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VGPolyglot said:
However, I hope that the Hillary hate does not convert into support for Trump. They are both disgraces. Why can't we just have a revolution? (And I'm not talking about the wimpy "Bernie revolution").

I think Trump is the only chance of a revolution. If he wins, it's the biggest political upset in history. Between that and a world where hackers spy on the government just as much as the government spies on the rest of us, who knows? The bastards might be scared straight for a little while.

Hell, Trump even just came out in favor of term limits. I'd be willing to roll the dice on him just to watch him try and force Congress to cut their own throats and pass term limit legislation!

The danger, of course, is that support for Trump is perhaps just that. Support for him and not support for "draining the swamp", ending lawlessness, rooting out corruption, etc. But I don't really think that's the case because the message seems to be a lot more popular than he is personally.