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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Rumor: Nintendo Switch Will Support Micro SDXC Cards Up To 128GB In Capacity

Soundwave said:
spemanig said:

Maybe I'm confused as to what you originally, but you're definitely not getting that much memory in such as small form factor at only $160 in the next few years. Memory cards at that size are new, and not cheap. It's not just unreasonable, it's unrealistic. The cheapest 512GB SD card out right now is $290.

I think he's saying he's willing to buy multiple (4!) SD Cards and carry them around. 

Wait... Like he thinks that there will be 128GB writable game cards for $40 each???

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Pyro as Bill said:
spemanig said:

Maybe I'm confused as to what you originally, but you're definitely not getting that much memory in such as small form factor at only $160 in the next few years. Memory cards at that size are new, and not cheap. It's not just unreasonable, it's unrealistic. The cheapest 512GB SD card out right now is $290.


Soundwave said:

I think he's saying he's willing to buy multiple (4!) SD Cards and carry them around.

Yeah 4 of these inside a cart for $160.

"Willing to buy and carry around" - Dont make it sound like so much work, it'd be the size of a game and much smaller than 10 blurahs.

That's not happening, dude. That's not how the math for this stuff works.

Wyrdness said:
m_csquare said:

Fyi, FFXV file size is around 45gb. Imagine how much space MULTIPLE episodes of FF7r will take up. You cant even keep the game without having to spend 100$++ for memory card


Yes Squenix will support this NS, but it will be through their smaller projects like Bravely, TWEWY series, or spinoff titles

Not sure your point with XV because Cartridges can be 64GB easily without much cost, if each episode is as big as XV then believe me no platform will have enough space.

We're talking abt digital download.


Also how can no one talk abt SD card terrible write/read speed? I doubt you can even run AAA game from an SD card

It will be interesting to see just how capable the switches cartriges are. Macronix indicated 32GB at BD price so 64GB at a small increase in price seems possible 120GB though? Seems a bit much.

I'm also curious if they will have carts that support a bit of an extended write function for DLC and patches. It's technically possible and could offer great advatages over the usual digital or physical formats. No install neccessary either.

Not having to download huge games for days with a crappy connection is a plus, too.

Lol at people still expecting Switch to receive the same third party support as PS4/X1. I far as I'm concerned this was never on the cards outside of a few franchises.

Around the Network
Pyro as Bill said:
spemanig said:

Maybe I'm confused as to what you originally, but you're definitely not getting that much memory in such as small form factor at only $160 in the next few years. Memory cards at that size are new, and not cheap. It's not just unreasonable, it's unrealistic. The cheapest 512GB SD card out right now is $290.


Soundwave said:

I think he's saying he's willing to buy multiple (4!) SD Cards and carry them around.

Yeah 4 of these inside a cart for $160.

"Willing to buy and carry around" - Dont make it sound like so much work, it'd be the size of a game and much smaller than 10 blurahs.

I'm screaming!

m_csquare said:
No port for external HDD or SSD? I guess i have to say goodbye to 3rd party support then. No FF7r, No Dark souls, and definitely no Bethesda AAA rpg.

I guess at this point I should just accept NS as a glorified handheld than a hybrid console

I'm guessing there are USB ports on the dock so one could assume that there might be external USB hard drive support like the Wii U has.

Ha! Digital my ass!
Physical all the way!

Pocky Lover Boy! 

m_csquare said:

We're talking abt digital download.


Also how can no one talk abt SD card terrible write/read speed? I doubt you can even run AAA game from an SD card

Ten times faster than blurah for some, x2 x3 is typical. Yes, you can run a AAA game from an SD card.

PS3 9MB/sec

PS4 27MB/sec

SD 60-300MB/sec

USB 2.0 limits to 60MB/s. USB 3 allows 600MB/s


USB Type C is already allowing weak laptops to connect to the most powerful graphics cards available via a USB slot.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

sethnintendo said:
m_csquare said:
No port for external HDD or SSD? I guess i have to say goodbye to 3rd party support then. No FF7r, No Dark souls, and definitely no Bethesda AAA rpg.

I guess at this point I should just accept NS as a glorified handheld than a hybrid console

I'm guessing there are USB ports on the dock so one could assume that there might be external USB hard drive support like the Wii U has.

There are USB ports on the dock. 

There is no HDD support according to LPVG. 

There would likely be HDD corruption/read problems if/when people started just taking the system off the dock as the game was accessing a HDD too. 

Not that it replaces a HDD, but maybe for people who want to be more digital only perhaps Nintendo could give them the option of using the cartridge slot as a secondary SD Card port. That way you could have two SD Cards in the system instead of one, that could be an OK way to double+ your storage space if you don't like buying physical games. 

It doesn't replace a HDD but it's better than nothing.