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Soundwave said:
badgenome said:

Yes. That's why she deleted them. Odds are that what we'll find out is that she was illegally arming terrorists via the State Department without Congressional approval and in direct defiance of the Pentagon's desires. That would explain why there are so many gaps in her emails leading up to and after Benghazi and why there are 1000 emails between her and Petraeus missing. It also explains why air support wasn't sent to Benghazi because, with an ignorant populace and a complicit media, they were able to pass off a bunch of heavily armed jihadists as angry protesters. But there is no explaining away US jets getting shot down with US Stinger missiles.

Ridiculous. "Mommy, there's Russians under my bed!" Russia doesn't work for Trump, nor vice versa. The DNC wasn't hacked by Russia. The NSA is the most likely culprit. Kim Dotcom is not Russia, either. He's just a self styled internet freedom fighter out to settle an old grudge against Clinton.

They will now! Hehehe. (In fact, the FBI already has. That's why they moved against her.)

Several US intelligence agencies have implicated Russia, so gimme a break with that. If Russia was helping Clinton, you would be screaming treason at the top of your lungs. 

Are these the same agencies that said there was weapons of mass destrcution in Iraq?