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Forums - Sales Discussion - September 2016 NPD Thread! XBO #1; PS4 Slim flops

The PS4 Slim can't flop - it's made of hard plastic. I think the onomatopoeia you are looking for is smack

#1 Amb-ass-ador

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Lawlight said:
jason1637 said:

Scorpio = Xbox One. Just like how PS4Pro = PS4.

Anyway good job on MS they have been playing the right moves and it has been working for the past 3 months.

So, is it confirmed that all Scorpio games will work on the X1?

Yes since E3.

Lawlight said:
Snoopy said:
Xbox One doing well in North America. The most important region by far. Good Job MS.

Fairly sure Europe is bigger.

Most important region for Xbox by far.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Lawlight said:
Wright said:

Well, that's interesting. Maybe there's a chance of Xbox One to reclame the America sales over PS4 if it somehow manages to keep this small but steady flow.

Won't happen as the X1's getting killed off for the next generation of Xboxes with Scorpio.

Isn't Scorpio to Xbox One what PS4pro is to PS4? Basically we're counting them as the same in both cases.

Bandorr said:
Lawlight said:

So, is it confirmed that all Scorpio games will work on the X1?

"Initially, Microsoft stated that Scorpio wouldn't have platform exclusives, but that position isn't as clear cut as we first thought. All current Xbox One games will work on the upgraded console, but Microsoft isn't ruling out exclusives.

Speaking in an interview, a senior Microsoft spokesperson said it was 'up to developers' to decide if they want to develop games exclusively for Project Scorpio.

"I don't know about that. We'll see. It's up to the game development community; what do they want to do," said Shannon Loftis, GM of Game Publishing at Microsoft."

Although this is the first time I've heard of the Scorpio possibly getting exclusives though. I know it was getting VR games because the XB1 isn't powerful enough, but its own brand of exclusives is another thing.

Ok, so aside from exclusive VR titles, the Scorpio will potentially be getting games that don't run on the X1. Also, is it called XBox One Scorpio or just Xbox Scorpio?

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Interesting, interesting. I am not too surprised. When Sony decided to stick with 4.2TF, Jaguar, and no UHD Player, that pretty much killed the Slim. If they had released with a beefier Pro at $500 and the Slim at $250, they would have taken the last three months, but they opted for a different stratagy. They are really trying to get people to upgrade to the Pro, and get new comers to choose Pro over the Slim. Though they say they don't want to go to the Smartphone model, their actions speak much louder than their words.

PS4 will win October, with PSVR and 30 exclusive titles launching, it would be insane for XBO to win. PSVR should give a good 30% boost to PS4 sales in october guessing 350K. Novemeber will be when things get crazy. A COD bundle with the Pro has got to be happening. By then PSVR should be red hot, and there should be a $249.99 Slim or maybe even a $199.99 Slim for Black Friday weekend. PS4 sales should be well over 2 million a month in November and December.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


jason1637 said:
Lawlight said:

So, is it confirmed that all Scorpio games will work on the X1?

Yes since E3.

Not correct. VR games will only work on Scorpio, sinve Xb one does not support VR.

Bandorr said:
Lawlight said:

So, is it confirmed that all Scorpio games will work on the X1?

"Initially, Microsoft stated that Scorpio wouldn't have platform exclusives, but that position isn't as clear cut as we first thought. All current Xbox One games will work on the upgraded console, but Microsoft isn't ruling out exclusives.

Speaking in an interview, a senior Microsoft spokesperson said it was 'up to developers' to decide if they want to develop games exclusively for Project Scorpio.

"I don't know about that. We'll see. It's up to the game development community; what do they want to do," said Shannon Loftis, GM of Game Publishing at Microsoft."

Although this is the first time I've heard of the Scorpio possibly getting exclusives though. I know it was getting VR games because the XB1 isn't powerful enough, but its own brand of exclusives is another thing.

But the fact remains. Scorpio WILL have games that can't be played on Xb one. Therefore they have extensive game cross over, but they do not have identical game libraries. This is different to the stated position for Sony which is that all games will work on all PS4 skus, no exception. The one advantage of going with a proprietary VR rather than compatibility with 3rd party VR.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


KBG29 said:
Interesting, interesting. I am not too surprised. When Sony decided to stick with 4.2TF, Jaguar, and no UHD Player, that pretty much killed the Slim. If they had released with a beefier Pro at $500 and the Slim at $250, they would have taken the last three months, but they opted for a different stratagy. They are really trying to get people to upgrade to the Pro, and get new comers to choose Pro over the Slim. Though they say they don't want to go to the Smartphone model, their actions speak much louder than their words.

PS4 will win October, with PSVR and 30 exclusive titles launching, it would be insane for XBO to win. PSVR should give a good 30% boost to PS4 sales in october guessing 350K. Novemeber will be when things get crazy. A COD bundle with the Pro has got to be happening. By then PSVR should be red hot, and there should be a $249.99 Slim or maybe even a $199.99 Slim for Black Friday weekend. PS4 sales should be well over 2 million a month in November and December.

Wait, what's the relation between sticking with 4.2TF has to do with the Slim being killed? Then the next sentence you say that the price point is what's hampering the Slim's sales. 

Wright said:

Well, that's interesting. Maybe there's a chance of Xbox One to reclame the America sales over PS4 if it somehow manages to keep this small but steady flow.

Yep.  If the gap is similar to the last time it was said to be close, ~10K, it'll only take the XBO ~140 months, or ~11 1/2 years to pass the PS4.  So close. 

Of course, in Nov the PS4 is most likely to wipe out all the gains the XBO has made for the previous 3 months.  4 months if it just edges out PS4 in Oct.

binary solo said:
jason1637 said:

Yes since E3.

Not correct. VR games will only work on Scorpio, sinve Xb one does not support VR.

Bandorr said:

"Initially, Microsoft stated that Scorpio wouldn't have platform exclusives, but that position isn't as clear cut as we first thought. All current Xbox One games will work on the upgraded console, but Microsoft isn't ruling out exclusives.

Speaking in an interview, a senior Microsoft spokesperson said it was 'up to developers' to decide if they want to develop games exclusively for Project Scorpio.

"I don't know about that. We'll see. It's up to the game development community; what do they want to do," said Shannon Loftis, GM of Game Publishing at Microsoft."

Although this is the first time I've heard of the Scorpio possibly getting exclusives though. I know it was getting VR games because the XB1 isn't powerful enough, but its own brand of exclusives is another thing.

But the fact remains. Scorpio WILL have games that can't be played on Xb one. Therefore they have extensive game cross over, but they do not have identical game libraries. This is different to the stated position for Sony which is that all games will work on all PS4 skus, no exception. The one advantage of going with a proprietary VR rather than compatibility with 3rd party VR.

Basically like the 3DS and the New 3DS?

Pocky Lover Boy!