lets give that a pass by the way), Wikileaks, and all that.

Ridiculous. "Mommy, there's Russians under my bed!" Russia doesn't work for Trump, nor vice versa. The DNC wasn't hacked by Russia. The NSA is the most likely culprit. Kim Dotcom is not Russia, either. He's just a self styled internet freedom fighter out to settle an old grudge against Clinton.

Soundwave said:

They haven't found one email that shows anything of any real importance. 

They will now! Hehehe. (In fact, the FBI already has. That's why they moved against her.)

Several US intelligence agencies have implicated Russia, so gimme a break with that. If Russia was helping Clinton, you would be screaming treason at the top of your lungs. 

Trump's campaign manager was Paul Manafort, a well known Russian stooge, when this came out, Trump fired him, but it shows he has ties. How does someone like that get in charge of running Trump's campaign? 

Russia IMO has been promised something awfully sweet by Trump. Dropping of sancations and probably free reign to take over Ukraine if they want. 

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Here's Hillary Clinton discussing rigging elections in other countries

Soundwave said:
badgenome said:

Yes. That's why she deleted them. Odds are that what we'll find out is that she was illegally arming terrorists via the State Department without Congressional approval and in direct defiance of the Pentagon's desires. That would explain why there are so many gaps in her emails leading up to and after Benghazi and why there are 1000 emails between her and Petraeus missing. It also explains why air support wasn't sent to Benghazi because, with an ignorant populace and a complicit media, they were able to pass off a bunch of heavily armed jihadists as angry protesters. But there is no explaining away US jets getting shot down with US Stinger missiles.

Ridiculous. "Mommy, there's Russians under my bed!" Russia doesn't work for Trump, nor vice versa. The DNC wasn't hacked by Russia. The NSA is the most likely culprit. Kim Dotcom is not Russia, either. He's just a self styled internet freedom fighter out to settle an old grudge against Clinton.

They will now! Hehehe. (In fact, the FBI already has. That's why they moved against her.)

Several US intelligence agencies have implicated Russia, so gimme a break with that. If Russia was helping Clinton, you would be screaming treason at the top of your lungs. 

Are these the same agencies that said there was weapons of mass destrcution in Iraq?

Soundwave said:

Several US intelligence agencies have implicated Russia, so gimme a break with that. If Russia was helping Clinton, you would be screaming treason at the top of your lungs. 

Yeah, yeah...

If her only misdeed was violating security protocols why do you think Clinton deleted all those emails?

method114 said:
Soundwave said:

Several US intelligence agencies have implicated Russia, so gimme a break with that. If Russia was helping Clinton, you would be screaming treason at the top of your lungs. 

Are these the same agencies that said there was weapons of mass destrcution in Iraq?

lol, no there are several agencies saying it. 

Ouroboros24 said:
StarOcean said:
Jesus. This whole election is a mess. This nightmare is only 11 days from being over... only 11 days... 11... days... 11 very long days..

Don't be silly.  The election is just the beginning of the nightmare.  Either candidate has 4 years. 

... goddamnit, you're right x~x