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Forums - Politics Discussion - FBI REOPENS Investigation into Hillary Clinton Emails

VitaminZ said:
I bet she'll probably still win, but probably gets arrested or impeached and removed from office early next year.

This, the FBI might not bring charges. But even with what is out there, there is enough to start the impeachment process, what she has done is worse then what Bill got impeached for, leaving for your eyes only document in the public area of the Whitehouse among a few other things. So I'm half expecting another election for president in 2018, because unlike Bill this will be at the begining of the term you cannot have a lame duck president for three years, so she would have to be removed.

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Bandorr said:

Are you quoting the new york times? I found the exact quote on


The only NYT article I see mentioning it says "A senior law enforcement official said that tens of thousands of emails belonging to Ms. Abedin were on Mr. Weiner’s laptop, which the F.B.I. had obtained as part of its investigation into Mr. Weiner"

Oh yeah? I don't have an NYT account, so I can't see the article. Pretty dishonest of Zero Hedge if they changed it while presenting it as a direct quote, but a lot of other sites are quoting the Times the same way, so I dunno... did the Times edit their own article? Or are they all just misquoting from each other?

Bandorr said:

I don't have a NYT account either. Perhaps they do free articles? I can load up the nytimes article with no issue.

"Correction: October 28, 2016   An earlier version of this article incorrectly reported when the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, announced that the bureau had closed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email use. It was in July, not September."

That looks to be the only change they have made. Or at least the note.

Try opening the link and seeing if it works?

Doesn't work. I must be over my limit.

Nem said:
LivingMetal said:

Do you honestly believe in the logic of what you're saying?  Not having all the information doesn't mean something didn't happen.  Think, and stop making political excuses.  It's a fact that Clinton lied when she said she turned over all email because more surfaced.  The logic here is that she's hiding something.  I don't know exactly what it is, and I'm not condemning her of anything.  But you cannot deny the fact that she lied.  As more unfolds, the findings might reveal criminal activity or it might not.  But you cannot blame anyone for concluding so because she lied.  That's why we persue issues to find the truth, and you're no different.

You are the one not making sense. Not having all the information means that it may or may not have happened. Not that it happened for sure. You are ASSUMING without any proof to be sure.

She already apologised for the server thing. She admited it was her mistake and there was no protocol so she was left to her own devices. That does not make her crooked.

I believe the tally is Hillary lies 14% of the time and Trump lies 54% of the time. Now make your choice.

Yeah, I did. And I chose neither.

okr said:
mrstickball said:


Welcome back.

Thanks. I am trying to visit more often than I was

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Mr.GameCrazy said:
spurgeonryan said:
So what happens if she is elected and then convicted before the inauguration? Does her vice president take over or do they leave Obama in charge? Or what?

Presidents have a limit of 2 terms, so Obama won't stay in charge.


Congress can postponed the election, and then they get to pick the new date.

The president can use John Warner Defense Authorization Act, and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which allows the president to declare martial law by declaring public emergency.

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
mrstickball said:
bunchanumbers said:

Its kinda funny that Trump talks about being a powerful leader that world leaders would respect, but would kneel before Putin and kiss his ring in a heartbeat.

Not really. I think Trump's thing is that he at least respects adversaries.... Not wanting open war with them. He's generally been pretty anti-war since on the campaign trail... Negative on Iraq, Syria, Libya, and others. With that kind of lean-in for disliking such things, you really don't want the Russians as an adversary.

He claims to be anti war but he was right there wanting war and lying about it years later. Its hard to trust anyone who lies 71% of the time. Plus he already has multiple ties with Russia. I coudn't trust him. He has no real answer to fix the obamacare, his usual reply to policy is 'we're gonna make it the greatest you've ever seen. You're gonna be so proud.' That's not a real policy. He has no real answers. I can't believe a guy got this far by using general statements. Not even talking about his 'secret plan' to defeat the terrorists. He offers nothing real.

badgenome said:
Final-Fan said:

I don't know about you but I thought the emails got plenty of coverage at the time.

I don't think it's a matter of they didn't get enough coverage. They got shit coverage. She lied, openly and blatantly, about not having any classified emails from four years at State. The media made no note of it. She deleted emails that were under subpoena. The media didn't start digging. It collectively yawned. Then when it came to Trump's first accuser they actually put on their investigative journalism hat to try and disprove the idea that armrests weren't movable back then. Priorities!

This was all right in front of our faces if you knew where to look. The Benghazi story never added up, and the emails known to be missing were all centered around that. No one pursued that. About a month ago someone discovered the reddit smoking gun. That got a little play, but nobody really dug much further after the hearing came to naught. Then the DOJ dropped its charges against Marc Turi and he wasn't exactly shy about telling everyone it was because he would have revealed the crimes of Clinton (and Obama) under oath. That was a one day story for a few outlets, and then they dropped it. Most hilariously, Kim Dotcom was telling THE WHOLE WORLD that he was going to bring down Clinton and precisely how he was going to do it and nobody paid the slightest attention.

This was Watergate x10000000, and the media just derped around because either they had no taste for bringing down their candidate of choice or they are genuinely retarded. Or both. Now they're in shock and trying to make sense of things while I, some random person on a video game forum, can tell you with near certainty that Clinton is finished as a free woman come next week. Journalism is dead.

Final-Fan said:
While there could be some propaganda value to a lopsided poll, the FIRST reason a campaign wants a poll is to know the actual truth, so that they can allocate campaign resources in the best way. If they were trying to create rotten results, they would be shooting themselves in the foot.

Well, if polls are being rigged to help one candidate it's also likely that that candidate would also be made privvy to the "real" numbers. In addition to having internals, of course. That's pretty conspiratorial, I know, but I'm starting to believe in conspiracies.

Political polling at this point is almost voodoo, anyway, especially in crazy times like these. In addition to the well known landline problem, it's basically impossible to account for something like Reagan, Brexit, or Trump.

Debating and analyzing in detail the extent to which shoddy journalism is reflective of media bias (towards one political party, or against Trump specifically) is frankly not a discussion I'm prepared to go into in depth right now, considering how hard it is to separate opinion from fact and to get statistically significant evidence instead of anecdotes. 

Benghazi ... I am honestly bewildered by people who think it has been insufficiently investigated.  They're working on the eighth congressional investigation now.  It's probably gotten closer attention than 9/11 did.  (Fun fact:  according to Wikipedia, when the 9/11 commission requested additional funding, they got 9 of the 11 million they asked for.  W probably did it as a prank.) 

"Watergate x10000000"  Do I even need to say anything about this? 

About the polling:  firstly, I believe it was an internal poll for the campaign, although I could be wrong about that—it is mostly just an educated guess and the facts that I have never heard of "Atlas" and I don't believe they were on the 538 article I linked; and secondly, the "evidence" that polls were being rigged was complete nonsense, as shown by my previous post. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Final-Fan said:

Benghazi ... I am honestly bewildered by people who think it has been insufficiently investigated.  They're working on the eighth congressional investigation now.  It's probably gotten closer attention than 9/11 did.  (Fun fact:  according to Wikipedia, when the 9/11 commission requested additional funding, they got 9 of the 11 million they asked for.  W probably did it as a prank.) 

And yet they missed... everything. Incompetence or collusion? You decide!

But I was really talking about the media there. The story has never added up, but they haven't really probed it. Then again, they never really probe anything except for the lowest brow tabloid fare. I'm not entirely sure if that's a cause or a symptom of our systematic dumbing down. Maybe it's both.

Leadified said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
The conspiracy theory is gonna come true :O

Hillary wins election,then gets indicted before she takes power in Jan.

Obama gets third term

Isn't it a better conspiracy to let her take power and then indict her so Kaine becomes president?

Not really. Obama geting a third term to continue that agenda. Kaine might not follow what both clinton/obama want

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