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Forums - Politics Discussion - FBI REOPENS Investigation into Hillary Clinton Emails

AbbathTheGrim said:

Computer seized in Weiner probe prompts FBI to take new steps in Clinton email inquiry:

The emails were found on a computer used jointly by both Weiner and his wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, according to a person with knowledge of the inquiry. Federal officials have been examining Weiner’s alleged sexually suggestive online messages with a teenage girl. The link to the Weiner probe was first reported by the New York Times.

Holy shit, Trump is a fucking prophet!

Nice cover story.

Trump has a weird way of being right about these things, like that offhanded 400 lb hacker line. It's fucking uncanny.

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However, I hope that the Hillary hate does not convert into support for Trump. They are both disgraces. Why can't we just have a revolution? (And I'm not talking about the wimpy "Bernie revolution").

VGPolyglot said:
However, I hope that the Hillary hate does not convert into support for Trump. They are both disgraces. Why can't we just have a revolution? (And I'm not talking about the wimpy "Bernie revolution").

Agreed I wish this country would start taking third party candidates more seriously. This would fix so many issues (IMO) but you always hear the same thing "voting third party is wasting your vote". While those same people will say "Every vote counts" (as long as its dem or repub).

Trump is under a class action lawsuit for fraud for his Trump University, but that's been convienantly delayed until after the election.

For me the bottom line is this -- Hilary Clinton didn't hurt anyone with these emails. The Republicans have combed over them 5000 times desperately hoping for something -- anything -- and they found crap. There was nothing in those emails that harmed anyone. Whereas with Trump there are plenty of examples of him hurting people -- sexually assualting women, defrauding people at his university, and a litany of other issues.

She didn't follow protocol, but quite frankly 60+ year olds should not be in charge of things like email servers in the first place, the government should hire tech savvy people to handle that thing. I'm voting for someone based on their political experience, not their email server ability.

An email server protocol is not a reason to elect the most grossly inexperienced, temperamentally unsound president in the history of the US.

VGPolyglot said:
However, I hope that the Hillary hate does not convert into support for Trump. They are both disgraces. Why can't we just have a revolution? (And I'm not talking about the wimpy "Bernie revolution").

I think Trump is the only chance of a revolution. If he wins, it's the biggest political upset in history. Between that and a world where hackers spy on the government just as much as the government spies on the rest of us, who knows? The bastards might be scared straight for a little while.

Hell, Trump even just came out in favor of term limits. I'd be willing to roll the dice on him just to watch him try and force Congress to cut their own throats and pass term limit legislation!

The danger, of course, is that support for Trump is perhaps just that. Support for him and not support for "draining the swamp", ending lawlessness, rooting out corruption, etc. But I don't really think that's the case because the message seems to be a lot more popular than he is personally.

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Soundwave said:

For me the bottom line is this -- Hilary Clinton didn't hurt anyone with these emails. The Republicans have combed over them 5000 times desperately hoping for something -- anything -- and they found crap.

Dude, she deleted 33,000 of them the day after they were subpoenaed. The Republicans didn't comb over emails they didn't have access to. And this isn't about not following security protocols. This is about committing a crime to cover up an even bigger crime.

badgenome said:
Soundwave said:

For me the bottom line is this -- Hilary Clinton didn't hurt anyone with these emails. The Republicans have combed over them 5000 times desperately hoping for something -- anything -- and they found crap.

Dude, she deleted 33,000 of them the day after they were subpoenaed. This isn't about not following security protocols. This is about committing a crime to cover up an even bigger crime.

Bottom line is anything from those emails harming anyone in the US? Yes or no? 

Trump has an entire foreign government hacking emails on his behest (which is borderline treason, but hey lets give that a pass by the way, it's just a funny joke when Trump does something like that), Wikileaks, and all that. 

They haven't found one email that shows anything of any real importance. 

She screwed up an email protocol, a protocol that quite frankly she shouldn't be in charge of anyway. That doesn't make Trump a better candidate. It simply does not. 

Soundwave said:
Trump is under a class action lawsuit for fraud for his Trump University, but that's been convienantly delayed until after the election.

For me the bottom line is this -- Hilary Clinton didn't hurt anyone with these emails. The Republicans have combed over them 5000 times desperately hoping for something -- anything -- and they found crap. There was nothing in those emails that harmed anyone. Whereas with Trump there are plenty of examples of him hurting people -- sexually assualting women, defrauding people at his university, and a litany of other issues.

She didn't follow protocol, but quite frankly 60+ year olds should not be in charge of things like email servers in the first place, the government should hire tech savvy people to handle that thing. I'm voting for someone based on their political experience, not their email server ability.

An email server protocol is not a reason to elect the most grossly inexperienced, temperamentally unsound president in the history of the US.

What are you talking about the FBI said she mishandled CLASSIFIED information and that the server was hacked several times. That means CLASSIFIED information has been leaked to god knows who. We don't know what the repecussions will be from that. Not to mention she is selling govrment seats for donations. If you have no issue with very important positions being handed out to the highest bidder then you are part of the problem.

She wasn't in charge of the email server. She had an IT tech build an email server and install it in her bathroom. If she would have used her state email she would never have had to build one but she choose to build an email server for god knows what purpose. Most likely to hide the things she is doing. You honestly sound like you don't even know what's been going on. 

Yea she is so experienced that she didn't even know that the C in the documents stood for classified. She lied to american citizens about why their children died. She's voted for every single war we've been involved in and is now trying to create issues in Syria to start more wars. Why? Why are we in Syria? Why are we trying to take down another ME leader? 

Lol if she wins she might go to Jail. This has been a very entertaining election year.

StarOcean said:
Jesus. This whole election is a mess. This nightmare is only 11 days from being over... only 11 days... 11... days... 11 very long days..

Don't be silly.  The election is just the beginning of the nightmare.  Either candidate has 4 years.